
USAID-IUWASH Vacancy: Climate Change Impact Investigator, Jakarta

The Indonesia Urban Water Sanitation and Hygiene (IUWASH) project is a sixty-month program (2011 – 2016) funded by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) and implemented under the leadership of DAI. IUWASH works with government, the private sector, NGOs, community groups and other stakeholders to improve access to safe water supply and sanitation in Indonesia’s urban areas. The overall goal of IUWASH is to assist the Government of Indonesia (GOI) in making significant progress in achieving its safe water and sanitation Millennium Development Goal (MDG) targets by expanding access to these services.

To achieve the above, assistance provided by the project is divided under three main technical components, including: 
  1. Mobilizing demand for WatSan service delivery; 
  2. Improving and expanding capacity for WatSan service delivery; and
  3. Strengthening policy and the financial enabling environment for improved water supply and sanitation service delivery.
IUWASH will apply different approaches and interventions with its local partners, such as local Water utilities, local and national government institutions, NGOs and communities to address water, sanitation and hygiene. To achieve these objectives IUWASH need high caliber incumbent to fill the positions of

Type of Employment: Short Term Technical Assistance (STTA)
Total Level of Effort: 36 days LOE
Location: Jakarta, with travel to Regional Offices.

The primary objective of this Short Term Technical Assistance/Assistant (STTA) is to support IUWASH in implementing it’s annual workplan as it relates to raw water and climate change activities, particularly as concerns data collection, analysis, and reporting of drying, dried out and threatened springs in certain IUWASH assisted locations. The STTA is tasked to develop a concise report for the general public on such springs based on data and information gathered. The STTA is responsible for the preparation of the said report in coordination and consultation with IUWASH national’s Raw Water and Climate Change Team as well as related regional offices/teams so as to ensure that the work undertaken is effective.

The STTA shall perform the work related to the raw water and climate change aspect of IUWASH that include key output, approach, as well as coordination as follows:

  • The STTA shall gather all necessary and relevant data, information, and views related to the drying/dried out springs in certain locations in East Java (Malang Raya and Kota/Kab. Probolinggo), Central Java (Kab. Semarang), and Banten (Sukacai and Citaman springs in Kab. Serang). This includes relevant regulation on springs’ use and protection, operator and regulator of the springs, cross administrative boundary springs’ use, and land use/land cover of the springs’ recharge areas, conflicts related to springs’ use (if any), and growing number of springs’ users. 
  • In addition, the information collected should include: 1. historical use of springs by local community and others 2. people’s perspective on the springs’ use, protection, and sustainability and 3. impacts on lives of people, e.g. where people get water when the spring they used to use are dried out, how difficult for them now to get water, etc. 4. map of each location showing spring, community using spring, etc. These information/quotes will be used to develop factsheets and human interest stories.
  1. During a workshop on spring protection in Aug. ’14, concern was raised on the already dried out app. 50 springs in Malang Raya
  2. According to Head of Bappeda Kota Probolinggo in Nov. ’14; app. 15 springs in Kota Probolinggo are threatened by changes of land use in the springs’ recharge area
  3. Online media coverage presented that several springs in Kab. Semarang/Central Java are drying out.
  • The STTA shall prepare the report on the above-mentioned springs, including: condition (past, present, and prediction/trend for future), causes of the drying/dried out springs, and recommendation for viable recovery and prevention/protection of the springs (technical, regulation, and institutional) that lead to the springs’ sustainability. It is expected that this report can be readily made available to local and national project stakeholders and possibly media outlets. Such media outlets can then convey the importance of the issue with the general public and thereby support local and national stakeholders in their own efforts to concerve and protect these important natural resources.
  • The STTA will primarily support and work in close coordination and consultation with national Raw Water and Climate Change (RWCC) Team. The RWCC Team will provide direction and supervision on work undertaken by STTA. 
  • In addition, the STTA will also coordinate with related regional Urban Water Supply Specialist (UWSS) and Governance Specialist (GS) of offices of Banten, Central Java, and East Java. 
  • The STTA might be required to work and coordinate with other STTA and/or IUWASH staff as necessary.
  • The reporting will be based on data, information, view of resource persons/expert, etc. Particular to data, the STTA will conduct field observation, interview (incl. with community using spring water), and other data collection (desk review of relevant references). 
  • The reporting might be of investigative reporting/research to see connection, correlation, or cause and effect of factors, e.g. reduced rate of recharge due to land use change, overuse of a spring, or others. 
  • The STTA as necessary conducts (series of) discussions with resource persons and/or stakeholders. This is particularly related to springs (use/user and regulation/regulator) and springs’ recharge areas, e.g.: 
    • District/municipality: PDAM, Hippam/PAMSIMAS, industries using spring water, Pokja AMPL, Bappeda, LH, PU/SDA, ESDM, BPBD, and/or technical units (UPTD). 
    • Province: Bappeda, LH, PU/SDA, ESDM, BPBD, and/or technical units (UPTD) such as Tahura. 
    • National: Bappenas, LH, PU/SDA, ESDM, BNPB, and/or technical units (UPT) such as BBWS, PT. Jasa Tirta, BP DAS. 
    • Universities, NGOs, development partners, etc.
  • RWCC Team will provide orientation in terms of the work to be undertaken, CCVAAP program, locations, and other issues. In particular, Climate Change Vulnerability Assessment (CCVA) studies may serve as initial reference. 
  • The work will start in one location first, e.g. Sukacai/Citaman spring, Kab. Serang, Banten where results of data collection and analysis are consulted particularly with The RWCC Team. Lessons and experience in preparing analysis for Sukacai/Citaman spring will be referred to for other locations.
  • University Degree in related field
  • A good working knowledge of water resources management and community development issues
  • Strong computer literacy   – MS OFFICE
  • Strong English oral and written skills and demonstrated experience in the production of clear, concise and easily understandable reports that can be shared with a broad audience.
  • Samples of the candidates writing (reports, articles, etc.) will be required.
Interested applicants are invited to send a complete application with 3 references to IUWASH_recruitment@dai.com by latest 10 days of the advertisement. Please write the job CODE in the subject line of the email. We regret that we are unable to acknowledge receipt of all applications and only shortlisted candidates will be notified.