
Save the Children Job Vacancy: Media Mapping on Youth Job Opportunity EYE, Bandung

This activity is a part of Education for Youth Empowerment program - Save the Children and Arsenal Football Club, to improve employment opportunities for disadvantaged youth in Bandung, West Java.
One of Education Youth Program program aimed is to send more youth to be ready to work and be able to get a job placement. In searching for job opportunities, many people are still rely on the media to find a job vacancy. Newspaper and online job portal has become people’s destination to find a job.

Save the Children with EYE conducting a mini qualitative research on the job vacancy opportunities. This research will be based on media observation to help youth to get a picture about the market opportunities.
Interested candidate (s) must submit their written expression of interest along with :
  • Comprehensive resume with relevant past experience as well as relevant examples of similar work , and 
  • Proposed detail budget with proposed time lime in details
  • Proposed media to be referred in regards to this work
And also send email to procurement.indonesia@savethechildren.org by October 23, 2015 before 5 pm indicated the subject “MM-EYE”.