
Caritas Keuskupan Sibolga Vacancy: External Evaluator - Nias

Caritas Keuskupan Sibolga is looking for an External Evaluator who will perform an project audit service for Gender Project.

Interested applicants will be invited to submit their proposal by latest 14 August 2014
, and please addressed to references written in point 7 (Proposal Submission) as follow:

and a CC to:

Caritas Keuskupan Sibolga Vacancy:  External Evaluator - Nias
Please feel free to read the Term of Reference as written below.
Kindly to be informed, please do not address your application to this email.

Thank you very much.
Yusnita Lase
Act. HRD of Caritas Keuskupan Sibolga
Jl. JP. Vallon Ujung Km.3 Desa Sifalaete
Gunungsitoli, Nias
North Sumatera

Nita Lase


Caritas Keuskupan Sibolga (CKS) is a pastoral organisation under Sibolga Diocese, which was born during emergency situation of Nias Earthquake in 2005. One of the focused programmes, which are implemented by CKS is gender equality promotion.

Related to gender issues, CKS found that:
  1. The people of Nias are adherents of a patriarchal culture.
  2. Gender inequality is still happened in Nias particularly in Nias district and Gunungsitoli.
  3. Subordination of women in education; men are given wider opportunity than women to get education.
  4. Women drop out of school or who are not schooled often married at an early age to reduce the burden on the family.
  5. Change in behavior is relatively easy to be promoted for young people. The young people are potential to become the doer of gender inequality. Instead they are also potential to become the  agent of change itself.
  6. School as a formal institution that serves to educate students is relevant institution to be partner to make behavioral changes, particularly to raise awareness on gender equality.
  7. CKS needs to promote and to enforce internal policy that has gender perspective.
  8. CKS Staffs need to get an understanding on gender equality so that the staffs can integrate gender issue on their respective projects or communities.
  9. Very few women are involved in leadership, both in formal institution and in  informal organization.
  10. There is no local regulation related to the issue of gender equality.
To answer the above challenges, CKS develop proposals "Gender Awareness Promotion Project for Teachers and Students at Schools in Gunungsitoli and Nias district."
  • The goal of the project is the practice of gender inequality at schoolin the district of Nias and Gunungsitoli is reduced. The specific objectives of project are as follows: 
    • Specific objective 1: Capacity improvement of teachers of Junior High School (JHS) and Senior high School (SHS) in order to perform gender equality socialization and accompaniment
    • Specific objective 2:  Gender awareness development of students of Junior High Schools and Senior High Schools.
    •    Specific objective 3: The efforts relate justification on Local Regulation of Gender Mainstreaming in Nias District.
    •    Specific objective 4: Gender mainstreaming in every social services conducted by CKS.
    •    Specific objective 5: Capacity improvement of organization who is accompanied by Caritas Diocesan of Sibolga which is concerning to implement gender mainstreaming through every activities and policies have been conducted.
  • Implementation of the project in collaboration with the Department of Education of Gunungsitoli Municipality and Nias District. Initially, the project duration was from January 2012 to December 2013 and then extended again until June 2014. This project is supported by Caritas Italiana. 
The main purpose of the final project evaluation is to examine whether the project is in  track to reach its intended objectives, finding out gaps if any, draw lessons, suggest recommendation for better implementation. The specific objectives are: 
  • To evaluate the relevance of the project is in accordance with the context of the project.
  • To evaluate the implementation of the standards in terms of quantity, quality, and achievement of project targets.
  • To examine the effectiveness of strategy applied in terms of applicability and generation of intended effects.
  • To see the efficiency in relation to input provided and output created; in term of project management and partnership with Department of Education and the Schools.
  • To see the impact that the project has created so far.
  • To examine sustainability potential.
Simultaneity of review and learning: The fundamental approach of final evaluation of the project should be participatory in nature by which staff of the project team and other programs of CKS have continuous learning. However, the neutrality and objectivity of the final-study will be controlled by the external evaluator.

Development of design: framework and the evaluation instrument is  designed based on the project log frame and project context.
Sampling: Due to limitation of time availability, the selection of sampling performed. It is expected that the  process of evaluation in the field can reach 30% of the sample. Number of beneficiaries consists of 4 groups; 433 Students, 18 teachers, 269 participants of Caritas Center, 43 CKS Staffs.
Data generation and gathering: In data generation and gathering, the evaluator is expected to conduct extensive review of documents. Data gathering/ generation tools should be developed and decided by the evaluator which may include:
  • Key Informant Interview
  • Informal discussions and dialogue with community members.
  • Focused Group Discussion (FGD)
  • PRA sessions with existing group 
  • And direct observation of work samples and outcome
Data consolidation, analysis & findings development: The evaluator will consolidate data and develop finding base on evaluation objectives stated earlier.

Feedback generation, validation and articulation: An intermediary presentation of primary findings should be done in which the project team and senior management staff will participate.

Preparation and Submission of Evaluation Report
The evaluation will submit a draft report to the CKS management before finalization of the report. The report should include both quantitative and qualitative information include following structure.

1.  Cover page (1 page)
2.  Abbreviation (1 page)
3.  Acknowledgement (1 page)
4.  Executive summary (1-2 pages)
5.  List of content (1 page)
6.  List of figures (1 page)
7.  Introduction: (1-2 pages)
8.  Project setting (1-2 pages)
9.  Evaluation objective (1 page)
10.    Evaluation methodology (1 page)
11.    Evaluation findings (max 20 pages)
a.  Relevance
b.  Implementation standard
c.  Effectiveness of input delivered
d.  Efficiency
e.  Impacts
f.  Sustainability
12.    Recommendation (1-2 pages)
13.    Evaluator’s biography

   The evaluator will deliver following concrete outcome to CKS

1.  Evaluation framework including data instruments
2.  A draft report
3.  A power point presentation of main findings
4.  An electronic copy of final report (Both language​​, English and Indonesian)
5.  Hard copy of final report (the acknowledgement is signed by evaluator)
   The evaluator is expected to maintain following time schedule: 
  • The selected evaluator will be contacted by CKS, communication and contract arrangement on 18-19 August, 2014.
  • Submission draft and clarification of evaluation tool, developed based on project log-frame and context on 20-22 August, 2014.
  • Project document consolidation and study on 25-30 August, 2014.
  • Conduct data generation field activities on 1-5 September 2014.
  • Sharing of major finding with project team and CKS management on 6 September, 2014.
  • Submission of draft report on 15 September, 2014.
  • CKS team provide input on the draft report on 15-17 September, 2014.
  • The evaluator submit the final report on 19 September, 2014.
  • Highly required: having experience and a good understanding on gender equality issue. 
  • Highly required: having experience and understanding of Nias context. 
  • Highly required: having good understanding on the work of government (Department of Education and School) and the Catholic Church context. 
  • Highly required: having experience in community development and grassroots empowerment 
  • Highly required: having experience with the evaluation of quantitative and participatory methods. 
  • Highly required: having willingness’ to in an isolated environment with very basic living conditions, field visits will include travelling by motorbike and hiking in Nias villages
For both independent and organizations who are interested please submit:
  1.   The external evaluation proposal
  2.   Organization or  independent profile
    To Caritas Keuskupan Sibolga:
Please CC to:
With the proposal submission deadline: 14 August, 2014.

Only short listed candidates will be contacted.