
Call For Proposal 2014 - IDRC: Health Policy and Research Organizations

Closing Date: June 11, 2014.

The Innovating for Maternal and Child Health in Africa program is launching a call for proposals for the selection of Health Policy and Research Organizations. This program is funded by Canada’s Global Health Research Initiative, a collaboration of Foreign Affairs, Trade and Development Canada, the Canadian Institutes of Health Research, and IDRC.

Organizations (or the lead organization of a consortium) must: 
  • Be a non-partisan, not-for-profit organization legally founded and registered as an independent entity in the country of operation. Only non-partisan and not-for-profit organizations can be included in a consortium. 
  • Be an African organization. United Nations agencies and international organizations based in Africa or overseas are ineligible to be the lead organization or to be part of a consortium 
  • Support a health policy development and implementation mandate through knowledge brokering, analysis, and research. 
  • Work in at least one of the targeted countries and demonstrate willingness and capacity to expand their work in all the other targeted countries in the selected HPRO region (East or West).
Geographic area:
Sub-Saharan Africa is the program’s region of focus, targeting these nine countries: Ethiopia, Ghana, Malawi, Mali, Mozambique, Nigeria, Senegal, South Sudan, and Tanzania.

Project duration: 68 months

Budget total and apportionment: A budget of approximately CA$5 million is available where two grants of a maximum of CA$2.5 million each will be awarded (one for West Africa and one for East Africa). 

Source and More Information, Click this LINK.