
CARE International Job Vacancy: Safety and Security Specialist - Earthquake Response, Palu & Donggala

CARE Indonesia is currently recruiting:

Safety and Security Specialist to oversee all elements of safety and security management for the Palu/Donggala earthquake/tsunami response.

She/he will carry out the responsibilities listed below:
  • Safety and Security Management
  • Collect information on risks and update risk assessment as required
  • Develop, adapt, share and implement Standard Operating Procedures (transportation, communications, cash, distributions, etc.) for safety and security with the entire team, based on changes in the risk environment 
  • Ensure route pre-clearance prior to all travel to affected area 
  • Follow up any lack of adherence to SOPs immediately with the Team Lead 
  • Alert the team lead immediately to any safety and security concerns that may jeopardize anyone within the team, or anyone outside of the team 
  • Conduct site assessments of offices, guesthouses, living areas, distribution sites and develop and implement security recommendations relevant to risk levels
  • Work with logistics and finance team to ensure necessary safety and security equipment is budgeted for, procured, and maintained
  • Develop and maintain oversight over safety and security budget
  • Maintain communication tree and communication systems for sharing info in a systematic way, for regular and emergency updates.
Test the systems regularly.
  • Information Management and Sharing
  • Collect, collate and analyze all information regarding safety and security
  • Develop daily sitreps for sharing with the TL, country SLT, CARE Canada S&S Lead, CEG/CCG 
  • Maintain confidentiality over internal sensitive information
  • Visitor Tracking and Support 
  • Maintain the visitor tracker
  • Ensure international visitors to the response are receiving a pre-arrival briefing package and pre-arrival skype call before entering the country to discuss risks and pre-arrival preparation
  • Ensure visitors have necessary equipment to conduct their visit safely
  • Incorporate visitors into communication system
  • Give security orientations upon arrival into the country to all visitors
  • Provide safety and security advice and support throughout the duration of the visit
  • Collect Safety and Security Exit Forms upon departure from all volunteers 
  • Collect, maintain, and destroy visitor RED Forms in a confidential manner 
  • Staff Support 
  • Brief all national and international staff prior to deployment into the affected area on the risks present, and the SSMP
  • Provide personal safety and security training to all staff prior to entry into affected area and obtain documented informed consent prior to travel
  • Act as a resource for staff questions and concerns on safety and security 
Critical Incident Management 
  • Ensure contingency plans are up to date and members of the Critical Incident Management Team understand their roles 
  • Support a critical incident response by being a member of the CIMT and providing safety and security advice and actions on the response, including liaising with authorities if required 
  • Provide compassionate support to the affected staff members and families, in close coordination with the HR team
  • Facilitate after action reviews after a critical incident response concludes and make recommendations for changes in policy, process or people based on the outcome, to the Team Lead and the Country Director Liaison
  • Act as the primary safety and security link between CARE Canada and CARE Indonesia regarding the response
  • Develop strong links with other NGO and UN security actors for information sharing and mutual support
  • Develop connections with relevant authorities for information sharing, visa processing, etc. 
  • Represent CARE Indonesia on all relevant security fora
  • Prevention of Sexual Exploitation and Abuse 
  • Ensure that all staff for the response receive an orientation and sensitization training on CARE International’s Policy to Prevent Sexual Exploitation, Abuse, and Child Abuse
  • Advise programming teams on ways to build risk mitigation measures for SEA and child abuse into programming
  • Ensure reporting mechanisms are in place for all response programming areas and widely circulated among communities and staff
  • Support investigations of allegations
Required Expertise and Abilities:
  • 3-5 years of managing gender-inclusive safety and security programs within an NGO 
  • Prior experience working in a natural disaster environment
  • Exceptional ability to apply creativity, compassion and common sense to complex security challenges
  • Ability to communicate clearly and effectively, both in written and oral form
  • Strong assessment, evaluation, analysis and strategic planning skills. 
  • Commitment to uphold CARE International Protection from Sexual Exploitation and Abuse Policy 
  • Fluency in Bahasa and intermediate written and spoken English Language skills. 
  • Current ability to work in Indonesia
Please APPLY HERE as soon as possible with a resume in English.  Only successful candidates will be contacted.