
Food and Agriculture Organization - IFish Project Job Vacancy: National Project Manager, Jakarta

The FAO project “Mainstreaming Biodiversity Conservation and Sustainable Use into Inland Fisheries Practices in Freshwater Ecosystems of High Conservation Value (IFish)” is a collaboration work with the Ministry of Marine Affairs and Fisheries to address the main threats to its inland aquatic biodiversity and to remove the main barriers to conservation and sustainable use of its inland waters. The project aims to to strengthen the management framework for sustainable use of inland aquatic biodiversity to increase the protection of high conservation-value freshwater ecosystems and their biodiversity in Indonesia. This is expected to increase the provision of ecosystem goods and services and enhance food security for local people dependent on inland fisheries for their livelihoods. The Project strategy is to combine mainstreaming of inland aquatic biodiversity into resource development and management policy, with demonstrations of conservation and sustainable use of inland aquatic biodiversity in critical habitats at five sites in Kalimantan, Java and Sumatra, and effective monitoring and assessment.
Under the operational supervision of the FAO Representative in Indonesia, the technical coordination of the Senior Fisheries Officer FAO-Regional Office for Asia and the Pasific and the overall supervision of Assistant FAO Representative (programme), the National Project Manager will responsible to undertake the following tasks :
  • Manage Project Management Unit (PMU);
  • Prepare annual and quarterly workplans and prepare ToR for all inputs;
  • Ensure all PMU staff and all consultants fully understand their role and their tasks, and support them in their work;
  • Oversee day-to-day implementation of the project in line with the workplans;
  • Assure quality of project activities and project outputs;
  • Organise regular planning and communication events, starting with inception mission and inception workshop;
  • Oversee preparation and implementation of M&E framework;
  • Oversee preparation and implementation of Project communication and knowledge management frameworks;
  • Prepare progress reports and all monitoring reports, x) Lead interactions with stakeholders ;
  • Liaise with government agencies and regularly advocate on behalf of the Project;
  • Coordinate project interventions with other ongoing activities, especially those of co-financers and other GEF projects;
  • Regularly promote the project and its outputs and findings on a national, and where appropriate, regional stage
  • Well managed project implementation at field level
  • Progress report available on time and at the required standard
  • Education: Advanced university degree in fisheries/aquaculture management or in natural resources management.
  • At least ten years of experience in the Indonesian inland fisheries sector.
  • Solid understanding of the socio-economic conditions of agricultural food producers and processors.
  • Demonstrated commitment to participatory and bottom-up approaches
  • Demonstrated ability to communicate, including advocating to government agencies
  • Demonstrated ability to manage, including project management, office management
  • Strong analytical skills.
  • Proven donor-funded project experience, demonstrating detail orientation, proactive attention to outcomes and expectations, and the ability to understand and effectively use information and data.
  • Working experience in international cooperation development projects
  • Demonstrated ability to work as project coordinator/team leader
  • Experience of working for, or in cooperation with, government institutions and NGOs
  • Excellent oral and written communication skills in English
  • Languages: Fluency in written and spoken English and Bahasa Indonesia
  • Interested candidates should submit a CV and a covering letter clearly stating their relevant skills, experience, vacancy and reference code by e-mail to: FAO-ID@fao.org
  • Submission DEADLINE: 20 AUGUST 2019
  • FAO regrets to inform applicants that only short-listed candidates will be contacted.
  • All candidates should possess computer/word processing skills
  • FAO reserves the right not to make an appointment, to make an appointment at a lower grade, or to make an appointment with a modified job description