
Job Vacancy - Evaluation Consultant - CDRM & CDS UHN, Medan

The Center for Disaster Risk Management and Community Development Studies (CDRM&CDS) is a department of HKBP Nommensen University. CDRM&CDS has been implementing a six years strategy since 2009 and has been working with various communities of North and West Sumatera and building capacity of Diaconal department of LWF churches in Indonesia. Currently CDRM&CDS is seeking two consultants for CDRM&CDS strategy for 2009 - 2014 Evaluation.
Team leader
Qualification –
S/he must have good experience in leading evaluation team(s) and meet international qualifications and standards; must have a thorough knowledge on evaluation process; expert in organizational development and strategic planning; and good understanding of the context and community-based empowerment programs.
Team member
S/he must have good experience in conducting evaluation in team and meet international qualifications and standards; must have a thorough knowledge on evaluation process; expert in organizational development and strategic planning; and good understanding of the context and community-based empowerment programs. A good knowledge of Indonesian development as well as disaster risk reduction context is essential.
The actual field work has to be done any time between mid July to end of August. For more detail information, Terms of Reference is provided below.
Closing date for application
13 June 2014
CDRM&CDS is equal opportunity employer with respect to gender, ethnicity and religion. Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted. Interested candidates are advised to send their CV and a financial proposal along with application to
Porlak Nommensen, Jalan Bunga Rampai V - Simalingkar B


HKBP Nommensen University Center for Disaster Risk Management, and
Community Development Studies Indonesia
Country Strategy Evaluation


HKBP Nommensen University, Center for Disaster Risk Management and Community Development Studies, Indonesia (CDRM&CDS) started operations in 2008. CDRM&CDS was established with broad understanding among ALWS, ELCA and LWR as donor partners and LWF/DWS, LWF/DMD as advisors and 12 Lutheran Churches in Indonesia as key stakeholder, with the National Committee of LWF in Indonesia representing all 12 churches. The organization is a center of HKBP Nommensen University, established in Medan in North Sumatera Province of Indonesia. As an associate member of LWF/DWS, the organization developed a country strategy for the period of 2009 to 2014 as part of the adopted planning and monitoring system of LWF/DWS. Likewise, in line with the LWF/DWS system, CDRM&CDS is required to undertake a strategic review and develop a new strategy for 2015 to 2020.
CDRM&CDS has implemented several projects including the foundational project on Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR) through Right Based Empowerment of Communities in Nias, Pakpak and Simalingkar in North Sumatra province and Mentawai in West Sumatra Province; Tsunami affected humanitarian crises response in 2010 in Mentawai; earthquake affected school building project in Tarutung in 2011, etc.  As per LWF/DWS requirement, a midterm review of the project was carried out in 2011 for period of 2009 to 2011. 
This Strategic review will take into account of the changing socio economic and political realities of the country as well as stakeholder expectations, experiences and relevant lessons learned. Therefore, a thorough study of donor partners’ strategy, LWF/DWS policies and guidelines (which are adopted to maintain international standards), needs for the stakeholders capacity building in the country will require participation of a wide range of stakeholders.
2.         Objective of the Evaluation

2.1   Broad Purposes and End-Uses
The purpose of the evaluation of CDRM&CDS strategy for 2009 - 2014 is both retrospective - looking backwards - as well as prospective - looking forwards.   Its intention is therefore, firstly to review progress achieved and constraints encountered during the current strategic planning phase to date; and secondly to provide advice and practical recommendations for CDRM&CDS to consider in developing the next phase of the strategic plan from 2015 -2020. 
The intended uses of the evaluation report are:
  • to provide an informed and independent assessment of the work of CDRM&CDS as a means of providing critical accountability and transparency to stakeholders, both within and outside the country.
  • to serve as a management tool for CDRM&CDS senior and mid-level staff at program level to facilitate decision-making, and future planning. 
2.2 Specific Objectives
There are three major specific objectives of the strategic review.
1.     Assess the extent to which the strategic goals and objectives in the Indonesia country strategy 2009-2014 have been implemented. This may include, but will not be restricted to answering the following questions:
  • Is there relevance and coherence in the overall structure of the program and its constituent projects and supporting activities
  • Has the selection of geographic working areas, thematic issues and focus groups been appropriate?  Are all other cross cutting issues equally addressed?
  • Are the strategies and approaches adopted to implement planned activities relevant, well-designed and effective?  Are the modalities of implementation and partnership which have been adopted appropriated
  •  What have been the main outcomes, and impacts (positive and negative changes can be noted) as they affect the people of concern for the program? 
  • How has CDRM&CDS assisted in the capacity building of partner churches in Indonesia in building capacity of their congregation members for DRR and rights based community empowerment?
  • Are the organizational goals and configuration of the program (management, financial and PME systems, HRD, OD, etc) appropriate for conducting work effectively and efficiently? What gaps exist?
  • How is the work of CDRM&CDS regarded by local stakeholders and other actors?  (partner households, villages, CBOs, local congregations, local authorities, local and regional government authorities and departments, partner church diaconal departments, church leadership,  governments, HKBP Nommensen, LWF National Committee, Donors, LWF/DMD and LWF/DWS, Project Advisory  Bodies, Governing Body, ACT Indonesia, etc.)  How does CDRM&CDS co-ordinate its work both internally and externally?
  • What major constraints or unresolved issues remain?
  • What lessons have been learned?
2.     Assess the continuing relevance of the current Country Strategy in the context of changing conditions and progress made.   This may include, but will not be restricted to answering the following questions:
  • Do the strategic goals, objectives and plans remain relevant and appropriate in the current and emerging context?
  • Are the approaches and methodologies used acceptable, appropriate and sustainable?
  • What aspects of the program would benefit from change, what aspects needs strengthening etc?
  • What is the future of the program?
3  Review the governance of CDRM&CDS to see how effective and efficient it has been in making decisions and delivering the intended services to the people in need. This may include, but is not to be restricted to the answering the following questions:
  • How effective has the current governing system of CDRM&CDS been in managing the organization in order to bring intended outcomes of the specific objectives of the organization?
  • Has the governing system been inclusive sufficiently?
  • What recommendations can be made to improve the governance of CDRM&CDS in the future?
3.      Scope of the Evaluation
The evaluation shall be wide-ranging covering all relevant aspects of the CDRM&CDS program as defined by the Country Strategy.  It shallcompare the design and implementation of CDRM&CDS program to actual outcomes by analyzing the following:
  • relevance (to objectives, to needs and priorities identified by household and village partners and community groups, and also in terms of targeting and design, approaches and modalities of implementation and in the context of work by other NGO actors)
  • efficiency (how efficiently, timely and  economically  are the resources deployed, how cost-effective are operations?)
  • effectiveness (extent to which plans have been fulfilled, targets and objectives achieved)
  • outcomes and impact  (results achieved, changes brought about in the conditions of the focus groups),
  • sustainability  (likelihood of activities and benefits continuing after external assistance is withdrawn; also the extent to which those participating   - over time, usually after the inputs have all been provided and external support stops) also reflect issues of ownership of process, linkages with other agencies, and processes; including links to diaconal departments.
4.     Methodology
The Evaluation Team has the flexibility to choose different methods as necessary to fulfill the objectives. However it is expected that, participatory approaches should be adopted especially for interactions with the field-based program participants and local and church partner organizations; and the government.   Given the constraints imposed by wide geographical coverage and limited time of the Review Team, it is understood that rapid appraisal methods will need to be applied, and that only the key issues can receive better attention.
The evaluation team is expected to follow four stages:
Stage I - Preparatory: including making preliminary arrangement such as finalizing dates, identifying team members and team leader, commission the process etc. CDRM&CDS will provide the following documents as part of the preparatory exercise:
  • Country strategy 2009 – 2014
  • Current project document 2012 – 2014
  • CDRM&CDS byelaws
  • Project Advisory Committee terms of reference
  • Memorandum of Understanding with Indonesia churches, Nommensen University, National Committee, Donor Partners and LWF bodies in Geneva
  • MoU with host churches for community program implementation in Nias, Mentawai and Pakpak
  • Annual monitoring report for 2013
  • Annual report for 2013
  • Latest SWOT analysis report
  • Minutes from the Stakeholder’s Workshop, Medan, March 21-22, 2014
 Stage II - In-country Evaluation Process:  in which the Evaluation Team conducts its task in Indonesia. This stage will comprise three general sub-stages, namely.
  • firstly, detailed planning, preliminary briefing, discussion with CDRM&CDS HQ key staff.
  • secondly, field visits to different locations, focus group discussion with participants, meetings with staff, partner church members, government authorities and other relevant stakeholders (questionnaires can be sent or phone calls made to donors and other stake holders not in Indonesia or too far away to practically interview)
  • thirdly, analysis, further information in Medan and debriefing workshop for all stake holders including senior staff of CDRM&CDS.
In order to maximize the limited time available, it is expected that the overall Evaluation Team will subdivide into smaller groups in order to cover all potential respondents both in program locations and church partners.
Stage III – Data Analysis and Report drafting by TL, circulating for feedback and incorporating comments before submitting the final Report.
Stage IV:  Post-Evaluation follow-up:  CDRM&CDS will develop an action plan to guide the program response.  The Evaluation Report will provide direct input into the Strategic Planning process due to commence later in 2014.
The responsibilities for the different component tasks involved in this process, are indicated in the Timetable below.
5.     Provisional Timetable
The Timetable shows only the main stages, and individual steps together with the intended location and persons responsible.   Once dates and broad approaches are agreed, a more detailed timetable will be developed which will provide details especially of the proposed schedule and arrangements for field visit and meetings with stakeholders:
A proposed time table and field visit schedule:
Inform donor partners and churches
June 2014
CRM&CDS Executive director
Identify and contract Evaluation Team Leader, Team Members
Completed by June end 2014
CRM&CDS Executive director
Assemble relevant documentation (soft and hard)
Issued to the Evaluation Team members at least 4 weeks prior to Evaluation
CRM&CDS Executive director
Produce Provisional Work plan in consultation with CDRM&CDS director
2 weeks prior to Evaluation
Team Leader

Document review & analysis by Evaluation Team
At respective homes/offices
Review Team Leader (and Team Members)
Preparatory Meeting/s by ET to discuss methodology;
Program overview/briefing session by CDRM&CDS key staff
1 day
CDRM&CDS office in Medan

TL & Team Members

CDRM&CDS Executive director
Field visits:
Discussion with partners, focus groups, other agencies
- Divide ET into three for visits to all three locations over 5-7 days (must follow boat schedule):
-  TL visits Churches Pakpak and North Sumatra Provincial Government in Medan
- Sub team 1: visit Nias and North Sumatra Provincial Government in Medan
- Sub team 2: visit Mentawai and Provincial Government in West Sumatra, Padang
Various field locations
TL & Team Members

Team analysis, and Workshop preparation
2-4 days
Medan – Hotel
Workshop  - debriefing for staff and stakeholders
1 day
Medan – hotel
TL & Team Members

Approximately 13 days

Draft Report

Within 2 weeks of departure
Team Leader
Final report
Within 2 weeks of circulation of draft report
Team Leader


  • Evaluation Team (and sub-teams) will be accompanied on field visits and, if necessary, to other stakeholders meetings by a Resource Person from CDRM&CDS\
  • Translators needed in field projects shall be arranged as necessary

6.     Output: Report Structure

Two outputs are envisaged:
  • Firstly, the debriefing workshop prior to the Evaluation Team’s departure should present preliminary findings, analysis and recommendations of the mission. The purpose is both to inform CDRM&CDS and all other stakeholders on their observations, and also to gather input and feedback to improve the final report.
  • Secondly, the final Review Report should be produced after incorporating feedback from CDRM&CDS officials and other stakeholders, approximately two weeks following completion of the review process. The following basic elements contained within this report shall include: -
  • Executive summary
  • Introduction (purpose, TOR, Methodology etc)
  • Background, History
  • Country Strategy objectives and strategic approaches
  • Findings, analysis and emerging issues
  • Recommendations
  • Conclusion
  • Annexes
  • TOR
  • Itinerary
  • Meeting reports / list of persons met
  • List of reference docs
7.     Composition of the Evaluation Team
This Review Team should comprise 4 full members:
  • A team leader – international consultant or an Indonesian having international qualifications and standards proposed by CDRM&CDS and agreed with the donor partners, previous similar experience in leading evaluation teams and process. Expert in Organizational Development and Strategic Planning. Good understanding of the context and community-based empowerment programs.
  • A team member – an Indonesian having international qualifications and standards proposed by CDRM&CDS and agreed with the donor partners, previous similar experience working in evaluation teams and process. Expert in Organizational Development and Strategic Planning. Good understanding of the context and community-based empowerment programs.
  • One representative from neighboring LWF or associate country program having rights based community empowerment program experience.
  • One representative from Lutheran Church of Indonesia, preferably a member of LWF National Committee of Indonesia.
CDRM&CDS opens opportunity for donor partners (ELCA and ALWS) to participate in the process if they are interest to do so.
8.     Documentation
To enable the team members to prepare themselves for the evaluation, relevant documentation shall be emailed in line with the proposed timetable. One master copy (hardcopy) shall be provided for use by the Team.