
Global Green Growth Institute Job Vacancy: Secretariat Associate - Indonesian


Location : Indonesia
Contract Type : Individual Contractor (ICA)
Grade : G2
Contract Duration : 24 months
Date to close : 22/06/2016
Ref No : STA1204

In support of GGGI’s Indonesia Country Program, the joint secretariat program officer (PO) will provide strategic advice on methods/approaches to effectively engage with government agencies. The PO will advise Output Leads to align with Government of Indonesia priorities while pursuing GGGI program goals. This position facilitates an effective coordination mechanism amongst government agencies and between government agencies and GGGI. Working closely with GGGI’s Output Leads at each Ministry/ province, the postholder will communicate and coordinate with relevant implementing ministries and provincial agencies, ensuring synergy as well as consistent and clear messaging across all GGP activities. The PO wil have multiple responsibilities and will need to be flexible and responsive to sometimes rapidly changing needs and tight deadlines.

Based in Seoul, The Global Green Growth Institute (GGGI) is an intergovernmental organization founded to support and promote a model of economic growth known as "green growth", which targets key aspects of economic performance such a poverty reduction, job creation, social inclusion, and environmental sustainability. GGGI works with countries around the world, building their capacity and working collaboratively on green growth policies that can impact the lives of millions. The organization partners with countries, multilateral institutions, government bodies, and private sector to help build economies that grow strongly and are more efficient and sustainable in the use of natural resources, less carbon intensive, and more resilient to climate change.

GGGI supports stakeholders through complementary and integrated work streams – Green Growth Planning & Implementation and Knowledge Solutions – that deliver comprehensive products designed to assist in developing, financing, and mainstreaming green growth in national economic development plans.

The PO will serve an advisory and facilitating role in program delivery, including the management of the GGP multi-stakeholder steering committee, coordination with implementing agencies to enhance close collaboration. S/he will provide input to communications and outreach activities, and the design of workshops and events to maximize result and impact in line with government needs.

  • Develop and maintain strong working relations with key government officials (Echelon 2 and 3) to ensure buy in of the GGP, including identifying and solving issues when they arise to minimize impact towards program results.
  • Develop and maintain strong relations with SC members and their staff to ensure steering committee members are up to date with the GGP and provide strong guidance to meet program objectives.
  • Develop suitable communication mechanisms and tools to update relevant stakeholders on progress of all GGP activities.
  • Represent the GGP as a joint cooperative endeavor of Government of Indonesia and GGGI by maintaining an active and visible presence in and around the joint secretariat office, at steering committee meetings and at program events
  • Ensure that the joint secretariat is a center point of program-related material and knowledge dissemination
  • Build awareness about the GGP amongst key stakeholders in Indonesia
  • Identifying potential approaches and strategies to enhance closer collaboration and alignment between key government partners involved in program delivery
  • Maintain and update, in close collaboration with the Ministry of Development Planning/BAPPENAS, the GGP webpage on the BAPPENAS website and upcoming Green Growth Facility website
  • Produce, in coordination with BAPPENAS and GGGI Output Leads, quarterly newsletters about the GGP and disseminate to GGP key stakeholders in Indonesia
  • Prepare GGP workshops and other relevant program events together with Output Leads
  • Report to BAPPENAS as GGGI’s key focal point and the broader GGP steering committee as needed
  • Bachelor's degree in the field of international relations or similar areas.
  • At least 5 years of relevant professional experience, including a good working knowledge of government relations and communications.
  • Experience in one or more fields related to green growth, including (but not limited to) environment, energy, infrastructure, or economic development is an asset
  • Experience in website management, communications and outreach, including social media and event organizing.
  • A well developed network with the GGP counterparts especially at national level
  • Proven ability to proactively tackle issues and independently deliver quality results with minimum supervision
  • Working proficiency in spoken and written English and Indonesian
  • A sociable and outgoing character would be an asset