
SNV Netherlands Job Vacancy: Trainer for Coconut Intervention Program, Banyuasin - South Sumatera


SNV Netherlands Development Organization
SNV is an international not-for-profit development organisation, working in 38 countries in Africa, Asia, and Latin America. SNV specializes in supporting the resourcefulness of development actors by developing local capacities, improving performance and services, strengthening governance systems, helping to create access for excluded groups and by making markets work for the poor. Our global team of advisors use their specialist sector and change expertise in Agriculture, Renewable Energy and WASH to facilitate sustainable change in the livelihoods of millions of people living in poverty.

South Sumatra Partnership for Landscape Management Support Project

SNV is part of the South Sumatra Partnership for Landscape Management Support Project, also known as Kemitraan Pengelolaan Lanskap Sembilang Dangku (KELOLA Sendang), which has been initiated by several donors and NGOs to support the South Sumatera Government’s Green Growth vision. The landscape stretching across Musi Banyuasin and Banyuasin districts in South Sumatra province. This is a multi-use landscape that includes settlements, cultivation (predominantly industrial timber, rubber, and oil palm plantations), as well as biodiversity hotspots including Berbak-Sembilang National Park and Dangku Wildlife Preserve.

In the period 1990-2014, deforestation accounted for about 63% of all observed land use/cover changes and forest degradation for about 20% (Bioclime 2016, processed). Moreover, the conversion is dominated by cash crop plantations with oil palm cultivation as the major contributing factor (65%), 10% from agriculture and 9% by the development of forest plantations. The highest deforestation occurred in the period 2000-2010 and was around 30%. However, increasing global demand for other agricultural commodities may soon also increase pressure on forests.

The project promotes Sustainable Landscape Management as an approach for sustainable development at the landscape and village level, while minimizing the trade-offs between economic, social and environmental goals. Under the KELOLA Sendang project, SNV leads the development and implementation of key interventions aimed at enhancing the sustainability of commodities, including smallholders’ natural rubber and palm oil.

Up to March 2019, SNV has also implemented better management practices (BMP) to more than 2,000 rubebr and palm oil farmers in the landscape, including farmer groups and cooperatives. Market linkage has also been developed, including direct selling to rubber factories. Up to March 2019, rubber farmer groups and cooperatives have undertaken transactions involving more than 600 tonnes of rubber, with a total value of around IDR 6 billion (USD $425,000).

In the next phase of KELOLA Sendang, SNV will scale up the scope of work and adding our intervention to coconut sector, specifically in Banyuasin district. Coconut in Banyuasin district covers 47.285 Ha areas and has become one of commodities that support local communities’ economy. SNV will assess the opportunity and problems at the coconut smallholder level in relation to their good agricultural practices and access to market. Some training will be conducted, as well as supply chain actor mapping and private sector engagement.

SNV is looking for Trainer for good agriculture practice in coconut who will deliver capacity building at the smallholder level and to ensure that the project implementation is properly carried out and in-line with the project objectives.

Scope of Work

The consultant will serve as Coconut Trainer as part of the team carrying out this consultancy. She/He will be responsible for providing technical and coconut subject matter expertise to contribute toward the design of interventions:
  • Lead the Training/intervention to farmers (and/or trainers)
  • Lead the training of good agricultural practices and post-harvesting for coconut to the farmers/farmer groups/extension officers
  • Impart training to coconut farmers at least within three selected villages
  • Provide technical assistance in delivering the intervention report (progress and final reports)
Timing & Duty station
The assignment will be of a total of 20 days starting from December to end of January 2020. He/she will be based in Jakarta, with frequent travels to South Sumatera.


The consultant will directly report to SNV Project Manager KS.

Candidate profile

  • University degree with relevant background in forestry, agriculture, social, or development study.
  • Minimum 10 years’ experience in coconut sector/supply chain, either in agricultural practices, advisory services or business.
  • Having knowledge and experience to conduct good agriculture practice training to smallholders and/or trainer.
  • Having experience working with farmers, farmer groups or cooperative
  • Having excellent communication and inter-personal skills, and the ability to establish and maintain effective working relationships with colleagues, partners, external actors and allies.
  • Good understanding and knowledge on agriculture, forestry and climate change issues in Indonesia.
  • Experience working at national and international levels including working with NGO and a strong background in initiating and implementing programmes.
  • Fluent in English and Indonesian both in speaking and writing.
  • Ability to work under-pressure, meet deadlines, prioritise workload and ‘multi-tasking’.
If you believe that your credentials meet the outlined profile, we invite you to apply by sending your application to indonesia-procurement@snv.org by 5 December 2019 with the subject Trainer for Coconut Intervention Program.