
CARE Indonesia Job Vacancy: Gender and Quality Manager, Jakarta

CARE Indonesia is currently recruiting:

Gender and Quality Manager
  • Set priorities, establish key internal and external contacts to understand local gender issues, ensure that CI systems and structures are gender-sensitive and review HR and Administration issues.
  • Establish key internal and external contacts including CO staff with understanding of the social/gender dynamics and trends in the affected population, gender focal points in humanitarian agencies, relevant local and national authorities, including the Ministry for Women’s or Gender Affairs or equivalent and, as appropriate, local leaders and organizations/networks known to promote the interests of women, and Security and Protection Officers.
  • Ensure that registries, assessment methods and other sources of information about affected people are gender-sensitive. 
Information, Analysis and Program Support
  • Support the collection and analysis of sex- and age-disaggregated data (quantitative, qualitative and anecdotal) as well as streamlining the needs assessment, collection and analysis so that it can be more effective in meeting beneficiary needs.
  • Facilitate and support the integration of gender perspectives (such as the framework and checklists in CARE’s own gender ‘toolkit’ and the IASC Gender Handbook and GBV Guidelines) in the programming across all sectors.
  • Assist sectors in setting up or adapting existing systems to monitor progress in gender mainstreaming by using inter alia the IASC framework and checklists and adapting them.
  • Ensure that issues of GBV and SEA are explored in sensitive ways, and that services and follow-up are provided in keeping with CARE’s guidelines. 
  • As timing permits, in manageable blocks, review basic concepts and principles of gender/GBV/PSEA for all team members. 
  • Provide specialized sector/logistical briefings to each respective specialist/team as appropriate. 
  • Provide training/orientation on integrating gender and GBV prevention and mitigation measures in all CARE focus areas. 
Coordination and Advocacy
  • Build strategic alliances with other key actors internally and externally to advocate for gender-sensitive programming. 
  • Provide technical support to and identify opportunities for the development of relevant advocacy and communication/information materials to address gender (in)equality issues. 
Administrative and Miscellaneous Duties 
  • Collect and promote good practices and lessons learned, contributing to a collection of replicable good practices for gender equality programming.
  • Minimum 3 years previous experience in medium-large scale emergencies
  • Familiar with humanitarian programming and inter-agency coordination systems
  • Knowledge of gender-sensitive MEAL and analysis desirable
  • Proven experience combining formal expertise on gender mainstreaming and gender equality with experience of applying these concretely to specific humanitarian program sectors, plans, policies and processes
  • Masters or advanced degree in a relevant subject area 
  • Strong knowledge of and experience in the use of the IASC Gender Handbook and GBV Guidelines 
  • Knowledge of training tools and methods and proven experience delivering training on gender-responsive programs 
  • Ability to communicate ideas in a culturally-sensitive manner and conducive to their practical application;
  • Experience in budget development and management.
  • Commitment to uphold CARE International Protection from Sexual Exploitation and Abuse Policy
  • Advanced written and spoken English Language skills.
  • Fluency in Bahasa
  • Current ability to work in Indonesia
Please APPLY HERE as soon as possible with a resume in English.  Only successful candidates will be contacted.