
Lowongan Capacity Building Services to Develop Fish Cage Farming In Situbondo

Consultancy for Capacity Building Services
to Develop Fish Cage Farming In Situbondo

A.   Background

ICCO is the Interchurch Organization for Development Cooperation in the Netherlands. ICCO provides financial support and advice to local organizations and networks throughout the world that are dedicated to eradicate poverty by improving access to basic services, stimulating sustainable economic development and advancing peace and democracy. In the region south-east Asia ICCO works in Indonesia, the Philippines, Papua New Guinea, Cambodia, Vietnam, Myanmar and Thailand, with its Regional Office in Denpasar, Indonesia.

ICCO and Australia Indonesia Partnership for Promoting Rural Income through Support for Markets in Agriculture (AIP-PRISMA) has implement intervention program in fisheries sector. The target area of intervention isSitubondo District, East Java.  This intervention will contribute to the goal of AIP – PRISMA project is 30%, or more, increase in net incomes for 1,000,000 poor rural female and male farmers, 300,000 of which will be reached by June 2017.

The intervention is to promote fish cage farming to provide a year-round source of food and income for fisher folks particularly during the four to six months closed season for marine catch fishing. This program will likewise address the perennial lack of supply of exporters of live reef fish like grouper. 

It is estimated that 300 fisher folks organized in 30 Kerapu production Units and will benefit through 140% increased incomes by 2015 (increasing to 1200 fisher folks in 2017). 
The intervention is focus on developing the business model which hope after project end the activities will sustainable where all actors of business model play their  function automatically. The business model involvesie ; 1) Kerapu exporter as partner, 2) Kerapu Association as Intermediate service provider (ISP), and 3) Bank JATIM as Financial service provider. Theywill work together to help the fishers folks that formed in to kerapu production unit (KPU)to produce export quality ofkerapu. 
B.       Main of Activities
To ensure project meet the  goals based on business model, that needs consultants to supporting implementing some activities as followed. 
  • Capacity Building of Partner and Intermediate Service provider (ISP)
    • Capacity building  Partner to develop training module for BMP (Better marineculture Practices)  
    • Capacity building of Intermediate service provider (ISP) to manage BMP training for farmers 
    • Capacity building of partner to develop database of and hatchery and fingerling  providers
  • Organization and Enterprise Development Training for KPU’s
    • Visioning,Management and Organizing 
    • Production (technical aspect on Kerapu production)

C.       Timeline, key activities and expected output

The following table is designed to ensure that activities can reach the expected output.

Time frame of activities is from 1 February to 30 June 2015.

D.      Qualifications

The requirements of  firm/organization :
  • The firm/organization have knowledge and experiences to develop design of  training for community Such curriculum, module, and etc.
  • Have good experiences in to facilitation between different stakeholders sector such government, private sector, society organization and etc.
  • Have knowledge and experiences to deliver visioning program for community especially using appreciative inquiry approach.
  • Familiar with Making Market works for the poor (M4P) approach
  • Familiar with coastal community condition in East Java especially maduranese society.
  • Having capability to write report in English version.
E.        Instruction for scope of proposal

The consultancy firm/organization should comply with national laws and regulations, AIP-PRISMA guidelines and requirements, as well as ICCO rules and regulations.

They should therefore submit an engagement letter showing:
  • Objectives
  • Scope of work
  • Methodology 
  • Budget details on fees  which include fee of the consultant team, travel cost, and other related cost
  • Planning and working schedule
  • Consultant reference (CV)
Interested firm / organization must submit proposals request by email to
Rikhun.icco@prismafishery.org  also cc to Feiby.icco@prismafishery.org by January 30th January 2015 before 5 pm with subject : ICCO-AIP PRISMA_capacity building service_(your name firm/organization)

For information regarding this engagement, please contact:
ICCO – AIPPRISMA (Field office)
Jl. Anggrek. KompleksWismaAnggrek Mas.Blok A11-12.Situbondo- Jawa Timur
Telephone: (+62-338) 3890985,
      Attn: Akhmad Rikhun