
Hivos Vacancy : Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) for Sumba Iconic Island for Year of 2014

Hivos Vacancy : Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) for Sumba Iconic Island for Year of 2014Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) for Sumba Iconic Island for the year of 2014


Sumba Iconic Island Initiative: promoting 100% renewable energy access in Sumba is a program developed by the Directorate General of New and Renewable Energy, Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources, Indonesia, with Hivos, a Dutch development organization guided by humanist values. This program intends to provide the 650,000 Sumba inhabitants energy access from clean energy sources available in the island, namely, hydro power, wind, solar, biogas and biomass. This initiative is expected to be replicated to other areas in Indonesia as an initiative to reduce people's dependence on fossil energy.

To date, Sumba Iconic Island Roadmap has been established. The Roadmap contains the vision, mission, strategy, target, sub-activities according to type of technology (biogas, biomass, wind, hydro, solar), partnership and institutions involved in the initiative. A Monitoring and Evaluation framework has been developed, including the M&E plan and forms. Hivos as the national secretariat of Sumba Iconic Island is seeking a consultant to conduct the first M&E activity for the year 2011 to 2014. This will be done using a simplified M&E form that has been developed particularly for the initial M&E activity.

Objective of this assignment is to conduct the initial M&E activity for Sumba iconic island that cover data gathering/collection, completing M&E forms, conducting analysis based on data collected and documenting analysis and data into a final M&E report. This M&E report should refer to the Sumba Iconic Island Roadmap.

Scope of Work 1. Data collection: Consultant will have to collect and gather data for M&E purposes with the objective of completing the simplified monitoring form

1.1 Type of data to be collected:

A. Installation and Operation of Renewable Energy Technologies

B. Supporting Policies

C. Institutions involved and their involvement

D. Investment and Funding

E. Research and Development

F. Capacity building

A detail of data to be collected is provided in the monitoring form.
1.2 Institution to liaise with to collect data: The consultant will need to liaise with relevant stakeholders of Sumba Iconic Island, i.e., the government institution at District (Kabupaten) and National level, private sectors, and non-governmental agencies to collect data from the data records. The institutions that they need to liaise with are but not limited

- Badan Perencanaan daerah (District Planning Agency),

- Dinas Energi dan Pertambangan (Office of Energy and Mining, District level),

- PLN at District and Provincial level

- Dinas Pertanian dan Peternakan (Office of agriculture and farming)

- Direktorat Jenderal Energi Baru Terbarukan dan Konservasi Energi, Kementrian Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral (EBTKE, KESDM) (Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources)

- Kementerian Pembangunan Daerah Tertinggal (Ministry of Development and Disadvantage Region)

- Badan Pengkajian dan Penerapan Teknologi (BPPT)

- Non-Governmental Agencies having projects developed under Sumba Iconic Island

- Banks and private sectors having projects/activities developed under Sumba Iconic Island

1.3 Period of data: the Consultant will need to collect data from 2011 to 2014 (end of December 2013). The Baseline year for M&E activities is the year 2011.

2. Completion of monitoring forms: Consultant will have to complete the simplified monitoring form using the data that have been gathered/collected in scope of work 1.

3. Data analysis: Consultant will have to analyze the data and prepare the Monitoring and Evaluation report which reflects the analysis taken from the completed simplified monitoring and evaluation form. The analysis have to show the summary of the following:

A. The installed renewable energy technologies and the percentage of these that are still in operation,

B. Any progress in promoting RE through new policies,

C. Involvement of the institutions in Sumba Iconic Island activities,

D. Investment and funding materialized to promote, install and operate
renewable energy technologies under the framework of Sumba Iconic island

E. New research and development taken to promote, install and operate renewable energy technologies under the framework of Sumba Iconic island

F. Capacity building activities taken to promote, install and operate renewable energy technologies under the framework of Sumba Iconic island

4. Preparation and Finalisation of M&E report: Consultant has to document the analysis conducted in Scope of Work 3 and the monitoring form into a final Monitoring and Evaluation report.

Time schedule
This assignment is expected to be finalized within one month since the commencement of the work:

  • The consultant will need to submit their draft report and present their draft results by 15 September 2014. 
  • Hivos Secretariat will provide comments for revisions within two weeks since the submission of the draft report.  
  • Final report will need to be submitted by 3 October 2014 in Bahasa Indonesia and in English.
Expected output
The M&E final report for the Sumba Iconic Island shall be well-structured and clearly in English and in Bahasa Indonesia and have a maximum of 30 pages, excluding the annexes.

The report should contain:

  • Executive Summary 
  • Description of the methodology deployed in gathering and analyzing data  
  • Summary of data collected and gathered  
  • Analysis of relevant data in a clear and readable manner  
  • Conclusion and recommendation  
  • Completed simplified M&E forms as annexes of the final report. 
The completed M&E form is completed in Bahasa Indonesia and does not need to be translated into English.
The final report will be available in hard copy (1 copy) and in electronic form (recorded in one CD). The report will be made available to and owned by Hivos.

Proposal Format
The proposal will contain the following:

1. Brief technical proposals: Brief proposals which may not exceed 5 pages in length should set out: (i) relevant corporate capacities and experience to undertake the proposed assignment; and (ii) the methodology and approach that would be taken to undertaking the assignment.

2. Financial quotation. A financial quotation should be submitted in Indonesian Rupiah (IDR) with VAT (PPN). The financial quotation should be based on all estimated costs of the assignment including:

a. Consulting fees to be charged based on their level of effort (man-days);

b. All reimbursable costs considered to be necessary to complete the assignment including as may be appropriate costs of report preparation in both English and Indonesian languages;

c. Stationery, communications and other costs including costs of travel and accommodation

3. Nominated Consultants / Curriculum Vitaes (CVs): The CVs are attached in the technical proposal as appendix. Bidding companies have the flexibility of submitting one or more CVs for this assignment providing the CVs submitted demonstrate capacity for conducting M&E activities. Nominated consultant(s) must confirm their availability to work in this assignment. Each curriculum vitae submitted should not exceed 4 pages in length.

Note: Reimbursable costs will only be paid based on adequate documentation and receipts being provided and where Hivos expenditure rules have been followed.

Proposal Submission date
Proposal will need to be submitted by 15 of August 2014, 5 pm West Indonesia time (WIB) in electronic format (pdf) to Gita Meidita: gmeidita@hivos.org.