
UNICEF Indonesia Job Vacancy: Senior Consultant for Management of PKH Nutrition Project, Jakarta

Posting date 16 February 2015

UNICEF Indonesia welcomes applications from qualified candidates for the term of reference below. Interested applicants should submit electronically their application letter, complete curriculum vitae, updated P11 form accompanied by copy of university degree and/or any other relevant certificates addressed to:

(Please quote the reference number to which you are applying for in the subject line:
VR-15-003 National Consultant: Senior Consultant for management of PKH Nutrition project)
Closing date: 27 February 2015

UNICEF is committed to diversity and inclusion within its workforce, and encourages qualified female and male candidates from all religious and ethnic backgrounds, including persons living with disabilities, to apply to become a part of our organization.

Title: National Consultant: Management of PKH Nutrition project
Type of Contract: SSA (Special Service Agreement)
Duty Station: Jakarta
Duration: 11 months from March 2015
Please indicate the total expected monthly/lump sum fees. Application without proposed fee may not be considered.

Since 2012, UNICEF has been providing technical assistance to BAPPENAS, MoH, MoSA and TN2PK in piloting PKH Prestasi in Brebes, Central Java, to improve nutrition outcomes for PKH beneficiaries by strengthening the access to and quality of nutrition-related services for PKH beneficiaries. This includes the counselling of mothers and other caregivers on maternal nutrition and infant and young child feeding (IYCF) at health centres (Puskesmas), integrated health posts (Posyandu) and in the community; the provision of micronutrients to pregnant mothers and children aged 6-23 months; as well as monthly Family Development Sessions to strengthen mothers’ knowledge on child health and nutrition and encourage good child care practices.

An SMS-based feedback and complaint mechanisms for beneficiaries will be introduced in 2015 to strengthen the accountability of PKH facilitators. In addition, the programme includes a component of awareness raising among religious leaders and journalists. During 2015 the programme will be implemented and evaluated.

In brief, the consultant will provide monitoring and supervision of all aspects of PKH Prestasi Implementation and evaluation in close collaboration with the PKH Prestasi Steering Committee. The consultant will provide continuous support to the coordination of the programme at national and district level. The consultant will provide regular progress updates according to the agreed workplan. 

  • Master’s Degree in Social Sciences, Social Policy, Public Health, international development, development economics or related subjects. 
  • Research, analytical, monitoring and evaluation capacity. 
  • Strong project management and facilitation skills. 
  • Prior experience in management, including field experience.
  • Knowledge in public health, nutrition and/or social protection is an advantage. 
  • Good understanding of public policy and governance at subnational level. 
  • Strong writing skills. 
  • Working knowledge of English and good communication skills.
The full TOR for this consultancy can be accessed at the following link: HERE