
CARE International Job Vacancy: Indonesia Joint Response - Field Coordinator, Jakarta

CARE Indonesia is currently recruiting:
Indonesia Joint Response – Field Coordinator
Coordination of the Indonesian Joint Response (IDNJR) is carried out and supported by the Field Coordinator to deliver the strategy and plans agreed with all members, for realizing collaborative impact and joint activities in Indonesia The Field Coordinator acts as a focal point for the IDNJR consortium as a whole, in Indonesia. The Field Coordinator is line managed on a day to day basis by the CARE Emergency Response Manager

Responsibilities and Tasks 
Maintain day to day coordination of the JR to facilitate collaborative impact and joint activities, through
  • Regular communication with JR partners at country level around programme progress and challenges 
  • Requesting and receiving informal updates from JR partners at country level regarding programme progress and challenges, e.g. in the event of a change in security, the field coordinator may request an update on any impacts on the JR programming or activities
Ensure effective mechanisms for information sharing and cooperation among JR partners at country level, including
  • Organizing and chairing regular meetings between JR partners 
  • Learning workshops 
  • Field visits to member implementation areas (as possible) to visit activities and carry out informal monitoring and site visits, in agreement with JR partners
    • Notes from these meetings, workshops and visits will be shared with the IDNJR partners at field and NL level
Convene and facilitate joint meetings of partners to discuss and carry out joint activities, as agreed with partners, including in the areas of
  • Innovation and learning 
  • Local partner capacity building 
  • Communications
    • Notes from these meetings will be shared with the IDNJR partners at field and NL level
Budget holder responsible for budget expenditure and oversight of the joint activities lines in the Joint Response budget, for delivery within Indonesian – this includes the budget lines:
  • Visibility & Communication (Indonesian costs)
  • Regional meetings (learning & preparation)
  • Capacity building local partners
  • Innovation & learning (Indonesian costs)
  • Travel costs (Indonesian costs)
  • Security costs
Communications/visibility related to the Joint Response
  • Focal point between the CARE Indonesian Communications team and CARE NL Communications team in relation to the Joint Response communications activities (keeping the NL IDNJR focal point in cc)
  • Where there are joint communication activities with the JR partners that arise during the course of implementation, this will be coordinated at country level by the field coordinator
  • Where there are communication/visibility activities at NL level, the IDNJR field coordinator will be requested to give input and feedback and if necessary liaise with partners at field level. The NL IDNJR focal point will liaise with JR members at NL level, in coordination with the CARE NL communications team (and DRA Communications Working Group).
Representation of the IDNJR towards external stakeholders, e.g. visiting MoFA/embassy representatives, other donors, Indonesian government. Representation of the IDNJR towards the UN and clusters remains the responsibility of the individual members; this can be supported and assisted by the IDNJR Field Coordinator as needed.

The IDNJR Field Coordination will work in close collaboration with the CARE Indonesia MEAL expert to ensure Monitoring and Evaluation is done in timely and coordinated matter, in line with IATI standards, with support from CARE NL M&E specialist
The IDNJR Field Coordinator will support CARE Indonesia with any other tasks within the  Emergency Response programme if deemed necessary. 
Communication with the NL IDNJR focal point
  • The field coordinator regularly updates the NL IDNJR focal point on the progress of the JR, collaboration and joint activities carried out
  • If there are any concerns or issues related to the implementation of the JR or joint activities, or any programme changes (affecting the budget or logframe) are being proposed, this will be raised to the NL IDNJR focal point to discuss with the JR member at NL level (as the contract holder) 
  • Any contractual or implementation budget questions or issues will be referred to the NL IDNJR coordinator to address at NL level (as the contract holder) 
  • Formal reporting from the implementing members (including CARE Indonesia) will be sent from the JR member organization in the NL to the NL IDNJR focal point. The field coordinator will be cc-d for information, but is not responsible for contractual requirement/formal reporting follow up
  • The NL IDNJR focal point discusses with the field coordinator any planned meetings with the IDNJR members in the NL, to ensure that all topics are covered
    • Notes from these meetings will be shared with the IDNJR partners at field and NL level
  • Qualifications and / or experience in project cycle management 
  • Experience in Shelter or WASH sectors
  • Experience coordination role and strong communication skills.
  • A good knowledge of budget management and log frames
  • Experience and skills project implementation and monitoring and evaluation
  • Strong interpersonal skills.
  • Commitment to uphold CARE International Protection from Sexual Exploitation and Abuse Policy
  • Fluency in Bahasa and intermediate written and strong spoken and written English Language skills.
  • Current ability to work in Indonesia
Please APPLY HERE as soon as possible with a resume in English.  Only successful candidates will be contacted.