
Call For Proposal 2014 - ADB: Small Grant Projects on Community-Based Disaster Risk Management

Closing Date: April 30,2014.

Natural hazards continue to cause significant loss of life in Asia and the Pacific. Direct physical losses from the disasters are not only following a steady upward path, but are also rising more rapidly than the regional gross domestic product. However, rising disaster losses are not inevitable and can be reduced by investing in disaster resilience.

Asian Development Bank’s IDRM approach brings together:

Disaster risk reduction: Investments to enhance hazard management, including risk assessment and measures to reduce exposure and vulnerability

Climate change adaptation: Planning for changes in the intensity and frequency of natural hazards and taking actions to reduce risk both today and many years into the future

Disaster risk financing: Development and application of financing strategies to manage and transfer residual risk, including through the use of insurance and capital market instruments

ADB’s Integrated Disaster Risk Management Fund (IDRM Fund) for Southeast Asia supported by the Government of Canada invites proposals to implement small grant projects for community-based disaster risk management (DRM) in Southeast Asian developing member countries (DMCs) of ADB – Cambodia, Indonesia, Lao People’s Democratic Republic, Myanmar, the Philippines, Thailand, and Viet Nam. This call for proposals will finance small grant projects under a regional technical assistance project supported by the IDRM Fund and will be implemented in close coordination with other activities of the technical assistance.

What are the project requirements? 
  • Participation of local governments and civil society including target communities, youth groups, and grassroots women’s organizations in identifying and prioritizing needs; supporting implementation of non-structural interventions; and helping implementation of prioritized structural interventions by linking with ongoing and pipeline investments of local governments and/or development partners;
  • Address the needs of the target community, and recognize women as agents of change for strengthening disaster resilience
  • Demonstrate innovation in strengthening disaster resilience at the community level or focus on elements to strengthen the enabling environment for scalling-up community-based DRM interventions through regular development processes;
  • Benefitting ongoing or planned projects of government and/or ADB that focus on DRM or wider community-driven development
  • Addressing community-level DRM issues common in Southeast Asian DMCs through single country interventions, with lessons that can be shared regionally
  • Cost not more than US$100,000; and
  • Have an implementation period of 12–18 months 
Eligibility criteria for accessing the IDRM Fund: 
  • DMC agencies in Southeast Asia, development partners, regional and subregional institutions, and relevant  regional departments of ADB are eligible for IDRM Fund resources.
  • Regional projects that can be implemented in three or more of ADB's DMCs in Southeast Asia and that    have an implementation period of less than 3 years.
  • Projects consistent with regional disaster risk management priorities of Southeast Asia DMCs, with the    objectives of ADB’s country partnership strategy and results framework in each participating country,    and with the objectives of ADB's Disaster and Emergency Assistance Policy.
  • Projects that introduce innovative solutions in establishing proactive and scaled-up approaches to IDRM,  and that are linked to ongoing regional disaster risk management programs endorsed by DMCs.
  • Project that support strong engagement with civil society and the private sector, and the enhance gender  equality and social inclusion.
Source and More Information, Click this LINK.