
MSI - SIAP1 Job Vacancy: Research and Concept Paper Consultant, Jakarta

Management System International (MSI)
                                Strengthening Integrity and Accountability Program (SIAP 1)

Terms of Reference (TOR)
Position                       : Research and Concept Paper Consultant
Project Involved        : Preventing Corruption in Private Sector
Duration of Contract: 30 days
Contract Period         : April – June 2015
Overview of MSI/SIAP I
Launched in January 2011, the USAID-funded MSI/SIAP I program aims to contribute to good governance in Indonesia by strengthening integrity and accountability in government principally at the national level. It does this by supporting governmental and non-governmental efforts to strengthen the effectiveness of accountability bodies; external monitoring; and mobilizing public support.
Background and Scope of Work
Corruption in the business or private sectors takes many forms, among them bribery, undue influence and collusion. Private sector corruption erodes confidence in public and government institutions and deprives citizens of the capital needed for economic growth, as well as contributing to environmental damage, health and safety problems and economic instability. In Indonesia, the private sector is one of the actors that has helped perpetuate corruption. At the same time, the private sector requires legal certainty to determine the rules of the game and make investment decisions. This has been absent to date, causing a fertile ground for both coercion by government and voluntary corruption by businesses.
SIAP 1 will assist state agency in identifying the best approaches to decrease opportunities for such corruption, focusing on speedy and effective administrative or civil sanctions, as opposed to the more complex and well-established criminal prosecutions. The consultancy entails extensive and in-depth research and writing, a commitment to deadlines while at the same time accommodating flexibility with regards to some shifts in deadlines and will also work closely with state agency to manage these challenges.
  1. The consultant shall work in close collaboration with state agency and SIAP I will prepare a high-quality paper study pertaining to prevention corruption in the private sector.
  2. The consultant will be involved in discussion forum to analyse and find the root cause of problem and solutions which will involve various stakeholder associated with the business sector.
  3. The consultant will draft recommendations for guidelines to implement prevention and investigation of corruption in the private sector.
The deliverables of the consultancy will be to complete a final report with findings and recommendations which will include an Executive Summay, a report’s body and Annexes detailing:
  1. Report on prevention corruption in the private sector.
  2. An analytical overview on international best practices.
  3. Provide specific recommendations in regards to application of international best practices model and resources including whether specific program should be delivered in an alternate way.
  4. Provide and present final reports detailed findings and recommendations including the expected improvements in regulations and governance in private sector.
Eligibility Requirements
·         Advanced university degree and at least 3 years of experience of work in relevant areas.
·         In depth knowledge of substantive corruption issues and experience with producing rigorous analysis. Relevant publication list on corruption is a strong asset.
·         Availability and motivation to commit significant time to the process of producing a high-quality product.
·         Proven skills in analyzing the policy process and understanding institutional dynamics and developing the recommendations based on the observations
·         Superior analytical and writing skills, preferably demonstrated by the peer-reviewed journals.
·         Previous experience in working with USAID is an asset.
Application should include a cover letter, CV (including three references), current salary, expected salary and available start date by March 31, 2015 at the latest.
Please send applications indicating ‘Research’ as the subject of your email addressed to recruitment@msi-siap.com. Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted.