
GIZ Vacancy: Senior Advisor on Forest Management Units and Climate Change - Samarinda

The Forests and Climate Change Programme (FORCLIME) supports the Government of Indonesia in their endeavour to mitigate the effects of climate change through forestry sector reform, capacity development and implementation of best management practices for sustainable forest management and biodiversity conservation. Demonstration activities are being supported in selected districts of Kalimantan to Reduce Emissions from Deforestation and Degradation (“REDD” activities). FORCLIME is funded by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) and implemented by GIZ (German International Cooperation) and KfW, the German Development Bank, with the Indonesian Ministry of Forestry as the Programme Executing Agency.
The Programme's overall objective is to reduce greenhouse gas emissions from the forest sector while improving the livelihoods of Indonesia's poor rural communities. To achieve this goal, the Programme team assists the Indonesian  Government  in  designing  and  implementing  legal, policy  and  institutional  reforms  for  the conservation  and sustainable management of forests, at local, provincial and national level. Support to REDD demonstration activities are a key feature of the Programme, providing decision-makers with experience of how REDD can be implemented "on the ground".
We are re looking for a Senior Advisor on Forest Management Units and Climate Change
A.    Responsibilities
The Senior Adviser on Forest Management Units and Climate Change is the officer responsible for managing FORCLIME’s Strategic Area 2: FMU and Climate Change. In that context, he/she will engage in supporting SFM activities within the forestry administration reform processes on regional and local level and feed information from the field to the national level discussion. The position is based in Samarinda, East Kalimantan and focuses on local level implementation in Kalimantan.
His/her responsibilities include:        
  1. Managing FORCLIME Strategic Area 2 effectively and efficiently in order to assure the achievement of FORCLIME’s goals and objectives on provincial and district level;
  2. Working closely with private sector, governmental and non-governmental organizations to support forestry reform processes in line with the forestry sector strategies of the Government of Indonesia in the target districts of FORCLIME and on provincial level;
  3. Cooperating with relevant agencies in ensuring the integration of civil society and private sector into forestry reform processes, in particular developing public consultation processes on local level.
  4. Ensuring close and coherent cooperation with other Strategic Areas especially Strategic Area 1(National Forest Policy)  and SAM 3 (Sustainable Forest Management SFM) for local level implementation as well as the FORCLIME FC module.
B.    Tasks

1.    Managerial Tasks
The Senior Adviser on Climate Change and Forest Administration Reform
  • Manages FORCLIME Strategic Area 2 and supports the overall management and administration of the FORCLIME Programme in adherence to GIZ policies, regulations and procedures;
  • Contributes to strategic and annual planning at the Programme and Strategic Area level, and contributes to regular updating of concepts and strategies;
  • Supports M&E at the Programme and Strategic Area level and contributes to conceptual adjustment where appropriate, using GIZ M&E tools such as Capacity Works where relevant for the management of the Strategic Area;
  • Plans, coordinates, prioritises and monitors relevant activities within Strategic Area 2 in close cooperation with relevant partners;
  • Deputises other Strategic Area Managers in their absence and takes appropriate measures to ensure smooth operation of the program
2.    Professional advisory services
The Senior Adviser on Forest Management Units and Climate Change
  • Provides professional input to partner institution(s) on district and provincial level for developing, implementing and monitoring strategies, policies and technical activities in line with SFM and climate change issues; 
  • Works on relevant policy recommendations and develops a strategic approach for their local implementation with a special focus on Sustainable Forest Management within the context of FMU development;
  • Supports the process of FMU development (planning, management, policy, organization) at regional and local level and gives input to national level discussions;
  • In cooperation with Strategic Area 3: SFM cooperates with the private sector and works on linkages between FMU and concessions related to SFM and contributions of the private sector to REDD+
  • Facilitates REDD+ readiness at provincial level, and supports the strengthening of capacities to implement activities conducive to REDD+ readiness such as capacity building and relevant organizational strengthening in regards to REDD+ and FMU development;
  • Work closely and support provincial policy on forest climate change issue and institution (such as DDPI, Pokja REDD, etc)
  • Designs, prepares and conducts workshops, training activities, seminars, etc. relevant for the implementation of FORCLIME activities;
  • Cooperates with national, provincial and district level authorities to facilitate harmonization of regulations and policies between the different levels;
  • Develops and organises quality assurance measures and suggests necessary changes, improvements and initiatives;
  • Identifies and promotes new and innovative strategies and activities conducive to the achievement of national targets for the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions;
  • Ensures that the services provided by the Strategic Area 2 are aligned with other FORCLIME Strategic Areas especially SAM 1 and SAM 3 and strategies of the Ministry of Forestry.
3.    Networking and cooperation
The Senior Adviser on Climate Change and Forest Administration Reform
  • Ensures cooperation, regular contact and dialogue with partners; carries out PR work and cooperates with private sector, local communities, relevant organisations, non-governmental agencies and individuals in the project/programme environment and with other projects to improve and maintain good working relationships
  • Communicates local interests and efforts, forwards these and encourages sharing ideas and information for the benefit of FORCLIME
4.    Knowledge management
The Senior Adviser on Climate Change and Forest Administration Reform
  • Compiles relevant information and transfers knowledge on the topic of forestry and climate change in general and  FMU development in particular;
  • Contributes to strategies and technical concepts for FORCLIME’s knowledge management, including guidelines, manuals and procedures;
  • Draws up reports and presentation documents;
  • Assists with research activities and studies on forests and climate change issues which benefit the achievement of FORCLIME’s goals and objectives.
5.    Other duties/additional tasks
The Senior Adviser on Climate Change and Forest Administration Reform
  • Contributes to GIZ’s Growth and Innovation Strategy at country level;
  • Performs other duties and tasks at the request of management
  • Undertakes frequent visits to the selected districts to ensure FORCLIME partner activities are proceeding as planned.
C.    Required qualifications, competences and experience
  • MSc or PhD in an area that is related to the project/programme objectives, with a focus on a relevant field
  • Proven writing skills in English and Indonesian
    Professional experience
  • 10 years’ professional experience, with at least 5 years’ professional experience in a comparable position
  • Experience in working together with the private sector (e.g APHI, KADIN)
Knowledge of tropical silviculture and Indonesian sylvicultural systems (e.g. TPTI, SILIN etc.)

Period of Contract : 1 year (extendable)
Start of contract    : as soon as possible
Duty Station :  Samarinda, East Kalimantan

 Please submit your comprehensive resume to nanette.herawati@giz.de before 14.02.1015  with email subject : Job application Strategic Area 2