
Vacant position: M&E Officer with AIPD (closing date: 21 June 2014)

Terms of Reference
Monitoring and Evaluation Officer
(AIPD Activities at Central Government)

Introduction and BackgroundThe Australia Indonesia Partnership for Decentralisation (AIPD) is a five-year (2011-2015) program providing technical assistance and capacity building support to local governments and civil society to better manage public resources, leading to improved service delivery and reduced poverty.

AIPD works with the Government of Indonesia (GOI) and civil society partners to improve local governments’ capacity to manage their own resources – to prioritise, plan, budget for and implement their responsibilities in health, education and infrastructure.

AIPD supports both “supply” (national, provincial and local government) and “demand” (civil society) sides stakeholders, by providing Technical Assistance and capacity building based on demand from local partners, and utilising local expertise and institutions. On the supply side, the program aims to improve the capacity of provincial and district governments in budget planning and execution. On the demand side, AIPD facilitates to strengthen civil society engagement in budget planning and monitoring which will improve the transparency and accountability levels. AIPD also facilitates the information and knowledge sharing among the stakeholders who relate to the planning and delivery of public services.

From 2011 to 2013, AIPD worked with key stakeholders in supply and demand sides of the equation, providing various inputs to improve their capacity to allocate and manage resources. In order to give local governments the capacity to plan, budget and evaluate priority programs, AIPD strengthens the machinery of government at district and provincial levels.[1]

In the remaining one and half years of the program, AIPD will accelerate the implementation by prioritizing the interventions that improve specific basic service priorities. With its mandate and core competence in Public Financial Management, AIPD will focus implementation more at the level of basic service providers and citizen/community levels, forging stronger links between the two actors. AIPD will continue to complement this with interventions at the national and local government level. At the national level, AIPD will support reforms to the policy and regulatory framework that affects governing decentralisation. Meanwhile, at the provincial and district level, AIPD will continue its activities to improve planning, budgeting, and accountability of allocation and management of financial resources.

AIPD established Results and Knowledge Facility (RKF) in December 2013 to integrate the process of measuring, communicating and sharing of results and knowledge. RKF is expected to support AIPD Program in its efforts to improve service deliveries in AIPD target areas. In a broader policy advocacy sphere that AIPD intends to contribute, knowledge management across the program is then of critical importance in providing policy makers with information from the field to shape decentralisation and basic service delivery policy development[2]. AIPD is well positioned to play a strategic role in reinforcing better decentralization linkages and relationships with key stakeholders.

To support this vision, RKF is expected to play a strategic role in strengthening the collection of quality data of AIPD Program and facilitating information and knowledge across key stakeholders at national, provincial and district levels. The products will be shared for internal and external target audiences. Internally, RKF will support the learning and capacity improvement of AIPD teams by facilitating information and knowledge sharing. Moreover, to reach the external stakeholders, RKF will work closely through the AIPD teams (i.e. Central Government (CG) team, Technical Support Facility (TSF) team, regional teams and BaKTI as the key implementing partner). RKF will support the teams in advocating for policy development / change and promoting the use of AIPD’s products among the key stakeholders. However, RKF is not working directly with the key stakeholders as it is part of the responsibilities of the program and regional teams. Therefore boundaries and limitations of the RKF team need to be taken into account, so that expectations can be managed[3].

The purpose of this position is to support the M&E Specialist/ RKF Coordinator in effectively implement the RKF Strategy, particularly the measuring results function. Specifically, the position is dedicated to ensure AIPD’s activities at Central Government Ministries are being effectively monitored and evaluated. This will include developing and implementing the M&E system/plan by the AIPD team, management and analysis of program performance and result.

Duties and responsibilities
M&E Officer (Central Government) is responsible for providing supports to the M&E Specialist/ RKF Coordinator for the development and implementation of an effective monitoring and evaluation system for AIPD activities at Central Government Ministries. Effective monitoring and evaluation system will in turn improve the accuracy and reliability of program data, which then will become the basis for further communication and knowledge sharing[4].

Aside of ensuring effective M&E system is in place for AIPD’s activities at Central Ministries above, the M&E Officer is also responsible for assessing the effectiveness of AIPD’s supports to DFAT (Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade of Australian Government) such as knowledge sharing supports like brown bag lunches or technical supports through TSF team.

The duties of the M&E Officer include:

  • Support the AIPD CG team to clarify the Program Logic[5] (Results Chain) of interventions at Central Government ministries and develop Performance Monitoring Framework (PMF) to monitor the progress and results. 
  • Support in reviewing the Central Government Activity Terms of References to ensure that effective monitoring arrangement is being planned and included in the ToR. The follow-up monitoring activities to the implementation of the monitoring arrangement must also be undertaken systematically.
  • Support the AIPD CG team in the implementation of the PMF especially in their roles to monitor, and to compile information of the implemented events which then must be updated in the AIPD database.  
  • Jointly with the AIPD CG team, analyze information on the implementation, achieved outputs and outcomes of CG interventions and providing feedback to the Assistant Program Directors (APD) for Central Government for improvement as necessary.
  • Develop a monitoring plan and ensure its implementation to assess the effectiveness of AIPD's various supports to DFAT. This is including the knowledge sharing events such as brown bag lunches and technical advices from the AIPD TSF team.
  • Support the M&E Officer (Research Analyst) in supervising any review commissioned by AIPD to evaluate AIPD activities at Central Government ministries.
  • Document the results and lessons that will:
    • inform decisions  by AIPD Core Team / DFAT to improve program implementation,
    • become the materials for communication to improve AIPD's visibility, and
    • be used for sharing of possible further replication.
Note: For 7. b) and c), the M&E Officer should work closely with other relevant RKF member and BaKTI focal point for communication and knowledge management.

1.       Program Logic of Central Government and Performance Monitoring Framework developed and implemented to assess progress and results.

2.       Updated AIPD Database on information of events, outputs and outcomes at Central Government Ministries, which provides qualitative and quantitative program data.

3.       Analysis Reports on progress and results of Central Government Activities (focus and types of reports will be determined jointly with relevant M&E Specialist and RKF team members).

4.       Progress and Results of AIPD at central governments are well documented and channelled to BaKTI Focal Point for further communication and sharing.

Liaison / Reporting
You will report to the M&E Specialist/ RKF Coordinator. Within the RKF team, you will work closely with M&E Officers (Performance Analyst and Research Analyst) and Results and Knowledge Officer overseeing communication and knowledge sharing. Outside RKF, you will work closely with Assistant Program Directors (APD) for Central Government and the team members.

Qualifications / Experience
Key Requirements:
1.       Tertiary qualifications in social sciences with research component as part of the degree.

2.       At least 5-year-experience from which at least 3-year-experience in managing performance and/or working in M&E Field and an additional 2 year of experience working in development programs particularly related to Good Governance,  Public Financial Management and Policy Development / Advocacy.

3.       Strong capacity in both quantitative and qualitative data management and reporting systems.

1.       Good report writing skills.

2.       Good interpersonal skills and commitment to working in a team.

3.       Good understanding of Government of Indonesia systems, public finance management and its connection to service delivery.

4.       Fluency in both verbal and written English.

Timing / Duration
July 2014 – April 2015

The position is based in Jakarta with possible travels to AIPD target areas (NTT, NTB, Jatim, Papua & Papua Barat)

Please send the application letter (with selection criteria) along with CV to recruitment@aipd.or.id

[1]     AIPD runs for five years at a cost of AUD62 million across five provinces (East Java, NTT, NTB, Papua and West Papua)

[2] More information related to knowledge management in AIPD is elaborated in more detail in Knowledge Management implementation strategy, available at www.aipd.or.id

[3] Further information related to RKF can be found in RKF Strategy Document

[4] Further information related to integration process of measuring results, communication and knowlege sharing.

5 AIPD is developing a new Management Support Sytem (MSS). It is intended that once the MSS is fully functioning, database function will be integrated to the MSS. M&E Officer will be taking part in supporting one the function of the MSS.

[5] “Program Logic is used interchangeably with Program Theory – in this case, it is defined as an articulated causal model of how a program is understood or intended to contribute to its specified outcomes”. Rogers, P. J. in Mathison, S (Ed). 2005. Encyclopedia of Evaluation. Sage Publications