
Lowongan Consultants for Need Assessment of the Supreme Court’s Library - Jakarta

Location                    : Jakarta, Indonesia
Application Deadline   : 09 March 2015
Type of Contract        : Part Time Consultant (on daily basis)
Duration of Contract   : 3 months (36 days maximum)

A.    Project Context
The Judicial Sector Support Program aims to contribute to the enhancement of the rule of law in Indonesia by improving the institutional capacity of the judiciary and the public prosecution. The program is promoted by the Indonesian Supreme Court (Mahkamah Agung) and the Attorney General’s Office (Kejaksaan Agung), and the Judicial Commission (Komisi Yudisial). It builds on the existing cooperation between the respective Indonesia and Netherlands institutions (Mahkamah Agung and Hoge Raad; Judicial Training Institute under Mahkamah Agung, Attorney General’s Office Training Body and Stichting Studiecentrum Rechtspleging; Komisi Yudisial and Raad voor de Rechtspraak). The program developed based on the policy of Mahkamah Agung as outlined in the Blueprint for Judicial Reform 2010-2035, and on the added value of the Netherlands experience to the proposed activities. The program management is conducted by the Center for International Legal Cooperation in The Hague in partnership with the Indonesian Institute for Independent Judiciary (LeIP) in Jakarta.

B.    Need Assessment of the Supreme Court’s Library
The Supreme Court’s Library was established in 1972 in a bid to serve the needs for Justices for literature and references. The library is a division unit under Bureau of Law and Public Relation named Division of Library and Information Service in charge of three Sub Division namely Sub Division Library, Sub Division Publication and Sub Division Information Service. It operates Online Public Access Catalog (OPAC) as means to expedite research facility. In 2013, Supreme Court library serve no less than 200 visitor monthly, consist of internal staff, student, researchers, and practitioners. The library offers various collection consist of law magazines, newspaper, encyclopaedia, dictionary, thesis, paper, regulation published regularly by Supreme Court, such as Circular, Regulation, Jurisprudence, Journals such as Varia Peradilan, Mimbar Hukum, etc. Up to August 2012, it has no less than 33,134 books, 9,499 items of reference/magazine and 3,620 collection of microfiche of old State Gazettes, law magazines microfiche and CDROMs.

The objective of the activity is to improve capacity of the Supreme Court of the Republic of Indonesia’s law library in providing high quality service to the users and the management of a modern law library. In relation with that, preliminary assessment of shall be conducted in order to identify the need and determined agreed priorities to immediately achieve desired results. Scope of the assessment may include collection, infrastructure, and governance as well as human resources needs of the court’s library. Result of the assessment shall be used as basis to among other thing, to confirm the next activities supported under this program, particularly on improving capacity of both institution and human resource of the library.

All activities under the specific tasks of consultants should be conducted in close coordination with the Supreme Court as the leading partner of the project component.
  • To prepare assessment guidance/tools; 
  • To collect relevant data and information needed as part of assessment;
  • To draft a written assessment and capacity building program design both for institutional and library’s staff; 
  • To provide inputs and recommendation as part of assessment;
C.    Expected results
The concrete result of the activity is a Need Assessment Report including Capacity Building Program Design. 

D.    Timing
The assessment will be carried out from 1 April 2015 to 30 June 2015. 

E.     Qualification
The consultants must have the following qualifications:
  • Degree on library from accredited education institutions; 
  • Minimum 5 years practical experiences as law librarians. 
  • Experience in preparing, organizing and drawing up need assessment of a library according to the above outline; 
  • Working with any judicial institution is an added value.
Interested candidates should provide cover letter, CV and offering letter for his/her consultancy fee (daily rate) and send all documents to: procurement.jssp@gmail.com not later than Monday, 9 March 2015 at 5pm. Please put “Need Assessment of Library MA” on the subject of your email. Only shortlisted candidates shall be contacted