
Search for Common Ground Job Vacancy: Baseline Study Consultant Evaluator of the Project “Bersatu” Bali

The Organization
Search for Common Ground Indonesia is looking for an experienced monitoring and evaluation professional to carry out a Conflict Analysis and Baseline Study consultant evaluator of its project “ Bersatu Project:

Promoting Art for Social Change”, a program aiming to promote conflict prevention and reconciliation in Bali through contemporary art. For this consultancy, SFCG Indonesian seeks to procure the services of an independent, external consultant to design, plan and conduct a rigorous conflict analysis and baseline study.

This Terms of Reference (TOR) defines the work that must be carried out by the external evaluator. It provides a brief outline of the project, specifies the scope of the baseline study, and outlines the baseline study method.

1. Introduction
Search for Common Ground (SFCG) (www.sfcg.org) is an international peacebuilding organization that strives to transform the way the world deal with conflict, away from adversarial approaches and towards collaborative problem solving. SFCG is working in 34 countries across Africa, Asia, the Middle East, and the USA. SFCG works with governments, civil society, state institutions, youth, media organizations and other stakeholder groups to promote peace, reconciliation, tolerance and collaboration across dividing lines.
Since 2002, Search has worked in Indonesia with governmental and local non-governmental organizations, media, religious institutions, conflict survivors, youths and others to develop appropriate and innovative conflict transformation initiatives. Over time, Search has established strong working relationships with local officials, community leaders, teachers and schools, religious leaders, and community-based organizations from West to East Java, Aceh, Central Sulawesi, Bali, Madura, Jakarta, Maluku, Central and West Kalimantan, and elsewhere. Search works to expand knowledge, change attitudes, perceptions, and behavior in order to advance the practice of peace. In addition, Search has implemented regional initiatives across Indonesia, with programming focused on media for peacebuilding (radio, comics), community based conflict transformation, and state and civil society capacity strengthening.

About the project
SFCG is implementing a 16-months project titled “Bersatu”, The Art for Social Change builds upon a recent Search project funded by the EU aimed at strengthening democratic participation in Bali, Lombok and West Java. This project successfully built the capacity of 77 female legislative candidates equipping them with dynamic leadership and conflict resolution skills that allow them to build consensus and solve social and political problems in their communities through nonviolent methods. Through this action Search learned that a mix of identity, social and resource-based conflicts are a major barrier to Bali’s medium to long-term stability. Key conflict issues were an unresolved large-scale conflict of the past, increasing identity based tensions between different religious and ethnic communities, increasing gender-based violence and conflicts over land and resources usage. Search proposes to continue to tackle conflict issues in Bali through art. In Bali, art takes many forms and is strongly intertwined in people’s lives. However, its use as an instrument to bring positive social changes via conflict reconciliation and prevention remain relatively untapped. The proposed project intends to utilise contemporary art and engage artists and civil society organisations to promote conflict prevention and reconciliation around ideological, identity and social problems namely, land and resource conflicts, gender-based violence, and ethnic and religious intolerance.

Objectives of the project
In November 2015, Search Indonesia, with funding from CKU Denmark initiated a project aimed to promote conflict prevention and reconciliation in Bali through contemporary art, especially in Tabanan District, Ubud, and Denpasar.

The project has three specific objectives:
  • To increase the capacity of Balinese artists to promote conflict prevention and reconciliation on issues of land and resource conflict, gender-based violence, and identity conflicts in Bali through art; and 
  • To increase the capacity of local civil society organisations to build public awareness through collaborative work with Balinese artists addressing issues of land and resource conflict, genderbased violence, and identity-based conflicts. 
  • To create effective means for dialogue between stakeholders on the conflict issues of land and resource conflict, gender-based violence, and identity conflicts led by artists and NGOs.
2. The Consultancy
Search’s approach to conflict analysis and baseline study is grounded in the guiding principles of our work: participatory; culturally sensitive; affirming and positive while honest and productively critical and valuing knowledge and approaches from within the context.

Search Indonesia will apply this approach to the “Art for Social Change” situational and baseline study, which will be carried out in consultation and in participation with key relevant stakeholders, appropriate community groups or key civil society individuals. The goal of the situational and baseline study is to establish benchmark data related to the specific objectives and expected results of the project, so as to be able to measure progress towards the achievement of these objectives during the final evaluation. The assignment will consist of following two major tasks that need to be reported separately by the consultant as two components less than one contractual agreement;

For details on the Terms of Reference, please click on the link below: HERE
Interested candidates should send an expression of interest, a CV, and proposed budgeting plan to phandayani@sfcg.org cc: usandyarani@sfcg.org, by 7th November 2015.