
OXFAM International Job Vacancy: Papua Enterprise Development Programme - Papua


As part of Oxfam GB’s Global Performance Framework, the Project Effectiveness Review will rigorously assess the impact of this project on the people it is intending to support. Impact will be evaluated particularly against Oxfam GB’s global indicator for livelihood. Data will be captured digitally through the administration of questionnaires, both to project beneficiaries and to comparable non-beneficiaries. The consultant will manage the fieldwork and data entry for the Project Effectiveness Review by training and supervising teams of enumerators and data-entry personnel to ensure that data collected and entered is of high quality.

Essential skills and qualifications
  • Relevant university degree (postgraduate degree preferred).
  • Experience working with mobile phone devices in data collection
  • Knowledge and experience of working in the areas where the project was implemented, with a strong understanding of sustainable livelihood projects in the area.
  • Experience in administering household surveys, preferably as a field supervisor or coordinator responsible for checking the quality of work of enumerators.
  • Exceptionally high level of attention to detail in carrying out surveys and data entry.
  • Strong management skills – able to organize the work of teams of enumerators so as to complete the work on schedule and to the required standard.
  • Good information technology skills.
  • Command of relevant local languages
  • Good working level in spoken English.
Key tasks
  • Support Oxfam staff in planning the work for the Effectiveness Review and adapting the survey to the local context.
  • Design a feasible sampling strategy in collaboration with Oxfam and project partners (determine sampling frame)
  • Identify valid comparison population, including fieldwork visits to ensure comparability of intervention and comparison communities.
  • Prepare a list of sampled intervention and comparison households (800 in total) + list of replacement households in collaboration with Oxfam and project partners
  • Design the household questionnaire in English, in collaboration with Oxfam and project partners
  • Have the household questionnaire translated into the local language by a professional translator, which it will be used for the interviews in the fieldwork
  • Manage employment contracts for the enumerators (and data entry staff if required). Contracts should be flexible enough to allow for the period of work to be extended by a few days if necessary.
  • Lead and organize a two days thorough in-house training workshop for enumerator candidates and supervisors (including arranging all logistics, such as finding a venue, printing, stationery, etc.)
  • Lead and organize a one-day piloting exercise with enumerators and supervisors (including arranging all logistics, such as car rentals). The car rentals will be organized by the local consultant and included in his budget.
  • Finalize the fieldwork planning together with the field supervisors and Oxfam
  • Prepare a detailed budget + time schedule for the actual data collection and data entry process, to be approved by Oxfam
  • Carefully prepare the fieldwork by visiting beneficiary and comparison villages prior to the fieldwork, to 1) introduce the survey to region/district/village officials as appropriate, 2) to confirm the list of beneficiaries and 3) to make all required appointments for interviews.
  • Prepare all required fieldwork logistics as appropriate (printing out a sufficient number of questionnaires, rent cars, arrange accommodation if necessary, etc.). Each respective survey team must stay together in the same accommodation for security reasons + to enable evening discussions + review of the questionnaires.
  • Manage the approximately 20-day survey work in the field, ensuring that the enumerators interview the correct respondents, surveys are carried out to a high standard, and that targets for numbers of respondents to be interviewed are met. The target is a minimum of 300 beneficiary households and a minimum of 500 comparison households. The consultant is expected to be present in the field throughout the data collection process, to supervise the fieldwork and to assure data quality.
  • Manage tablet devices ensuring each device is signed in and out at the beginning and end of each data collection day and that they are safely stored each night. Supervisors take responsibility to charge devices and to upload the data collected every evening. If enumerators are staying overnight away from the supervisor ensure they are assigned a power bank and clear on how to charge the device.
  • Supervisors should review the completed questionnaires in detail at the end of each day of work, provide detailed feedback to the enumerators, and send them back to the respondents to make corrections if necessary. (If questionnaires are used instead of mobile devices)
  • Consult the Oxfam head office advisor about any problems which affect the selection of respondents for the survey or the number of respondents to be interviewed.
  • If needed, manage the data-entry process, ensuring that each questionnaire is entered twice by two different data entry clerks. Oxfam will produce a report identifying the discrepancies between first and second entries. The consultant is expected to perform the reconciliation for these entries. Please note that the data analysis will be done by Oxfam and that the consultant is not expected to conduct data analysis.
  • Ensure that the data files are submitted online following the guidelines provided.
  • Write a brief report on the conduct of the fieldwork, including details of any problems that were encountered and how they were resolved, and any feedback which may be useful for future surveys.
  • A brief written description of the sampling strategy for both beneficiary and comparison households
  • Training materials enumerator/supervisor training
  • A finalized household questionnaire (English and local language)
  • A finalized detailed fieldwork planning, indicating 1) the number of households surveyed on each day, 2) the precise location of each of these households, 3) the survey team responsible for each of these surveys.
  • A finalized budget clearly indicating the allocation of the budget to the various fieldwork components.
  • A detailed list of all sampled intervention and comparison households, indicating 1) their unique household ID, 2) the name of the respondent, 3) their region, 4) their village, 5) their producer group (if relevant), 6) an indication of whether or not the household was surveyed, and if not, the reason for why the household could not be surveyed.
  • Successfully completed (high quality) questionnaires of at least 300 beneficiary households and 500 comparison households. If there are any physical questionnaires these have to be delivered to Oxfam in the Philippines office.
  • A brief report on the conduct of the fieldwork, including details about any problems which were encountered and how they were resolved, and any feedback which may be useful for future surveys.
  • Receipts of all payments made in the context of this review (see below)
Time commitment
  • The assignment is expected to take approximately 25 working days to complete.
  • Survey preparation is planned to take place 26th September – 4th October 2015
  • Data collection is planned to take place 5th October – 23rd October
  • Final Data and Report of the fieldwork should be finalized and submitted by 30th October
How to apply, the candidate should submit a proposal as outlined below:
  • The Expression of Interest included fee of services and payment terms.
  • All out-of-pocket expenses related to consultancy assignment
Email to: jakarta@oxfam.org.uk, with title in the subject line Effectiveness Review Consultant - PEDP and closing date September 14th, 2015.

Oxfam works with others to overcome poverty and suffering