
ISEAN - Hivos – HIV/AIDS (MARPS) Round 10, Indonesia

ISEAN-Hivos – HIV/AIDS (MARPS) Round 10
Issuance Date:  02 February 2015

ISEAN-Hivos-GF-R10-HIV/AIDS – Consultant web developer to Enhance Usability of ISEAN ICT-Products To Support Knowledge Storage and Sharing under the “Strengthening Community Systems to Reduce Vulnerability To and Impact of HIV Infection on MSM and TG in Insular Southeast Asia”


Indonesia, Malaysia, the Philippines and Timor Leste show an increasing trend of HIV prevalence among men who have sex with men (MSM) and Transgender people (TG). In all four countries, national HIV strategies and plans identify MSM and TG as priority groups and outline strategies to provide targeted HIV services.  Widespread stigma and discrimination due to cultural and religious norms imply that MSMs and TGs are marginalized and are difficult to reach through existing HIV–related government services. This has also resulted to MSMs and TGs having limited opportunities to be organized or have a “voice” in local, national and regional policy making and service delivery. Data and research about risks and vulnerabilities to guide interventions for MSMs and TGs are also very limited.

Knowledge is power, so in order to empower the community, it is crucial to supply them with sufficient knowledge and information. The value of knowledge increase when it’s made available to the right people at the right time. The digital revolution has made the world a much smaller place due to the increased possibilities and speed at which we can exchange information across borders and continents. Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) have the potential of assuming a strategic role in making most efficient use in bringing information where it is needed.

ISEAN intends to develop a news hub, an improvement on the current website that can be accessed by anyone, with no charge, and will featured selected news from around the world on LGBT issues.  ISEAN also intends to develop an incident report page, which can be accessed by CBOs to document and report stigma cases, along with a crowd map.
ISEAN, partnering with Hivos, as the Principal Recipient of the grant, is looking for a capable consultant and/or consultant group of web developer to enhance the usability of ISEAN ICT-products to support knowledge management (storing and sharing).

Specifically, the following will be provided by the consultant to address the Grant’s requirements:
  • Provide development workplan based on system development for optimization purposes which covered: 
    • Development schedule 
    • Testing mechanism 
    • Deliverable schedules and migration mechanism
  • Re-develop and improve ISEAN Website based on the system development requirements for optimization purposes for multiple platforms; 
  • Develop a functional Incident Report page and crowd map that can be accessed on multiple platforms; 
  • Provide technical documentation and User Guide for the ISEAN Website and ICT tools; 
  • Conduct the technical handover training to IHP (will be represented by Knowledge Management and Communication Officer and Regional Program Manager).
Key Qualifications
  • Established and demonstrated expertise in web and ICT tools development, both designing and programming (with a strong portfolio of work samples) on multiple platforms;
  • Established and demonstrated expertise in implementing Open Source CMS (Content Management System) such as wordpress, drupal, joomla;
  • Strong experiences in the development of advance web-based application especially in Google Webmaster Tools, Google Analytic and Social Media Integration;
  • Fluency in written and spoken English;
  • Preferably with experience working with Global Fund Programs;
The selected Consultant will be engaged for a minimum of 15 days distributed within a one month period and to start in February 2015.

An Expression of Interest (EoI) letter, together with the applicant’s CV must be sent to the email below by 13th February 2015 at 17:00 hrs. Jakarta Western Indonesia Time:

Please fill the “subject” column of the e-mails in this format: <EoI code><your name>
Examples: < ISEAN IHP I-16>-<Name>

Based on the initial set of EoIs, applicants will be formally invited to complete their application through the submission of a concept note and indicative work plan.