
USAID - CEGAH Job Consultant: Individual IT For JPT Recruitment, Indonesian

Terms of Reference (ToR)
  • Position: IT Consultant
  • Languages Required: Indonesia
  • Duration of Contract: 40 working days
  • Working Period: November 2016 – February 2017
Act No.5 Year 2014 on the State Apparatus which is a key driver to promote reforms of the way civil service is managed. The law has established the State Civil Service Commission (Komisi Aparatur Sipil Negara - KASN) with the function to ensure the application of merit principles in all phases of human resources management of the Indonesian public sector, especially in the recruitment and placement of approximately 12,000 senior career executives (Jabatan Pimpinan Tinggi/JPT) in all government institutions and to supervise the implementation of the code of ethics and codes of conduct. KASN shall oversee all stages of JPT recruitment starting from the establishment of selection committee, vacancy announcement, selection process, nomination of candidates, appointment, and inauguration, to ensure its’ compliance with the regulation. 
KASN has just developed a database program/system of high officials to enable them to supervise the application of merit principles in the open recruitment process. It is a web-based database application which has 2 main functions:  1) As an integrated database of JPT in all government institutions, which includes the information of name, position, period of performance, etc.; 2) As an application for government institutions to submit and update  their plan for the JPT open selection which include the information of the establishment of selection committee, vacancy announcement, competency standards, selection schedule, nomination of candidates, appointment, and inauguration, etc.
However, the application is still in early draft form (beta version), which needs to be tested, refined, and piloted in some regions, before it can be officially used by KASN and other government agencies to conduct the open recruitment of JPT. In this regard, USAID CEGAH will engage the professional services of an IT expert to test, refine, and do piloting of the application.
  • Conduct testing, refining, and piloting of the JPT application to four local governments.
  • Refine and finalize the application.
Five (5) days for:
  • Meeting with KASN Commissioners, and staff to gather input for piloting the JPT application in regions. The piloting is expected to be implemented in 4 regions (North Sumatera, North Maluku, Banten, and East Java) through assisting local government/selection team to use the application. More detail on the app piloting will be discussed with KASN 
  • Write piloting plan (ToR) which shall include (but not limited to) targeted region, targeted group, approach and methodology, instrument, timeline, and indicator of success.
  • Present the piloting plan to KASN and USAID CEGAH for approval
Twenty-Five (25) days for:
  • Prepare documents and other related materials for piloting. 
  • Work closely with USAID CEGAH team for administrative and technical support of the piloting activity. 
  • Conduct app piloting in 4 regions which include (but not limited to) following activities:
    • Meeting with local government (and JPT recruitment team) together with KASN team
    • Train local government (and JPT recruitment team) on how to use the JPT app. 
    • Assist local government (and JPT recruitment team) in using (exercising) the JPT app.
  • Write report of the piloting which include notes on bugs, feedback/input from participants.
Fifteen (15) days for:
  • Present the piloting report to KASN for their feedback
  • Refine/finalize the JPT app based on KASN feedbacks
  • Present the final application to KASN and USAID CEGAH for approval.
Five (5) days for:
  • Refine user manual of JPT application
  • Refine training module and presentation for KASN Staff
  • Deliver training to KASN on using the JPT application;
  • Develop training report
  • Refining of application shall base on existing KASN JPT app.
  • Final app shall be secure, not only its access but also with respect to storage of the data
  • Final app shall be designed to be multi-user with different functions/roles
  • Final app shall be able to be connected to and installed at KASN's website
  • Provide maintenance services on the integrated case management application for a year (after sign off by both sides) by conducting on-call visit to IT Team in KASN in order to provide advises and trouble-shooting
  • Meeting report with KASN 
  • Approved piloting plan
  • Report of piloting 
  • Final version of JPT application installed in KASN's server 
  • Source code of JPT application
  • User manual of JPT application;
  • Training module and presentations; 
  • Professional IT consultant with at least 5 years of experience in website/database/application development
  • Demonstrated experiences to analyze, design and develop application an information system application
  • Have at least 5 years of experience related to web programming (PHP, MYSQL, AJAX, CSS, HTML, HTML5 and jQuery)
  • Have an experience with Framework COdeIgniter 
  • Has good understanding on JPT recruitment
  • Has good communication and good personalities
  • Experienced working with government agencies is preferred
Application should include a cover letter, CV (including three references), current salary, expected salary, available start date and sample of application developed to info@msi-cegah.com  before 4:00pm Jakarta time on Friday,  October  07, 2016.