
FHI 360 Job Vacancies: Office Assistant & PIC Admin Event, Jakarta



The Office Assistant is responsible for daily office operational activities to ensure the cleanliness and functionality of the office area. This is daily based worker.

Asisten Kantor bertanggungjawab atas kegiatan operasional harian dan memastikan kebersihan dan fungsi area kantor berjalan dengan baik. Posisi ini adalah pekerja lepas harian.

The position will be based in Jakarta, Indonesia. Indonesian nationals are encouraged to apply.

Lokasi kerja di Jakarta, Indonesia.


  • Prepare drinking water for meeting and tidy up meeting room after the meeting finish.
  • Menyiapkan minuman pada saat ada rapat, dan membersihkan ruang rapat setelah rapat selesai.
  • Responsible for the daily cleaning of office premises. Clean and maintain all office and pantry equipments.
  • Bertanggung jawab setiap hari atas kebersihan seluruh ruangan kantor. Memelihara dan membersihkan semua peralatan kantor dan dapur.
  • Responsible for the daily cleaning of office premises. Clean and maintain all office and pantry equipments.
  • Bertanggung jawab setiap hari atas kebersihan seluruh ruangan kantor. Memelihara dan membersihkan semua peralatan kantor dan dapur.
  • Responsible to monitor 3rd party work during the maintenance or perform their services.
  • Bertanggung jawab mengawasi pekerjaan pihak luar selama melakukan pemeliharaan atau layanan mereka.
  • Organize and maintain photocopy, binding services, document filing, etc for staff and consultants.
  • Melakukan fotokopi, penjilidan, dokumentasi, dan lain-lain untuk staff dan konsultan.
  • Assist in preparing logistics for events.
  • Membantu menyiapkan kebutuhan logistik untuk kegiatan.
  • Organize and maintain stocks of all required office supplies, including tracking inventory and purchase office supplies as requested.
  • Melakukan penyimpanan kebutuhan office supplies, termasuk membuat inventarisnya dan melakukan pembelian office supplies sesuai petunjuk.
  • Responsible for general maintenance around the office, undertaking minor repairs as required.
  • Bertanggung jawab dalam tugas perawatan dan pemeliharaan kantor, termasuk melakukan perbaikan kecil bila diperlukan.
  • Delivery/pick up important mail to/from the Embassy, post office and FHI 360 partner’s office in the absence of the Messenger and run other official errands.
  • Mengantar/mengambil dokumen penting ke/dari Kedutaan, kantor pos dan kantor mitra FHI 360 bila Messenger berhalangan.
  • Answer the phone, take messages and welcoming the guests in the absence of Receptionist.
  • Mengangkat telepon, mencatat pesan dan menerima tamu bila Resepsionis berhalangan.
  • Perform other duties as assigned.
  • Melakukan tugas lainnya sesuai permintaan.

  • Experienced as an Office Assistant in similar organization (NGO)
  • Pengalaman sebagai Office Assistant di organisasi yang serupa
  • Proven good track record in previous organizations
  • Jejak rekam yang baik di organisasi sebelumnya
  • High School Graduate with minimum 3 years experiences as office assistant
  • Lulus SMU dengan pengalaman kerja sebagai Office Assistant minimum 3 tahun
  • Good team work
  • Dapat bekerjasama dengan baik dalam tim
  • Willing to work overtime (if needed)
  • Bersedia bekerja lembur (apabila dibutuhkan)
Interested candidate please send your application letter and CV to procurementindo@fhi360.org by the latest 8 June 2018 with the position title as the e-mail subject.


The PIC Admin Event is a consultancy position who will be assistance in administrative matters and logistics for workshops and trainings activities of FHI360 Projects.

This individual would be the liaison between program and operations staff, supporting the preparation of activities and on-site work, and subsequently submitting all paperwork for any reconciliations to the operations staff for reporting purposes. The individual would not be receiving funds, they would only distribute funds on the day off and on the same day of the event return funds to the FHI 360 office, and would be providing overall event support (administratively) for program events.

The position will be based in Jakarta, Indonesia. Indonesian nationals are encouraged to apply.

  • Prepare any logistics requirements for events accordingly.
  • Prepare and make sure the documentations (event template forms) according to Standard Operating Procedures from FHI360.
  • Responsible for the attendance sheets fill out, receipts, activity budget reconciliation report, any payments and any other necessary reports.
  • Coordinating with the hotel for the lodging and meeting requirements.
  • As a liaison for the event between program team, hotel and participants of the events.
  • Be punctual and always stand by during the event.
  • Experienced on handling program’s events in human development projects/NGO
  • Minimum High School Graduate with minimum 5 years experiences supporting workshops
  • Understanding a simple English conversation would be an advantage
  • Personality traits: honest, well mannered, attentive to details, friendly, timely mannered, having a good communication skill and having a good team work
  • Able to work with MS Office (Excel, Word)
  • Neat and clean appearance
  • Willing to assist events outside Jakarta (if required)
Interested candidate please send your application letter and CV to procurementindo@fhi360.org by the latest 8 June 2018 with the position title as the e-mail subject.