
Lestari Capital Membuka 5 Posisi Lowongan Pekerjaan, Penempatan di Jakarta & Bali

Founded in 2017, Lestari Capital is a start-up environmental enterprise, built to protect the world’s natural assets through a commercially viable business model. We accomplish this by mobilizing new finance for initiatives that protect and rehabilitate important natural landscapes around the world.  The Indonesian word "Lestari" means sustainable, or everlasting, signifying our commitment to developing long-term sources of finance for high quality conservation and restoration initiatives.

As the global commodity, transportation and energy sectors begin to respond to evolving market requirements, Lestari Capital works in parallel with the same forces driving supply-chain transformation to generate financing for conservation. Lestari Capital supports multi-stakeholder sustainability standards by providing credible, transparent and efficient ways for the private sector to meet and surpass sustainability commitments, certifications and import requirements. We are using this approach in Southeast Asia, demonstrating how the cost of environmental impact can be built into the cost of commodity production.

Lestari Capital’s impact model addresses a critical need for long-term operating capital for Projects run by local communities, conservation non-profits and environmental services companies. Lestari Capital aims to strengthen Southeast Asia’s emerging ecosystem services marketplace, by connecting demand for onthe-ground conservation efforts among commodity producers/buyers with Projects that are protecting or restoring forests where these companies operate, to protect at-risk areas.

At the center of Lestari’s approach is the Sustainable Commodities Conservation Mechanism (SCCM), which finances Projects for a minimum of 25 years. The SCCM provides independent fiduciary oversight that ties payments to results on the ground, ensuring benefits to local communities, global climate and biodiversity. Funds are managed through a financial vehicle domiciled in Singapore that delivers payments through a custodian bank.

Lestari Capital’s diverse Project portfolio includes internationally certified initiatives on the forefront of tropical conservation, ecosystem restoration and community forestry. Our company specializes in selecting, vetting and financing certified conservation, restoration and community-forest Projects that protect forests, peatlands and biodiversity. This includes working with members of the Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil (RSPO) and those with “Zero Deforestation” pledges. Efforts are also underway to expand to additional commodity sectors, as our company supports emerging sustainability trends through a credible and transparent conservation finance platform.

Lestari Capital is supported by a diverse group of public-private partnerships and brings actors from the commodities and finance sectors together with conservation initiatives and funders. Our portfolio prioritizes support for Project models that can eventually support jurisdictional and national climate targets.

View our current job postings here:

Applicants should apply by sending a cover letter and CV to: Dr. Sarah M Walker, Chief Conservation Officer, by 5th December 2019 via email at: jobs@lestaricapital.com