Indonesia Clean Energy Development (ICED) Program
USAID Funded Project
Request for Quotation (RFQ)
no: RFQ-ICED/Grants-14-008
RFQ issuance
date: April 30, 2014
Quotation due
date and time: May 14, 2014
Tetra tech ES
Inc., is seeking a qualified institution to deliver a service in regards to
ICED biomass revitalization project in Riau. It is a joint project between ICED
and DG NREEC - Directorate General New, Renewable Energy and Energy
Conservation, MEMR - Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources. Under this joint
project, ICED is providing grant to revitalize one of the DG NREEC biomass
gasification projects installed in Riau.
The main
purpose of the assignment is to assist ICED in developing the as-build design
drawings of the biomass gasification unit that was installed in Sukamulya
Village, Dayun Sub-District, Siak Sri Inderapura Regency, Riau Province. The
drawings should reflect the actual dimension as it is on the project location.
The appointed vendor
is to develop several specific drawings as fallow:
- Lay-out technical drawings of the existing biomass gasification unit. The picture should include all of the components installed within the gasification unit.
- Detail technical drawings of each component supporting the biomass gasification system.
pictures would include the Gasifier reactor, Syclone, Scrubber
and Ventury Scrubber, Rolling Cutter, Filters, Blower and syngas facility, Cooling
Tower, Water Treatment, and Buffer Tank.
- Technical drawings of other necessary supporting components such as control panels, electrical wiring system, etc.
Please inform
ICED by email at if
you are interested in applying for this RFQ and receiving detail information on
the RFQ source selection and specifications, quotation format, technical
guidelines and conditions as well as solicitation guidelines and conditions.
Your expression of interest should include the following information:
Subject: RFQ-ICED/Grants-14-008
Name of organization:
Name of contact person and position:
Mobile phone number:
Fax number:
Email address:
Mobile phone number:
Fax number:
Email address:
Any question
concerning this RFQ must be submitted in writing (email) to ICED Grant and Procurement
Officer or by calling the ICED office at +62 021-52964445.
Tetra tech ES
Inc. is the prime contractor for the USAID - funded Indonesia Clean Energy
Development (ICED) program and is responsible for all the grants under
Tetra tech ES
Inc. in Indonesia is represented by:
Bill Meade
Director of Tetra tech ES Inc. and USAID-ICED
Chief of Party