
Save The Children Vacancy: Consultant for Final Evaluation SCI-SIAP Project In Indonesia

Indonesia is a growing lower-middle income country that has made significant progress towards improving social indicators over the past two decades.  However, Indonesia still ranks 124 on the UN Human Development Index (just behind Honduras and Namibia) and major challenges to development remain.

Among these challenges, Indonesian students still do not receive high quality education, and children with disabilities either do not go to school at all or go to schools that are not ready for them. 

We are seeking: Consultant for Final Evaluation SCI-SIAP Project
For detail information, please visit: HERE
Interested consultants must submit proposal by email to procurement.indonesia@savethechildren.org by August 18th 2015 before 5 pm with a Subject: RFP –Consultant for Final Evaluation SCI-SIAP Project.

Further Information
For information regarding this engagement, please contact:
Kiagus Sobri (MEAL Officer – SIAP Project)