
Chemonics International Seeks RENSTRA KPI Baseline Analyst - Indonesia

RENSTRA KPI Baseline Analyst - Indonesia

Chemonics International Inc. seeks a RENSTRA Key Performance Indicator (KPI) Baseline Analyst for the USAID-funded Indonesia Marine and Climate Support (IMACS) Project. The goal of the IMACS Project is to contribute to the sustainable management of Indonesia's marine and coastal ecosystems. The objective of the RENSTRA KPI Baseline Analyst assignment is to collate and analyze quantitative economic and non-economic data that can be used as guidance to evaluate the implementation of the Ministry of Marine Affairs and Fisheries’ (MMAF) Rencana Strategis (strategic plan, RENSTRA) 2014-2019. The set of baseline data will be used as benchmark to measure the achievement of RENSTRA 2014-2019 KPIs at the level of Echelon 1. The number of KPIs at this level is 39. 

The baseline data could take the form of direct metrics or be supporting data that might have a strong correlation with a KPI. The result may become the first stage of an economic modeling exercise to review strategic choices recommended in the RENSTRA. The assignment will be part of IMACS’ support for the implementation of the MMAF RENSTRA 2014-2019.

This position is short-term and based in Jakarta, Indonesia, from February – mid-March 2015 for approximately 25 working days.

The RENSTRA KPI Baseline Analyst will lead the work of compiling a variety of historical quantitative data and indicators from multiple sources. He or she will be part of a special cross-ministerial working group. This KPI Baseline Analyst will work closely with the head of MMAF PUSKITA and the special cross-ministerial working group.

The KPI Baseline Analyst will complete the following tasks:
  • Review the final MMAF RENSTRA 2014-2019 to KPIs that have been carried over from the previous RENSTRA and new KPIs; 
  • Write a scoping document to be used as guidance in sourcing data relevant to each KPI at the level of Echelon 1 from MMAF and other  agencies; 
  • Prepare a list of possible data sources including all ministries, agencies or other organizations mentioned in the scoping document;  
  • Draft the TOR and agenda for a cross-ministerial FGD (or series of FGDs) on baseline data for the purpose of clarifying sources of data and agreeing how to compile data relevant to each MMAF KPI at the level of Echelon 1; 
  • Act as a resource for the said FGD;
  • Compile baseline data for all RENSTRA MMAF KPIs at the level of Echelon 1; and 
  • Analyze the quality of the baseline data, the relationship between categories of supporting baseline data and how this affects assessment of the achievement of KPIs at the level of Echelon 1.
  • PhD in economics, statistics or other social science 
  • Experience in Government of Indonesia strategic planning framework will be an advantage 
  • Minimum 5 years of relevant experience at senior academic level, high-level government official, international consultant, or industry professional 
  • Experience working in teams comprised of experts, senior academics and other high-level experts and officials 
  • Strong technical knowledge in issues related to quantitative analysis, use of statistical methods
  • Familiarity with Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) framework and methodology will be an advantage 
  • Strong communication skills, both interpersonal and written, to fulfill the technical and responsibilities proposed 
  • Excellent written and spoken Bahasa Indonesia and English required
Application Instructions:
Interested candidates should send a CV and cover letter to IMACSproject@gmail.com by February 3, 2015 with “RENSTRA KPI Baseline Analyst” in the subject line. No telephone inquiries, please. Finalists will be contacted.

In addition, please download and complete Chemonics’ equal employment opportunity self-identification form and submit it separately to EEOselfidentify@chemonics.com with only “RENSTRA KPI Baseline Analyst” in the subject line. If you prefer not to disclose your sex, race, or ethnicity, you may check “I do not wish to complete the information requested.” Thank you for completing the form and supporting our equal employment opportunity reporting requirements.

Chemonics is an equal opportunity employer and does not discriminate in its selection and employment practices on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, national origin, political affiliation, sexual orientation, gender identity, marital status, disability, genetic information, age, membership in an employee organization, or other non-merit factors.