
Save the children seek Consultant of Budget Influencing and Youth Advocacy, Bandung

Save the children is currently implementing CREATIVE project funded by European Aid on “Strengthening Civil Society and Inclusive and Empowered Youth in West Java” with the aim to reduce poverty and support sustainable economic development. These project objectives are: promote access to youth employment opportunities by empowering youth and engage with civil society and local government; create access to and allocate budget for market driven BTVET, apprentice­ship and decent work opportunities for youth; provide quality market driven voca­tional, employability, life skills training and labor market link­ing through government by advocating in policy amendment and budget allocation. CREATIVE working area covers 20 villages in Sukabumi and Garut district, linked to youth groups, Community Based Organization, vocational institution, local government and local businesses.

Focus of this consultancy is to facilitate the empowerment of youth and how to voice their needs in relevant to youth employment. National Statistic Body (Badan Pusat Statistik) through National Employment Survey in 2014 reported that number of unemployment in Indonesia has reached 7 million people, 60% of those are youth (age 15 – 24). Most of youth deal with lack of access to employment during the transition period from school. National Ministry of Manpower and Transmigration highlighted the gaps and challenges of youth employment issues such as largest share of employed youth remains in non-formal sectors, limited job opportunities, low entrepreneurship mindset and lack of statistic data. While other youth employment initiative, called IYEN (Indonesia Youth Employment Network), addressed high unemployment because of unmatched skill and educational background of labor supply with demand; unmet competency requirement; and personal judgment (picking the right job with the right salary). Those mentioned employment challenges would be sensitized over the youth in target districts and transformed into real advocacy action plan.

We are seeking for Consultant of Budget Influencing and Youth Advocacy

For more information please visit: HERE
For Submission of Proposal
Send the electronic copy of your proposal and the Expression of Interest form and CV to: Procurement.Indonesia@savethechildren.org

with a Subject: Youth Advocacy Creative - <your name>
with the latest date:  22 November  2015 Jakarta Time.
Please do not send after mentioned date.