
VegIMPACT Mencari Tenaga Freelancer Untuk Pewawancara Survei Hortikultura

VegIMPACT Job Vacancies 2016

VegIMPACT Mencari freelancer sekarang!

VegIMPACT mencari dua pewawancara telepon untuk kontrak 25 hari (16 Maret - 20 April 2016). Anda akan mengumpulkan data melalui telepon (menggunakan survei terstruktur singkat)dari petani kecil di 19 provinsi di Indonesia, dan masukan data di Microsoft excel. Silakan periksa deskripsi pekerjaan terlampir.

Jika Anda tahu seseorang yang mungkin tertarik, tolong teruskan pesan ini. Dan tidak ada kekhawatiran Anda tidak perlu berbicara banyak bahasa Inggris.

VegIMPACT is now looking for freelancers!

In short term notice vegIMPACT is looking for two telephone interviewers for a contract of 25 days (16 March-20 April 2016). You will be collecting data by phone (using a short structured survey) from small farmers in 19 provinces of Indonesia, and input the data in Microsoft excel. Please check out the attached job descriptions.

If you know somebody that might be interested please forward this message as soon as possible. And no worries you do not need to speak much English.

Looking forward to many reactions!
