
Lowongan Consultant for Resilience Research : Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR) Project, Jakarta

OXFAM who are we?
Oxfam is a leading aid, development and campaigning not-for-profit organisation with a world-wide reputation for excellence and over 60 years’ experience working in Indonesia. Our purpose is to work with others to overcome suffering and find lasting solutions to poverty.

Currently we are looking for a:

Consultant for Resilience Research : Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR) project, based in Jakarta

Oxfam has been implementing Disaster Risk Reduction project with local partners across Indonesia since 2006. The impacts have been resulted and lessons learned have been taken through the project implementation. Following the previous projects, Oxfam intends to roll out the model and lesson learned to other area which are also prone to disaster.

In order to enable Oxfam to develop future DRR project plans to conduct a research assess the resilience towards natural disaster of several high-disaster-risk districts in Indonesia.


To assess the stage of resilience towards natural disasters in 4 high-risk districts in Indonesia To get recommendations of appropriate DRR/Climate Change Adaptation/Livelihood interventions in the studied districts

Scope of Work

Research tools identification & finalization
Data collection
Data analysis & report writing
Report draft 1st submission
Report revision
Final Report submission

The report MUST include the following sections and contents:

Title Page
Abbreviations/acronyms list
Executive Summary (max 3 pages)
Table of Contents
Research Methodology
Research Findings

This section shall provide a brief summary of key recommendations that have emerged from the research that will be useful for developing Oxfam's project strategies and approached in the future.

Research location
The evaluation will be held in 4 selected districts; Alor districts-East Nusa Tenggara, Gowa district-South Sulawesi, Solok district -West Sumatera and one district in East Java (to
be confirmed).

Research Questions
How are the studied districts' progresses towards the Hyogo Framework for Actions?
How many villages are disaster-prone in the studied districts?
Are there existing Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) that have capacity on DRR in the studied districts
What are the appropriate DRR/Climate Change Adaptation/Livelihood interventions in the studied districts?
Evaluation participants and methodology

Government: District head, BPBD, Bappeda, district Social Agency, District SAR Agency, PMI CSOs Community representatives

The research is a quality research. Examples of methods that can be used are : Focus Group Discussion (FGD), Key informant Interview (KII) and other methods proposed by the consultant.

Consultant Qualifications

1. Experienced in conducting research and assessment
2. Experienced in DRR, Climate Change and Livelihood
3. Excellent written and cross-cultural communication
4. Strategic writing
6. Excellent spoken and written English and Indonesia language
7. ability to meet expected result within a particular time frame

Time Frame

The research will be conducted from May until June, 2014

How to apply
If you believe you are the consultant candidate we are looking for please submit you r proposal with cover letter and CV/resume to:

Jakarta@oxfam.org.uk and stated Consultant for Resilience Research : DRR project on the subject of your email.

Latest date for application will be on April 30th, 2014

Only short-listed candidates will be contacted