
Kementerian Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral Republik Indonesia Membuka Lowongan Finance Assistant Penempatan di Jakarta

Position Information
Job code title: Finance Assistant
Supervisor: Finance Associate, Deputy National Project Manager
Duration of Contract: 6 (six) months
Duty Station: Jakarta, Indonesia

The Government of Indonesia, through Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources, has asked assistance to the Bank in order to support the implementation of Policy Reform, in special the delivery of improving energy projects or programs. The Bank then agreed to provide assistance and signed the Grant Agreement with the Ministry of EMR to conduct INIS Trust Fund Grant no TF0A0405 Improving Energy Project Delivery Project.

The project is intended to accelerate the implementation of the Policies and Programs established by the Government since that many challenges in any issues and aspects exist in developing programs (energy) such as need times for decision making process, need for comprehensive monitoring, need for clarifying policies and regulations to investors and other stakeholders, resolving policy, regulatory and program inconsistencies, debottlenecking licensing procedures and review, and ensuring that streamlining does not remove requirements to protect the environment and the people.

The Project has been started since June 2015 when the Grant Agreement was signed.  However because of that the grant type is so called “Direct Grant” where the activities was prepared in a short period leading to still need times to prepare the project planning, the effectiveness of the Project was slightly delayed.

After passing 18 months implementation with passing many challenges and adjustments, the Project has given many recommendations used in the process of decisions making of the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources. Since the grant of the Bank (generously provided by the Government of Australia through the INIS Trust Fund) is not fully used and has provided beneficial and worthy recommendations, it is continued to support the MEMR Policy and Programs especially in achieving the Objective of the Project. The needs of this assistance is in order to continue in supporting the Government of Indonesia that has made it a national priority to deliver an ambitious energy sector investment program through 2024 with a substantial portion of the financing to be undertaken during the initial five years through 2019.  This expectedly leads to transform the previous periods that the Programs and Projects was delayed because of the process in regulatory level and other issues to be the ways that adjust to or suit with the recent conditions either in social, economic or environment aspects. So it is expected that any factors including related regulations may support the acceleration of the Policies.

Some issues that would be supported are in relation to the implementation of National Priority Programs on EMR sectors such as the implementation of 35,000 MW Program, 2,500 Electrified Village through Renewable Energy Resource Development, and EMR National Priority Program in strengthening energy policy and regulation as well as their needs to strengthen the Planning and Monitoring Systems.

In line with the above subject, in recent time, the Minister of EMR has established the Decree on Task Force for Acceleration of 35,000 MW Electrician Development and 2,500 Electrified Village Program dated on November 16, 2016. The task force of 35,000 MW Electrician Development as well as 2,500 Electrified Villages Task Force comprises of 4 (four) working Groups. Those are on monitoring, evaluation, facilitation (coordination) of Institutions and Debottlenecking.

The project would assist the task force in conducting monitoring, evaluation, institutional coordination and debottlenecking the implementations of the 35,000 MW program through preparation of tools, workshops or FGD and field visits.  Monitoring activities would be conducted mainly by the monitoring working group (WG) of the task force. They would prepare tools for monitoring so that they can get information of the progress including any issues or constraints affecting the acceleration of the program implementation.. Another activity that would conducted is evaluation that will be done by the evaluation WG.  The tools for evaluation should also be prepared.  The evaluation may cover policy, regulations, program, organization or resources being used.  Such issues to be evaluated are the tools in selecting locations, the suitability of the locations, roles of certain agencies and local governments, community participation, etc. This Evaluation WG is expected to provide evaluation results especially factors affecting the success or bottleneck of the implementation.  Another activity should be done is facilitating communication or coordination with the related institutions.  Coordination may purpose for informing the program, having support or even approval of the program, and asking commitment for the success of the program. In case the bottleneck relate to some institutions, the WG may facilitate the discussion for coming up the solutions.  The solutions of the problem of the program implementation may come up from the technical or managerial aspects. For this, the Debottlenecking WG should find ways by conducting discussion, communications or other activities. So that it is expected that the Debottlenecking WG would prepare recommendations or policy papers for debottlenecking of the program implementation.

Besides, their related issues such as the implementation of program directly monitored by Jokowi – JK, program in remote islands and border areas, and the needs in preparation of mechanism for DAK (Special Budget Allocation for District) and the needs to identify the lesson learned of the implementation of clean energy in related countries as well as strengthening regulation on oil and gas are all need also to be supported 
In order to assist in acceleration the MEMR Program especially, the project would assign the Administration Assistance to conduct several tasks.

Scope of Services/Key Results Expected
Under the guidance and supervision of the Finance Associate, the Finance Staff will provide support to ensure that materials for the administration of budgets and office operations are of high quality and the accuracy of work is reflected in standard financial processes. The Finance Staff will promote a client, quality and results-oriented approach.

The Finance Staff will work in close collaboration with the other project staff, and other stakeholders in the project office.

Duties and Functions:
  • To support the finance associate in complying of financial processes and financial records with World Bank and Government rules regulations, policies and strategies.
  • To support finance associate in preparing budgets for management of projects.
  • To prepare the supporting documents for payments and financial reports for projects; preparation of all types of vouchers for the project; and payment execution.
  • To implement the internal expenditure control system which ensures that vouchers processed are matched and completed, transactions are correctly recorded; travel claims, and other entitlements are duly processed
  • Management of cash receipts and petty cash.
  • Maintaining the proper filing system for finance records and documents.
  • To prepare information on cash position for local accounts to ensure availability of sufficient funds on hand for disbursements, and timely identification and recording of receipts for income application from the World Bank.
  • To review zero-balance account bank statements in project account in monitoring; identification and recording of contributions.
  • Preparation of information on monthly variance in comparison to WB exchange rate.
  • To support Finance Associate in timely reviews of expenditure to ensure sufficient funds are available for disbursements.
  • To support Finance Associate in timely and accurate preparation of bank reconciliations.
Expected Output:
  • Financial records and documents, such as Expenses, requests, and receipts
  • Petty cash balance
  • Bank account balance
Impact of Results
The key results have an impact on the efficiency of the project. Accurate presentation of information strengthens the capacity of the project and promotes the image of Implementing Partner and World Bank as an effective contributor to the development of the country.

Competencies and Critical Success Factors
Corporate Competencies:
  • Demonstrates commitment to Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resource (MEMR)’s and World Bank’s mission, vision and values
  • Displays cultural, gender, religion, race, nationality and age sensitivity and adaptability
Functional Competencies:
Knowledge Management and Learning
  • Shares knowledge and experience
  • Actively works towards continuing personal learning and development in one or more practice areas, acts on learning plan and applies newly acquired skills Development and Operational Effectiveness
  • Ability to review a variety of data, identify and adjust discrepancies, identify and resolve operational problems
  • Ability to perform work of confidential nature and handle a large volume of work
  • Good knowledge of finance rules and regulations
  • Ability to provide input to business processes re-engineering, implementation of new systems
Leadership and Self-Management
  • Ability to work as a team work,
  • Consistently approaches work with energy and a positive, constructive attitude
  • Remains calm, in control and good humored even under pressure
Recruitment Qualifications
Bachelor’ degree/ Diploma preferably with specialized certification in Accounting. Public Administration, Economics, Political Sciences and Social Sciences would be desirable

Minimum 2 years of relevant administrative or program experience is required at the national or international level. Experience in the use of computers and office software packages (MS Word, Excel, Power Point, etc.) and knowledge of spreadsheet and database packages, experience in handling of web based management systems

Language Requirements:
English  and  Bahasa Indonesia

Application Process
Please send your application letter indicating the applied position above, Curriculum Vitae, no later than 22 December 2017 to: recruitment.inisiepdp@gmail.com

Only selected candidates will be notified.