
Save the Children seeks Consultant for Market Assessment Skills to Succed, Bandung

Save the Children needs Consultant for Market Assessment Skills to Succedd based in Bandung.

Save the Children conducts a highly localized Labor Market Assessment (LMA) in each project area (Bandung and Lampung) in order to identify relevant sectors and the specific job opportunities that would be available for youth after graduating from the program. While each geographic area. Over the past two years, the program has identified a number of sectors that stand out as having strong potential for job creation and absorption of trained youth in the long term.

Please find the Scope of Work by clicking: ­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­HERE

Consulting firm or individual must submit their proposal and the Expression of Interest form (attached) and institution experience form Send the electronic copy of your proposal and the Expression of Interest form and Power point presentation material to: procurement.indonesia@savethechildren.org with a Subject: Market Assessment Skills to Succeed- <your company/name> with the latest date: April 23rd 2015 before 4 PM Jakarta Time. Please do not send after this date

Best regards,
Human Resources Department
Save the Children