
Call for Proposal for Organization Technical Support to the Indonesian Disaster Management Agency, Jakarta

Technical Support to the Indonesian Disaster Management Agency (BNPB) Training and Education Center (Pusdiklat) as part of the TATTs Consortium
1.         Background
The USAID/OFDA-funded Institutionalizing Disaster Preparedness and Management Capacity of BPBDs in Indonesia through Technical Assistance and Training Teams (TATTs) program aims to increase the institutional and technical capacity of provincial disaster management agencies (BPBDs) in Maluku, North Maluku, West Papua, Papua, Southeast Sulawesi and Central Java. The initial two-year TATTs program began in October 2014 and works in partnership with the National Disaster Management Agency (BNPB) to ensure that activities align with national DRM policy and training curriculum while at the same time utilizing opportunities to review and improve national training modules.
TATTs represents a consortium approach to achieving improved DRM outcomes.  Mercy Corps Indonesia has established technical assistance teams within each of the target provincial BPBD offices to provide day-to-day support to BPBD staff and manage a range of capacity development activities that have been tailored to suit the needs of the individual provinces. Under the strategic management of the TATTs Chief of Party, these capacity development initiatives are supported by the following consortium partners: 1) Arbeiter-Samariter-Bund (ASB) specializes in disability and inclusion in disaster risk reduction (DRR) and provides training, mentoring and support to the TATTs program to ensure that provincial BPBDs are better able to deliver inclusive DRM services; 2) The Indonesian University Forum for Disaster Risk Reduction (UF-DRR) works to increase the capacity of local universities to engage in disaster risk reduction and partner with local government on improved disaster risk management outcomes; and 3) Cardno Emerging Markets is a leading US managing contractor responsible for the provision and management of short term technical assistance to support the TATTs program.
The TATTs program has two strategic objectives: that BPBDs in target provinces are delivering inclusive DRM services; and that DRM technical training delivery has been institutionalized both at the target sub-national and national levels. To achieve this TATTs needs to work in partnership with BNPB’s Training and Education Center (Pusdiklat) to deliver national training to provinces and pilot districts.
2.            Call for Proposal
The TATTs program is looking to contract an organization to provide specialist support to the BNPB Pusdiklat. The following key areas have been identified and agreed with the Pusdiklat
a)    Curriculum and training module review. This includes methodology for review, assessment tools for practical training trials, and systems for collection and feedback of information to enable curriculum and/or training modules to be expanded and/or improved; In addition, mapping out the he development of a system within BNPB for the future review and trial of new DRM curriculum and training modules.
b)    Development of a national facilitator database. This includes a development of a system of recruitment and maintenance of internal and external facilitators. The system should also identify need for refresher training etc. Through links with the TATTs program the national facilitator database should link to provincial pools of facilitators.
c)    Accreditation and certification. There is an increasing demand within BNPB and throughout the DRM sector for improved accreditation for training conducted. In addition, a Professional Certification Institute for DRM (LSP-PB) for the professionalization of the DRM sector is in early development, with initial focus on emergency response specialists.
Each of these key strategic areas links to the TATTs program logic and the capacity develop activities being implemented at the provincial level. The contracted organization would be an integral partner in the TATTs consortium and thus come under the strategic direction of the TATTs Chief of Party. The organization would also be expected to work closely with the TATTs National Training Coordinator and other consortium members.
3.            Budget and Scheduling
The contract period will be for approximately 15 months (up to 30 September 2016). This will depend upon the contract negotiations and contract signing.
The contract will not exceed USD 286,920 (Two Hundred and Eighty Thousand Nine Hundred and Twenty Dollars) inclusive taxation.
4.            Minimum Requirements
As this is a long-term contract, the contracted organization should be a registered Indonesian entity or, if an international organization, must have a memorandum of understanding (MoU) with an Indonesian ministry that enables operations in Indonesia.
At a minimum the following key specialist positions will be required:
·         At least one (1) fulltime adult education specialist or similar to assist with curriculum and training module review systems (additional experts may be needed depending on the topics of the module)
·         At least one (1) fulltime human resource specialist or similar to assist with development of facilitator database and associated systems;
·         At least one (1) fulltime accreditation systems specialist or similar to assist with the development of improved accreditation and certification.
It is expected that the nominated specialists have experience and/or understanding of the Indonesian disaster risk management sector.
The submitted proposal should be no more than five (5) pages. It should outline:
1)    Professional background of the organization;
2)    Names and bio-information on the nominated fulltime specialists plus information of any other identified positions including part-time specialists and administrative support (CVs of nominated fulltime specialists may be added in additional appendix);
3)    An outline of your approach and or methodology in achieving outcomes in the three (3) identified support areas;
5.            Selection Process
Only shortlisted organizations will be contacted. The selection committee will include representatives of the TATTs Program and BNPB.
6.            Deadline
Proposals need to be submitted to the following email address by Friday 12 June 2015
Email address: proposal.tatts@id.mercycorps.org

Thank you,
Mercy Corps Indonesia