
Islamic Development Bank Job Vacancy: Higher Education Program in Indonesian

Higher Education Program in Indonesia
  • The Islamic Development Bank (IDB) is planning to prepare new program for higher education covering three national universities in Indonesia through the Ministry of Finance and Ministry of Research, technology and Higher Education of the Government of Indonesia (GOI).
  • In this context, an IDB missions will visit Indonesia and hold several working sessions with the officials of the relevant Ministries and Departments in relation to this project. The Bank is now seeking the services of two individual Consultants who will assist it in the preparation and formulation of the project, taking into account the GOI policy framework with regard to the development of education.
  • The proposed project is aligned with the Education Sector and Higher Education (HE) Strategy of the Government of Indonesia. It will also significantly contribute to the sub sector strategy of HE, which aims at improving the access, quality and competitiveness of higher education institutions through renovating, expanding, equipping and developing curriculum and training of the teaching staff.
  • The overall objectives of the assignment to participate in and contribute to the preparation and appraisal of the program for higher education combing three national Indonesian universities.
Scope& Deliverables
  • In the framework of the present consultancy services, the Consultants are expected to: 
    • Overview of the geographical, demographic, political, administrative, social and economic situation of Project locations. 
    • The education sector in Indonesia and in particular, as it relates to project location/region. The Government’s commitment to education, policies and actions related to education and skills development. 
    • The review will cover all the sub-sectors. Particular emphasis will be laid on education in the project location or region or province and the areas of strength and weaknesses will be developed at length. All the aspects pertaining to this sub-sector will be highlighted, including institutional aspects, equity of access (rich/poor), gender, school map and distribution of schools, enrolment, pass rates, availability and  quality of infrastructures, recruitment and  training of teachers, urban and rural distribution, financing of the sector and share of Government and parents therein,  maintenance, risks and sustainability, sensitization of parents and students, incentive schemes to attract students to education, particularly girls, incentives to availability, attract and retain teachers, future prospects for science students, access to primary and secondary education in Indonesia and etc. 
    • The policy framework that justifies the setting up of the construction, rehabilitation and equipping of post primary educational institutions and the decision-making process with regard to the locations chosen for the institutions.
    • Recruitment of teaching and non-teaching staff, 
    • Review the challenges and issues facing the teacher education sub sector in Indonesia. 
    • Review the mandate of the Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education and its performance in terms of education sector management. 
    • Proposals for and costing of the following components of the project: equipment,  teaching and learning aids, books for students, teachers and school libraries, training of teachers, capacity building for the Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education (identification of training needs, identification of needs  for expert services, equipment and other logistics, etc.) 
    • Assess whether the proposed project is aligned with the education sector policy of the Bank. 
    • Any proposals that may make the project more functional and responsive to the needs of Indonesia with costing. 
    • Preparation of a Logical Framework for the proposed project.
    • In close consultation with the executing agency of the project and IDB project team, the consultant will prepare project objective, components and implementation arrangements. 
    • Provide the Bank with a draft report and a final report on the consultants, civil works, furniture and equipment components, implementation arrangements and milestones of the project.
Reporting requirements
  • The Consultant will be responsible for fulfilling the following tasks: 
    • The Consultant will submit an interim report based on the Project Concept Document format to the Bank 5 days after the preparation mission. The consultant shall submit the revised report to the Bank within a week after receiving its feedback. 
    • A draft report covering the component pertaining to the sector background, policy/strategy of the Government, challenges and issues facing the sector, project objective, scope, components, implementation arrangements, economic and financial analysis as well as the part relating to procurement procedures shall be submitted to the Bank a week after the Mission. 
    • A final consolidated report on the outcome of the preparation/appraisal mission in three copies.
Qualifications & Experience of the Consultant
  • Master’s Degree in Civil Engineer/Construction Management and relevant fields, with at 6 years of substantive experience in the construction of higher education.
Award of Contract
  • The consultant who has made the highest score in the combined evaluation will be awarded the contract. For the purpose of evaluation of financial offers, the cost of air ticket fare will not be included in the evaluation.
Offer Submission
  • CVs and proposals will be submitted to Br. Deni Fauzi (dfauzi@isdb.org) IDB Gateway Office in Jakarta, Indonesia. 
  • Deadline of offer submission within 10 working days of receiving this TOR is on Friday, 30 October 2015. For any clarification, please send emails Deni Fauzi,dfauzi@isdb.org and Abdi Abdullahi, aabdullahi@gmail.com.