
Save The Children seek Independent Auditor Service for Bridge Y2 Proposal, Jakarta

An external audit report should be appended to the project completion report(at the moment of submission to the donor).
The objective of external audit for the MoFa’s NGO Grant aims to objectively verify the appropriateness of grant fund expenditures through evaluation by the third party expert(It is different from so called the organization audit which audits that the account of the organization is properly handled based on the account for Public Interest Corporation). Specifically, it will examine if the amount figures stated in the final balance sheet are coherent with the amount mentioned in the detail statement of expenditures and also if the amount figures mentioned in the detail statement of expenditures are supported by evidenced documents/vouchers, such as receipts and other documents.

The organization requests the external auditor or such institutions to conduct an external audit using the following documents to verify the appropriateness of each registration of expenditures after the completion of the project and also to produce an external audit report on its results. Other documents should also be presented/submitted if considered as necessary by the auditor. 

Final balance sheet for Grant Assistance for Japanese NGO Projects (Form 4-a)
  • Detail statement of expenditures of Grant Assistance for Japanese NGO Projects (reference: Form 4-b) 
  • Receipts and/or other documents which verify the expenditure (vouchers)
  • With respect to payment for HR cost, in addition to the evidence of salary payment voucher, the organization should submit support documents such as working journal and timesheet to justify the amount payment based on actual working hours.
  • Travel expenses (transportation cost, per diem, accommodation cost) should be supported by receipts.
  • Documents on exchange rate
  • Balance statement for the bank account (or a photocopy of the account balance page of bank book)
The proposal must consist of two parts:
  • Narrative part, which discloses information about the audit firm, past audit projects, time schedule for this engagement, and partners’ CV and auditors’ CV who will conduct this audit. 
  • Financial part, where discloses audit fee and other charges and terms of payment.
For more information please visit: HERE
Audit firm must submit proposal to us by Wednesday, October 21 2015, before 5 pm, via email: procurement.indonesia@savethechildren.org
Recommended maximum size: 2MB. Write the subject: MoFA Audit Service - <your company name>