
YCAB Foundation Membuka 7 Posisi Lowongan Pekerjaan, Penempatan di Jakarta

1. Partnership Executive
We are looking for a Partnership Executive based in Jakarta, Indonesia. Ideally the candidate would have experience working in a similar role, with experience in branding, marketing and/or business development. The primary focus is to maintain and develop partnership with corporates, government and educational facilities etc. Having an existing network would be beneficial to the role.

2. Purchasing Officer

  • Research potensial vendor
  • Compare and evaluate offers from supplier
  • Negotiate contract terms of agreement and pricing
  • Maintain updated records of purchased products, delivery information and invoices
  • Prepare reports on purchases and spend the products
  • Do ordering the products.
  • Analyze market and delivery systems in order to assess present and future material availability.
3. Corporate Secretary & Legal Manager

  • Convening and servicing periodical corporate executive meetings, including group level meetings (producing agendas, taking minutes; conveying decisions, etc)
  • Providing support to committees and working parties such as the the Board and its HC Committee or Audit Committee.
  • Implementing procedural/administrative systems for the CEO Office
  • Handling correspondence before and after meetings
  • Ensuring policies are kept current, approved, and there is an awareness of its legal implications
  • Writing company periodical reports (quarterly, half yearly, annually)
  • Collating information relevant for the CEO and the Executive Team
  • Providing legal/financial advice for the Group
  • Managing office space/premises at the Group level
  • Managing contractual arrangements between the company with its partners/suppliers/customers
  • Maintaining current awareness about company law
  • Keeping a register of stakeholders and liaising with them on behalf of the company.
  • Other duties as may be assigned
4. Teknisi for Terrazone Indonesia

TERRAZONE INDONESIA – salah satu unit bisnis dari YCAB Foundation yang bergerak dalam bidang entertainment atau hiburan kepada anak dan keluarga Indonesia. Saat ini kami membuka kesempatan bagi Anda yang berjiwa muda, enerjik, menyukai dunia hiburan dan siap memberikan pelayanan terbaik bagi keluarga Indonesia, untuk mengisi posisi sebagai berikut:


5. Asisten Center Manager (ACM) for Terrazone Indonesia

TERRAZONE INDONESIA – salah satu unit bisnis dari YCAB Foundation yang bergerak dalam bidang entertainment atau hiburan kepada anak dan keluarga Indonesia. Saat ini kami membuka kesempatan bagi Anda yang berjiwa muda, enerjik, menyukai dunia hiburan dan siap memberikan pelayanan terbaik bagi keluarga Indonesia, untuk mengisi posisi sebagai berikut:


6. Crew for Terrazone Indonesia

TERRAZONE INDONESIA – salah satu unit bisnis dari YCAB Foundation yang bergerak dalam bidang entertainment atau hiburan kepada anak dan keluarga Indonesia. Saat ini kami membuka kesempatan bagi Anda yang berjiwa muda, enerjik, menyukai dunia hiburan dan siap memberikan pelayanan terbaik bagi keluarga Indonesia, untuk mengisi posisi sebagai berikut:


7. Talent Acquisition Specialist

Job Description:
  • Find the right talent at right time for the right result, for each opprtunity
  • Develop branding campaigns with reputable recruiting sources
  • Create and maintain a strong candidate pipeline for current and future needs.
  • Maintain ongoing follow-up with new hires throughout onboarding and first year of employment
  • Keep current with the latest recruiting tools and trends to ensure maximum effectiveness
  • Create guidelines and policies for on-boarding new candidates.
Submit your update CV to hrd@ycab.org (subject: Position – Full name)