
Wildlife Conservation Society Job Vacancy: Fisheries and Policy Coordinator - Ternate, North Maluku

Wildlife Conservation Society Job Vacancies 2019

Across Indonesia, WCS focuses on environmental policy, landscape-level conservation, protection of globally threatened key species such as Rhinos, Tigers and Manta Rays, research and monitoring, and engagement with government, companies, universities, and local communities. Within Sumatra, our program focuses on Gunung Leuser National Park and Bukit Barisan Selatan National Park, which form part of the World Heritage Site, Tropical Rainforest Heritage of Sumatra, and Way Kambas National Park. Together, these three sites contain the majority of the remaining populations of Sumatran Rhino in Indonesia, and are very important for Tiger, Elephant, and Orangutans. The WCS-IP Sulawesi program focuses on Sulawesi’s unique biodiversity such as Maleos, Anoas, and Babirusas, and piloting private land ownership as a conservation intervention, the current terrestrial program of WCS in Sulawesi covered the area of Tangkoko Nature reserve, Bogani Nani Wartabone National Park and Lore Lindu National Park. The WCS-IP Marine program works to support local communities and governments to establish marine protected areas and manage fisheries sustainably, with staff in Aceh, Java, Sulawesi, Nusa Tenggara Barat and Maluku, and a new program for turtle conservation in Rote Island, East Nusa Tenggara. Finally, WCS-IP is the leading organization in Indonesia working on strategies to support the government in combatting illegal wildlife trade with the program name wildlife crime unit (WCU).

The Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS) Indonesia marine program aims to conserve marine resources vital to the protection and sustainability of human livelihoods across the Indonesia archipelago from the Bay of Bengal through to the heart of the Coral Triangle. WCS employs a rigorous scientific approach to build capacity, strengthen management, and inspire community stewardship for the protection and sustainable use of critical marine ecosystems, fisheries, and threatened species. The program has three objectives: (1) to establish and increase the management effectiveness of 1 million hectares of marine protected area (MPAs) in seascape in Aceh, Java, Sulawesi, and the Sunda-Banda sea; (2) sustainable management of coastal fisheries in and around networks of MPAs; and (3) conservation of threatened marine species, particularly sharks and rays, through improving the sustainability of fisheries and trade, and combatting illegal trade in protected species.

Despite the GoI’s strong commitment and efforts in sustainably managing its protected areas, these protected areas face serious threats, including encroachment, poaching, over-fishing, invasive species, illegal logging, and mining, leading to habitat loss and overall ecosystem degradation. WCS-IP opts for an approach, which aims to enhance the management effectiveness of a selected number of protected areas by spearheading and piloting innovative interventions, which can serve as examples of excellence for the national protected areas system. Species – such as Rhinos, Tigers, Manta Rays, and Maleo – act as flagships for these efforts. WCS-IP is also exploring new methods of conservation outside of protected areas, such as payment for environmental services, engaging communities in conservation actions, working with companies, etc.

In March 2016, USAID rolled out a project called the Indonesia Sustainable Ecosystem Advanced (SEA) Project that runs for five years to support the Government of Indonesia to conserve biological diversity and improve the governance of marine resources at local, district, provincial and national level. USAID SEA Project activities are targeted at three levels of governance: the national level, the National Fisheries Management Area (FMA) for the Republic of Indonesia, and three adjacent provinces in eastern Indonesia (West Papua, North Maluku and Maluku), which lie within FMA-715. WCS under USAID – SEA Project works on four major strategic approaches in which one of them is Strategic Approach 2 – Improve ecosystem management of FMA 715 and MPAs, specifically in supporting the effectiveness of MPA management in potential targets sites in North Maluku Province.

Position Objectives

Specific Tasks and Outputs/Deliverables
  • Supervising fisheries officer to conduct monitoring activities, including data validation and management and supervision of local staff and training for local staff and local targeted communities.
  • Working closely with fisheries authorities, key local stakeholders, and private sectors to develop sustainable fisheries management policy and establishing provincial fisheries management task force.
  • Working closely with fishers, other targeted communities, and local stakeholders to develop sustainable fisheries management by developing local (village) and regional fisher groups.
  • Monitoring and evaluation of annual fisheries work plans, preparation of periodic reports to the consolidated statement input programs, working papers, and technical reports.
  • Working together with the Fisheries Program Manager to develop a co-management approach to fisheries management in North Maluku.
  • Working closely and act as liaison with relevant partners in the provincial government to ensure support in governance and policy related to MPA, MSP and Law Enforcement, and other activities in the SEA project.
This position will be based in Ternate, North Maluku, with regular travel to project sites across North Maluku. The ideal candidate will have:
  • Graduated from Fisheries Science or Marine Resources Management postgraduate degree (S2).
  • At least 5 years of experience in coordinating a fisheries management related project, for NGOs or corporates, including assisting government and key stakeholders in fisheries management planning.
  • Have strong knowledge and understanding in fisheries science, including fisheries biology and ecology, fisheries stock assessment, and fisheries management.
  • Have good skill and knowledge in fisheries data analysis and interpretation.
  • Have strong knowledge in fisheries policies and regulations and fisheries key issues in Indonesia.
  • Good interpersonal skills to deal with a diverse group of contacts (including government and local communities), and the ability to be a team player.
  • Excellent written and verbal communication skills in both Indonesian and English are essential.
  • Ability to work under pressure, and ensure the high quality of the project deliverables according to the planned timeline, with minimal supervision.
  • Having experiences working in eastern Indonesia.
  • The position is for Indonesian nationals only. WCS encourages people to apply with communications experience in sectors other than the non-governmental and/or conservation sectors. Remuneration will be commensurate with skills and experience and the position comes with a full set of employment benefits. WCS is an equal opportunity employer.
Please send a cover letter and CV in English to wcsindonesia@wcs.org not later than 30th August 2019 stating in the subject line “Fisheries and Policy Coordinator”. No correspondence, only short-listed candidates will be notified.