
Atma Connect Job Vacancy: Women's Outreach Manager - Jakarta, Indonesian

Women's Outreach Manager

Application Deadline: July 5th, 2017

  • University graduate (S1)
  • Ability to communicate effectively with people from diverse women groups and communities and multicultural environment
  • Possess a high social media literacy - Facebook, Twitter,IG, Google+, etc
  • Ability to communicate fluently in English both in writing and speaking with the ATMA team
  • A self-starter, strategic thinker and an activist who is motivated to work for gender equality and social justice.
  • Ability to organize and mobilize women to participate and get results.
  • Ability to work on tasks with attention to details and accuracy and to deliver results timely.
  • Familiarity with nonprofits and, specifically, with technology and international organizations is desirable. An interest in smart city applications, sustainable development and community empowerment is helpful, but not required—as long as you are intellectually curious enough to learn about our niche over time.
Responsibilities of the Women Outreach Manager

The WOM will undertake the following activities:

The WOM will develop a partnership action plan in Indonesia to link the various women’s groups to AtmaGo. She will create a strategic document outlining all the existing large women’s organizations, their needs, and the opportunities to partner with them. She will conduct high level meetings with leaders in these organizations to develop partnerships. She will provide training as required to partners to allow them to participate actively in AtmaGo development.

Community Outreach
The WOM will work with the ATMA team in reaching out to women’s groups, women entrepreneurs, students, and housewives to introduce and to promote the use of AtmaGo. She will have face to face meetings with potential users together with the team or separate meetings if required. She will also reach them through facebook or other social media networks that are deemed appropriate by the team.

Content Development
On the basis of the outreach activities, the WOM will work with the Product Director to develop content that would incentivize more women to post on AtmaGo. She will also work on users’ satisfaction/appreciation on the postings. She will participate in survey development to develop women’s content. She will develop a team of women ambassadors for AtmaGo who will create relevant content.

Data Analytics and Impact Evaluation
Together with the team, she will monitor the postings and develop the database by gender to report to donors, the public and for impact evaluation. She will also develop user feedback stories that could be used by ATMA to describe its gender focus.

The WOM will report to and be guided in her work by the Advisor, Ms Minh Chau Nguyen.

How to Apply:
  • Applications are due July 5, 2017 . The position is open until filled. We are looking to hire someone as soon as possible, so we encourage you to apply early.
  • Please submit a cover letter and CV, to jobs@atmaconnect.org. Include the subject line “Application for Womens Outreach Manager position.”
  • Your cover letter should answer the following questions:
    • How would you propose to initiate partnerships with women’s organizations in Indonesia?
    • How could we make AtmaGo more useful for women, and more used by women?
    • Give two examples of how you took initiative in your past to develop partnerships
    • How do you measure your success?
    • What skills, qualities and relationships will you bring to the organization?
  • No phone or email inquiries.
The full job description can be accessed HERE