
Netherlands Leprosy Relief Vacancy: Country Representative, Jakarta

De Leprastichting or Netherlands Leprosy Relief (NLR), with headquarters in Amsterdam, is a professional organisation working in leprosy and disabilities. Yearly around 220,000 people are affected by this disease, of whom about 20,000 in Indonesia. NLR provides support in 15 endemic countries and is increasingly involved in medical and non-medical rehabilitation activities. NLR is a long standing member of the International Federation of Anti-Leprosy Associations (ILEP) .

NLR maintains seven Representative Offices which are responsible for the management of the programmes supported in 15 countries. The total year budget is some € 10,5 million. Indonesia is one of NLR’s most important programmes with an approximate budget of € one million per year.

For the Indonesia programme we are looking for a

NLR Representative in Indonesia

NLR has been supporting projects in Indonesia since 1967, initially in leprosy disease control and later also the rehabilitation of persons with disabilities due to leprosy. More recently, NLR has broadened its scope of support to organisations that deal with disability issues, regardless of their cause.

The main partner for leprosy control is the Ministry of Health of Indonesia. At provincial level, the provincial health services are important partners. For rehabilitation, NLR Indonesia works closely with a number of local Non Governmental Organizations (NGOs) and Disabled Persons Organisations (DPOs) and with other important stakeholders such as Universities and Hospitals.

The NLR team based in Jakarta consists of 8 office staff for financial, administrative and logistic aspects and of 11 advisers on leprosy control and disabilities. NLR advisers visit NLR-supported projects to provide technical support, on the job training, and coaching to provincial health programmes, local NGOs and DPOs.

What does the work imply?
As Representative you will be responsible for the management of the NLR supported programme in Indonesia and the NLR Indonesia Office in Jakarta. You will see to a proper utilization of NLR funds and funds from other donors who contribute to the Programme.
The NLR Indonesia programme is implemented within the framework of a multi-annual strategy and an annual plan and budget approved by NLR headquarters. Thereby a result based approach in all phases of the programme and the project management cycle is leading.

You will further strengthen and extend the networks of NLR in Indonesia both in the public health sector and in rehabilitation activities. You will identify possibilities for institutional funding and play an active role in proposal development.

You will see to the timely production, processing and transmission of all required plans and reports.

You will foster and maintain a good cooperation with all relevant stakeholders. Close contact and regular communication with NLR’ s Programmes Department is a prerequisite for a successful functioning.

Who are we looking for?
You have a relevant professional background and field experience, college level or higher, (a medical background is not a prerequisite) and you are fluent in Indonesian and have a very good command of English. You have excellent analytical skills and are able to communicate clearly and concisely both verbally and in writing.

You have experience with programme and project management. You know how to build and lead a team comprising multidisciplinary staff. You know how to run an office efficiently and how to work with elaborate financial administrative systems and donor requirements.
You have a clear affinity with marginalised groups and health related issues. You are in possession of good interpersonal and diplomatic skills and are able to listen and to compromise, while remaining mission and result oriented. You have a flexible attitude and can cope with a dynamic workload.

You are willing to travel regularly throughout Indonesia.

What do we offer?
A responsible position with a challenging agenda. You will work with an organisation committed to the global fight against an often neglected disease. The station of duty will be Jakarta. We provide an employment package which is commensurate with the position and market competitive.

We encourage those with the Indonesian nationality to apply.

An assessment by an external agency will be part of the selection procedure.

How to apply:
Are you interested in this position and do you meet the requirements? Then submit your application letter before 24 March 2014 including your CV, by e-mail to Mrs Agnes Schaafsma, a.schaafsma@leprastichting.nl

If desired, information can be obtained by telephone from: Mrs. Agnes Schaafsma, Programme Officer +31 (0)20-5950524 or from our website: www.leprosyrelief.org