
Cowater International Vacancy: Civil Society Support Consultant - Sulawesi

Cowater International is an Ottawa-based Canadian management consulting firm specializing in international development.  We work primarily on projects funded by international finance institutions.

We are currently seeking to recruit an Indonesian part-time consultant (up to 45 days over 6 months) in Civil Society Support to provide assistance for a DFATD-funded project to support Indonesia’s Islands of Integrity Program for Sulawesi (SIPS).  The project currently assists 10 sub-national governments in North and South Sulawesi in reducing opportunities for corruption through implementing transparent government administration practices in three areas: a) the establishment and improvement of one stop services (PTSP) for licenses and other government services, b) support PAS (Disdukcapil) for identity cards and other personal information services, and c) fair and efficient procurement (Pengadaan Barang dan Jasa/PBJ) systems and processes.

Cowater International Vacancy: Civil Society Support Consultant - Sulawesi
Key Responsibilities

The Civil Society Support consultant will play a pivotal role in assisting civil society representatives already participating in the project to better understand and perform their roles and to contribute to successful project outcomes. Specific responsibilities include:
  • Provide advice and support to the Project Director, Jakarta and to the Project Officers based In Makassar and Manado in proposing and managing activities to assist civil society and Organisasi Masyarakat Sipil (CSO/OMS) representatives participating on existing Implementation Task Forces (Gugus Tugas) and Working Groups (Pokja) to better understand and perform their roles vis-à-vis that of government members of the same committees and to help strengthen trust and understanding between civil society and government. 
  • Assist CSO/OMS representatives currently participating in the project to better understand and execute their responsibilities to the community at large; i.e. supporting the implementation of OSS, PAS and Procurement reforms for more transparent and accessible service delivery and encouraging continuing sub-national government commitment to reform 
  • Assist the OMS representatives to fulfill their responsibilities to the public at large by assisting with delivery of public meetings in North and South Sulawesi to be facilitated by OMS members of the Gugus Tugas and Pokja; these meetings are intended to bring results to date of the project to the public, present the Survei Integritas findings, solicit comments and feedback on SIPS and improvements to public service delivery and identify next steps and the way ahead after project completion 
  • Preparation of a brief handbook exploring the opportunities and challenges of strengthening CSO/OMS and sub-national government cooperation in achieving common goals for the public good
  • Documentation of key events
  • Minimum of undergraduate degree with specialization in public administration, project management, local governance reform or other specialties relevant to the position;
  • Minimum of 10 years of professional experience in the field of development work with substantial specific expertise relating to civil society engagement
  • Practical knowledge gained through experience of local governance issues, reforms and gender in Indonesia
  • Two (2) years previous experience working with bilateral or multilateral donors in a similar capacity
  • Willingness to travel to both North and South Sulawesi as required
  • Competence in MS Office programs (Word, Excel, PowerPoint)
  • Demonstrated ability to promote and initiate work processes and complete given assignments with minimum supervision
  • Experience in the areas of licensing/PTSP, disdukcapil and pengadaan barang dan jasa (PBJ) reforms is considered an asset
  • Ability to communicate in both spoken and written English is essential
Qualified candidates are asked to submit their CV and Covering Letter in English to: ita.tumiwa@sips.or.id.  The closing date for applications is WIB 5:00 p.m. August 15, 2014.  Female candidates are encouraged to apply.  All applications are appreciated, but we regret that only suitably qualified candidates will be contacted.