
MSI SIAP 1 Vacancy: SOP Developer Consultant - Code Etics, Jakarta

Management Systems International, inc
Strengthening Integrity and Accountability Program 1 (SIAP 1)
Terms of Reference (ToR)
Position                                            : SOP Developer - Expert on Drafting The Standard Operating Procedures for Code of Conduct and Business Travel Policy
Languages Required                 : Indonesia
Duration of Contract                : 25 working days
Working Period                           : April - July 2015
Act No.5 Year 2014 on the State Apparatus which has been recently enacted is a key driver to promote reforms of the way civil service is managed. The law has established the State Civilian Bureaucracy Commission (Komisi Aparatur Sipil Negara - KASN) with the function to ensure the application of merit principles in all phases of human resources management of the Indonesian public sector, especially in the recruitment and placement of approximately 12,000 senior career executives in all government institutions and to supervise the implementation of the code of ethics and codes of conduct.
Subsequent to the enactment of the Act, through Presidential Decree No. 141/M/2014 dated, September 30, 2014, President Yudhoyono appointed seven Commissioners with outstanding experience in human resources policy making and management. The Commissioners were inaugurated by President Joko Widodo on November 27, 2014. As a newly established agency, KASN is in need of support in building its institutional capacity to cope with the topical challenges and high expectations of the Indonesian public for a clean and efficient government.
One of their duty is to conduct a mapping towards the promotion of around 12.000 government high-level positions or known as echelon I and II officials. This is due to KASN’s attempt to ensure wether the promotion is in accordance to merit system principals.
In this regard, MSI-SIAP 1 plans to support KASN in developing their internal Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) as a guidance towards KASN’s performance in order to maintain their quality control and quality assurance processes and ensure compliance with governmental regulations, which cover the areas of:
a)      Code of Conduct
b)     Business Travel Policy
c)      Performance Evaluation
d)     Investigation of Public Complaints
e)      Monitoring and Evaluation in the placement of high level position
f)       Public Relations (Information Dissemination)
To support this effort, MSI SIAP-1 will hire several SOP writer. As a prelude in developing the SOP, the consultant will need to assess the technical requirements required to develop the SOP initial draft. Moreover, the consultant will assess the Law and Business Process in order to gain insights that need to be addressed in drafting the SOP. The draft design of the SOP is expected to become a basis in establishing a standarized manual as the expected output. Finally, the consultant will provide a technical module/guidance book and deliver a presentation as part of the socialization of the SOP to KASN Commissioners and staff.
A.     Objective: 
A standardized and detailed SOP for Code of Conduct and Business Travel Policy  developed.
B.     Activities:
1.      Five (5) days for:
a.       Working together with other SOP consultants in conducting a desk review of the existing  legal framework, policies and regulations related to KASN roles and authorities.
b.       Working together with other SOP consultants in conducting interviews and consultative meetings with KASN Commissioners, staff and related stakeholders in order to identify their expectations regarding the work and role of KASN
2.      Fifteen (15) days for:
a.       Develop SOP for for Code of Conduct and Ethics, include but not limited to:
·         General Employment Principles
·         Gratuities / Gift and Entertainment
·         Conflict of Interest
·         Contracting, Subcontracting and Procurement
·         Use of Facilities and Equipment
·         Organizational Structure
·         All of those aboves to be completed with do and don’t list
·         others
b.       Develop SOP for Travel & Business Expenses Policy, include but not limited to :
·         Procedure on Requesting Business Travel
·         Approval/Authorization process
·         Transportation, Accommodation, and meals allowance guidelines
·         Expense Reporting
·         Travel report
·         Documentation requirements
3.      Three (3) days for:
a.       Develop presentation on the draft of SOPs (separately);
b.       Deliver presentation to KASN on the draft of SOPs
c.       Finalize the SOP based on feedback from related stakeholders
4. Two (2) days for:
a.       Provide report to MSI SIAP 1 and KASN
1.       Desk review
2.       Meeting reports with KASN
3.       Draft of the SOP on Code of Conduct,
4.       Draft of the SOP Business Travel Policy,
5.       Presentation materials
6.       Final SOP for Code of Conduct,
7.       Final SOP Business Travel Policy,
8.       Final report
1.       Master Degree in management, public administration, or any closely related field is preferred.
2.       Be a professional consultant in  project management and institutional arrangement with at least 5 years experience
3.       Demonstrated  experiences in developing SOP for at least 3 years
4.       Demonstrated knowledge and experience working on administrative and bureaucratic reform issues
5.       Skills in accessing MS Office
6.       Has a good communication and good personalities
7.       Has an experience working with government agencies is preferred
Application should include a cover letter, CV (including three references), current salary, expected salary, available start date by April 2, 2015 at the latest.
Please indicate ‘SOP Developer-1, as the subject of your email addressed to recruitment@msi-siap.com. Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted.