
MSI SIAP 1 Job Vacancy: Website and Database Application Consultant - Indonesian

Management systems international, inc
Strengthening Integrity and Accountability Program 1 (SIAP 1)
Terms of Reference (ToR)

Position: Website and Database Application Consultant
Languages Required: Indonesia
Duration of Contract: 80 working days
Working Period: February - June 2016

BACKGROUND Act No.5 Year 2014 on the State Apparatus which is a key driver to promote reforms of the way civil service is managed. The law has established the State Civil Service Commission (Komisi Aparatur Sipil Negara - KASN) with the function to ensure the application of merit principles in all phases of human resources management of the Indonesian public sector, especially in the recruitment and placement of approximately 12,000 senior career executives (Jabatan Pimpinan Tinggi/JPT) in all government institutions and to supervise the implementation of the code of ethics and codes of conduct. KASN shall oversee all stages of JPT recruitment starting from the establishment of selection committee, vacancy announcement, selection process, nomination of candidates, appointment, and inauguration.

Considering its’ strategic role in promoting the administrative reform efforts, since 2015, SIAP 1 is committed to support KASN. SIAP 1 assisted KASN in developing 6 standard operating procedures and complaint handling systems namely LAPOR-KASN, a web-based public complaint system which also functions as case management system.

Following these supports, KASN is keen to have a database of high officials to enable them supervise the application of merit principles in the open recruitment process. In this regard, MSI-SIAP 1 plans to support KASN in developing a web-based database application which has 2 main functions:  1) As an integrated database of JPT in all government institutions, which include the information of  name, position, period of performance, etc.; 2) As an application for government institutions to submit and update  their plan for the JPT open selection which include the information of the establishment of selection committee, vacancy announcement, competency standards, selection schedule, nomination of candidates, appointment, and inauguration, etc. Therefore, MSI SIAP 1 is keen to seek for qualified expert to develop a web-based and integrated national database of JPT for KASN.

  • Develop a web based and integrated national  database of JPT open recruitment 
  • Develop a system/mechanism for government offices (nationwide) to update their process of JPT recruitment 
  • Integrate the LAPOR-KASN application with the database to enable public’s report as recorded in the LAPOR-KASN linked with the database regarding the process of JPT recruitment
  • Five (5) days for: 
    • Review all materials (law, regulation) related to KASN authorities and conduct need assessment on JPT open recruitment application
    • Meeting with KASN Commissioners, staff and related stakeholders in order to gain inputs in developing JPT open recruitment application
  • Fifteen (15) days for: 
    • Design and draft the application scheme plan of the JPT application and its supporting documents, which include: 
      • Flowcharts and other diagrams needed to explain the flow and process of JPT application 
      • Detailed description of user types, its functions and roles in the JPT application (In general, there will be three main users: KASN, all government institutions beside KASN, and public) 
      • Detailed list and description of all features that will be developed
      • Security systems to avoid the external threats (network, host and application)
    • Develop a standard form and format for correspondence letter, decision, announcement, reporting, and other form to be used for the open recruitment JPT process. These forms must be the in the same format between online or offline mechanism. 
    • Present the design, application scheme plan and other documents to KASN and MSI for approval
  • Thirty (30) days for: 
    • Develop the application, which include interface design, programming, and other technical process needed to develop the application. 
    • Integrate the JPT application with existing Lapor KASN 
    • Present the beta application to KASN and MSI SIAP-1 for approval.
  • Fifteen (15) days for: 
    • Conduct application testing for its functionality and usability and to KASN Commissioners and staff and other users (will be selected upon recommendation from KASN Commissioner) 
    • Receive feedback from users and related stakeholders for improvement 
    • Refine the application based on the feedback from KASN, beneficiaries, or other technical problems;
  • Five (5) days for: 
    • Develop user manual of JPT application 
    • Develop training module and presentation for KASN Staff 
    • Deliver training to KASN on using the JPT application; 
    • Develop training report
  • Ten (10) days for:
    • Provide technical assistance to KASN staff; 
    • Develop additional features to KASN's JPT application based on follow-up requests from KASN (if needed); 
    • Develop a Master Plan for further improvement of the application 
    • Provide report to MSI SIAP 1 and KASN
  • Prototype shall be legal, not pirated; 
  • Prototype shall passes trial stage, and be ready for use before installation;
  • Shall be single source (only one system information/master in National level) and can be used by other government agencies if needed;
  • Shall be secure, not only its access but also with respect to storage of the data
  • Shall be designed to be multi-user with different functions/roles 
  • Shall be able to be connected to and installed at KASN's website 
  • Provide maintenance services on the integrated case management application for a year (after sign off by both sides) by conducting regular visit to IT Team in KASN in order to provide advises and trouble-shooting
  • Need assessment report of the open recruitment JPT application
  • Design and technical requirement of the JPT application
  • Approved application scheme plan; 
  • Beta version of JPT application 
  • Source code of JPT application 
  • Final JPT application installed in KASN's server 
  • User manual of JPT application; 
  • Training module and presentations; 
  • Report on technical assistance, which include evaluation (pre and post test) report;
  • Master plan for further improvement the JPT application; 
  • Monthly report on maintenance service to KASN
  • Be a professional consultant  with at least 5 years experience in website/database/application development 
  • Demonstrated  experiences to analyze, design and develop application an information system application 
  • Have at least 5 years of experience related to web programming (PHP, MYSQL, AJAX, CSS, HTML, HTML5 and jQuery) 
  • Have an experience with Framework COdeIgniter 
  • Has a good communication and good personalities 
  • Has an experience working with government agencies is preferred
Application should include a cover letter, CV (including three references), current salary, expected salary, available start date and sample of application developed by February 14, 2016 at the latest.

Please indicate "Website and Database Application Consultant" as the subject of your email addressed to recruitment@msi-siap.com. Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted.