
Joint Secretariat Operations Assistant For REDD+ in Palangka Raya

Application Deadline: 16 July 2014
Post level: SC-5
Duration of Initial Contract: 6 months (extendable)


“UNDP partners with people at all levels of society to help build nations that can withstand crisis, and drive and sustain the kind of growth that improves the quality of life for everyone. On the ground in 177 countries and territories, UNDP offers global perspective and local insight to help empower lives and build resilient nations.”

UNDP Indonesia's mission is to be an agent for change in the human and social development of Indonesia. We aim to be a bridge between Indonesia and all donors as well as a trusted partner to all stakeholders. We work in four key areas of development: Governance Reforms, Pro-Poor Policy Reforms, Conflict Prevention and Recovery, and Environment Management, with the overarching aim of reducing poverty in Indonesia. Besides the four priority areas, UNDP Indonesia is also engaged in a variety of crosscutting initiatives focused on HIV/AIDS, gender equality, and information and technology for development.”

Indonesia is the third largest emitter of CO2 and the world’s largest emitter from agriculture, forestry and other land use.  Over the past five years, Indonesia’s annual deforestation rate has averaged around 1 million hectares, which contributes more than 80 percent of Indonesia’s estimated annual emissions.  In response to this situation, the Government of Indonesia has initiated a range of programmes designed to reduce the nation’s carbon emissions and improve forest and peat-land governance.

These programmes, which began in earnest following the 13th Session of the Conference of Parties (COP 13) to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) which Indonesia hosted in 2007, range from national policy reform through to local demonstration activities, and a global mechanism referred to as REDD (Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and forest Degradation).  This mechanism, now called REDD+, has evolved since its initial inception (hence the plus) to include forest conservation, sustainable management of forests, and enhancement of carbon stocks through afforestation and reforestation.

On 26 May 2010 the Governments of Indonesia and the Kingdom of Norway signed a Letter of Intent to establish a REDD+ Partnership as a part of the government’s programme to tackle greenhouse gas emissions resulting from deforestation and forest degradation in Indonesia.  REDD+ provides an opportunity for developing countries like Indonesia to move towards a sustainable low-carbon economy through the implementation of REDD+ activities and, for industrial countries like Norway, to support a reduction in global carbon emissions by contributing funds for these activities.  For Indonesia REDD+ also offers a way to achieve the government’s voluntary commitment to the world to reduce emissions as much as 26 percent from a business-as-usual scenario or up to 41 percent with international support by 2020.

The first phase of this REDD+ Partnership is to establish an institute with the capacity to implement and manage REDD+ initially in nine priority provinces across Indonesia and eventually throughout the archipelago.  A Task Force (Satuan  Tugas, Satgas) has been established to facilitate the setting-up of this REDD+ Institute and Working Groups (WGs) have been formed to assist in developing a REDD+ National Strategy (Stranas) and a legal basis for REDD+ implementation, a Measuring, Reporting and Verification (MRV) division responsible for monitoring carbon stock and carbon stock changes, and a Financial Instruments facility for the disbursement of funds.

The implementation of REDD+ will be an important step in the development of a low-carbon economy in Indonesia – a country which has some of the most extensive and biologically diverse tropical forests in the world, and an opportunity for the government to reform forest and peat-land governance across the Indonesian archipelago.

Under the terms of the REDD+ Partnership with Norway, Indonesia agreed also to establish a pilot programme in one of Indonesia’s thirty-three provinces.  Following a review of the most vulnerable forest-rich regions in Indonesia and a call for proposals, the President selected Central Kalimantan as the pilot province along with eight other priority provinces where REDD+ will be implemented sequentially.

In September 2011 an MoU between the REDD+Task Force and the Governor of Central Kalimantan was signed, and since December that year preparations have begun to establish the mechanisms necessary to trial the many new paradigms, regulations, financial mechanisms and related safeguard protocols necessary for REDD+ implementation.

In November 2011, the Provincial Government of Central Kalimantan established a Regional Commission (Komisi Daerah, Komda) to facilitate coordination, communication and harmonisation of REDD+ activities in the pilot province.  A Joint Secretariat (Sekretariat Bersama, Sekber) was established to provide effective communication channels between the Regional Commission and the REDD+ Task Force and, more recently, recruitment is underway for field specialists to assist in the design and implementation of REDD+ activities in Central Kalimantan.

Under the guidance and supervision of the Project Coordinator for Central Kalimantan, the Joint Secretariat Operations Assistant will provide support to the Sekber Coordinators on the daily activities and office operations, performing a variety of standard administrative, finance and synchronize them with programme activities to ensure high quality and accuracy of work.  The REDD+ Joint Secretariat Operations Assistant works in close collaboration with the SekBer Office team, Central Kalimantan Government, UN agencies staff, and other stakeholders in Central Kalimantan to provide project support services ensuring high quality of work,  accurate, timely and properly recorded/documented service delivery.
Duties and Responsibilities
II. Functions / Key Results Expected
  • Ensures effective and efficient functioning of the Joint Secretariat Office, focusing on achievement of the following results: 
    • Act as the treasurer in managing REDD+ Joint Secretariat and Training Center petty cash and prepares petty cash report. 
    • Updating the database information on relevant stakeholders’ activities through a matrix of activities in the project location(s).
    • Liaise with the provincial government staff as well as the stakeholders (NGOs, Local  CSOs, private companies, community, etc), arrangement of appointments and meetings
    • Support the Joint Secretariat Office and Training Center’s relevant stakeholders in providing information of REDD+ update news 
    • Compilation and preparation of briefing and presentation materials, speeches, background information and documentation for meetings and missions. 
    • Supervise office cleaners
  • Ensures effective administrative and logistical support, focusing on achievement of the following results: 
    • Administrative support for the Joint Secretariat Office and Training Center for administrative/finance/logistics of events or activities related to the piloting activities in Central Kalimantan Province.
    • Arrangement of vehicle transportation, regular vehicle maintenance and insurance.
    • Checking and recording of vehicle daily log and gas consumption, update and maintenance of vehicle history report.
    • Custodian for management of office stationery supplies including maintenance of stock list of stationery, distribution of stationery as required by staff and keeping a log of distribution.
    • Filing and archiving letters and documents for the Joint Secretariat Office and Training Center.
    • Extraction of data from various sources.
    • Follow up on deadlines, commitments made, actions taken and coordination of collection and submission of the reports to head of unit.
    • Assistance in the preparation of budget, provision of information for audit.
  • Provides support to office maintenance and assets management, focusing on achievement of the following results:
    • Maintenance of records on assets management, preparation of reports
    • Maintenance of files and records relevant to office maintenance
    • Provision of support to maintenance of common premises and common services
  • Support knowledge building and knowledge sharing in the CO, focusing on achievement of the following results: 
    • Participation in the training for the operations/projects staff on administration. 
    • Sound contributions to knowledge networks and communities of practice.
III. Competencies and Critical Success Factors

Functional Competencies:

Building Strategic Partnerships 
Identifying and building partnerships
  • Displays initiative, sets challenging outputs for him/herself and willingly accepts new work assignments 
  • Takes responsibility for achieving agreed outputs within set deadlines and strives until successful outputs are achieved
Promoting Organizational Learning and Knowledge Sharing

Developing tools and mechanisms
  • Makes the case for innovative ideas documenting successes and building them into the design of new approaches 
  • Identifies new approaches and strategies that promote the use of tools and mechanisms 
  • Develops and/or participates in the development of tools and mechanisms, including identifying new approaches to promote individual and organizational learning and knowledge sharing using formal and informal methodologies
Job Knowledge/Technical Expertise

In-depth knowledge of the subject-matter

  • Understands more advanced aspects of primary area of specialization as well as the fundamental concepts of related disciplines 
  • Serves as internal consultant in the area of expertise and shares knowledge with staff 
  • Continues to seeks new and improved methods and systems for accomplishing the work of the unit 
  • Keeps abreast of new developments in area of professional discipline and job knowledge and seeks to develop him/herself professionally 
  • Demonstrates comprehensive knowledge of information technology and applies it in work assignments
Promoting Organizational Change and Development

Assisting the individuals to cope with change

  • Provides counseling and coaching to colleagues who are dealing with change Assists in the development of policies, communications, and change strategies 
  • Performs appropriate work analysis and assists in redesign to establish clear standards for implementation
Design and Implementation of Management Systems

Designing and implementing management system

  • Makes recommendations regarding design or operation of systems or programmes within organizational units
  • Identifies and recommends remedial measures to address problems in systems design or implementation
Client Orientation

Contributing to positive outcomes for the client
  • Anticipates client needs 
  • Works towards creating an enabling environment for a smooth relationship between the clients and service provider 
  • Demonstrates understanding of client’s perspective 
  • Keeps the client informed of problems or delays in the provision of services 
  • Uses discretion and flexibility in interpreting rules in order to meet client needs and achieve organizational goals more effectively 
  • Solicits feedback on service provision and quality
Promoting Accountability and Results-Based Management

Input to the development of standards and policies

  • Provides inputs to the development of organizational standards for accountability and results-based management
Core Competencies:
  • Promoting ethics and integrity, creating organizational precedents 
  • Building support and political acumen 
  • Building staff competence,  creating an environment of creativity and innovation 
  • Building and promoting effective teams 
  • Creating and promoting enabling environment for open communication 
  • Creating an emotionally intelligent organization 
  • Leveraging conflict in the interests of UNDP & setting standards 
  • Sharing knowledge across the organization and building a culture of knowledge sharing and learning. Promoting learning and knowledge management/sharing is the responsibility of each staff member
  • Fair and transparent  decision making; calculated risk-taking
Required Skills and Experience

IV. Recruitment Qualifications
  • Bachelor degree in Accounting, Finance, Business, Public Administration, Economics, Political Sciences, Social Sciences or other relevant fields of study would be desirable, but it is not a requirement.
  • Minimum 3 years of professional experience, preferably in the field of development for candidates with Bachelor Degree and 5 years for candidates with Diploma Degree 
  • Knowledge of and experience in supporting administration of UNDP projects will be highly desirable. 
  • Strong knowledge and experience in project management support are essential as well as ability to draft correspondence on budget-related issues, briefing notes, graphic and statistical summaries, accounting spreadsheets, etc 
  • Good inter-personal skills. 
  • Full time availability for project management support duties is essential.
  • Familiar with Government and UN/UNDP procedures would be desirable 
  • Up-to-date computer skills required, knowledge of spreadsheet and database packages 
  • Experience in handling of web based management systems would be preferable.
Language Requirements:

Excellent written and spoken English and Bahasa Indonesia 

More detail at  http://jobs.undp.org/cj_view_job.cfm?cur_job_id=48057

Aan Zainy.-