
Job Vacancy: Prototyping Knowledge and Information Solutions for Members of Local Parliament - Jakarta

Prototyping Knowledge and Information Solutions for Members of Local Parliament

MAMPU is looking for a high calibre Service Provider to develop a Prototyping Knowledge and Information Solutions for Members of Local Parliament.

MAMPU would like to invite interested consultants to submit a proposal for the RFQ: Prototyping Knowledge and Information Solutions for Members of Local Parliament. Link to the RFQ can be found below.

Sincerely yours,
MAMPU Procurement 

Click on the following link below to see more details
Australian Aid – Managed by Cowater International Inc. on behalf of The Australian Government

MAMPU - Empowering Indonesian Women for Poverty Reduction
Setiabudi Atrium, 3rd Floor,  Suite 306  Jl HR Rasuna Said, Kav 62, Jakarta  12920   INDONESIA
T : +62 21 521 0315 / 0321 / 0337 F: +62 21 521 0339
Australian Aid - Managed by Cowater International Inc. on behalf of The Australian Government