
GRM International Vacancy: Tertiary Irrigation Technical Assistance Program – Indonesia

Deputy Team Leader (M4P)

Tertiary Irrigation Technical Assistance Program – Indonesia

DFAT has a long history of rural development in Indonesia. DFAT’s most recent program, AIP-Rural, has been designed as a 10 year program ending in June 2022. The program’s 1st Phase, ending in June 2017, has a budget of AU$ 112 million and is aimed at increasing, by at least 30%, the agricultural incomes of 300,000 small farmers living in 5 provinces of eastern Indonesia: NTT, NTB, East Java, Papua and West Papua.

The core rationale of the Tertiary Irrigation Program (TIRTA) is that access to irrigation has three times more impact on farmer incomes than other inputs like fertilisers and seeds and within irrigation services, tertiary irrigation offers the greatest prospects to AIP-Rural for improvement. The main constraints in tertiary irrigation are related to lack of investment for expansion and poor operations and maintenance. Because of its recognised impact on farmer incomes TIRTA will approach tertiary irrigation in a businesslike manner by facilitating the expansion of local commercial investment in tertiary irrigation schemes in eastern Indonesia.

GRM Futures Group are currently requesting Deputy Team Leaders for this tender process with an immediate start.

Under the direction of TIRTA Team Leader the Deputy Team Leader will be responsible for the technical quality of irrigation outcomes.

Specifically this person will handle:
  • The identification of intervention sites according to selection criteria agreed upon by program management and local public agencies.
  • The completion of technical and commercial viability studies for all schemes that are successfully screened by the program and its partners.
  • Assessing the capacity needs of HIPPA management and designing, with support from consultants, training packages that address management gaps.
  • Assessing  the  technical  capacity  needs  of  local  service  provision  agents  with a view to designing and delivering practical capacity building measures for them.
  • Assessing the capacity needs of farmers involved in the irrigation interventions with a view to designing and delivering training on those practices that are most likely to lead to productivity improvements once irrigation is available.
  • Overseeing the establishment, operation and utilisation of three irrigation pumping demonstration sites with alternate technical configurations along the banks of the Bengawan Solo River.
  • Advising HIPPA management and local investors on alternative investment options with a view to reducing operations and maintenance costs and optimising scheme return on investment and farmer productivity.
  • The day to day supervision of five Intervention Coordinators
  • An excellent understanding of the role of the private sector in agriculture, 
  • Experience of using the M4P (Making markets works for the Poor) approach for analysis of market systems, 
  • An excellent and practical understanding of irrigated agriculture,
  • Experience in facilitating and negotiating agreements between various parties in short periods of time, 
  • A degree or commensurate diploma in agricultural engineering or a similar field, and
  • Exposure to farming and agri-business in an Indonesian context,
  • Understanding   of   and   experience   in   mainstreaming   environment   aspect   in development programs, and
  • Work in a former irrigation program.
Applicants with private sector experience are highly desired for this position

This is a locally engaged position and is open to only Indonesian Nationals.

Please attach your resume and response to the Selection Criteria listed in the Terms of Reference and apply below.

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