
Lowongan Kerja di Bidang GIS - 16 Orang Penempatan di Aceh

Dibutuhkan beberapa personel GIS. Bila kawan tertarik mohon kirim CV, availabilitas (ketersediaan waktu), expected salary, email dan nomer telepon ke agungdwinurcahya@gmail.com. Lokasi di Aceh.

Daftar Kebutuhan Personels:

  • 4 persons Junior Experts/Researcher (National) : 
    • Bachelor Degree with minimum two (2) years of experience majoring in Economics, Management, Communication, Database Management/Environment or a related field;
    • Extensive experience in data collection and processing; 
    • Relevant experience dealing with government authority in the Indonesian context as well as familiarity with the Province is preferred;
    • Exposure to the Province within the last two (2) years will be an advantage; and
    • Strong analytical capacity including an ability to make recommendations concerning REDD+ and climate change initiatives in general.
  • 12 person Data Assistants (National) : 
    • Minimum Bachelor degree majoring geography, geodesy or related matters or in lieu of working experience;
    • Minimum 3 years of work experience with GIS, remote sensing or mapping survey;
    • Have work with the community on mapping survey or participatory mapping is an advantage 
    • Relevant experience in dealing with government authority and familiarity with the designated Province is preferred; and
    • Exposure to the Province and district level government will be an advantage.
Expected number of days
Unit of measurement
Number of units (days)
Junior experts
Data assistants