
Lowongan Developing Module In Gender & Livelihood, Makassar


One person in three in the world lives in poverty. Oxfam is determined to change that world by mobilising the power of people against poverty.

Around the globe, Oxfam works to find practical, innovative ways for people to lift themselves out of poverty and thrive. We save lives & help rebuild livelihoods when crisis strikes. And we campaign so that the voices of the poor influence the local and global decisions that affect them.

In all we do, Oxfam works with partner organisations and alongside vulnerable women and men to end the injustice that cause poverty.

Restoring Coastal Livelihoods (RCL) is a 5-years project initiated by CIDA, Oxfam Canada, and Oxfam GB to be implemented in South Sulawesi. RCL undertaken with the financial supports of the Government of Canada provided through the Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA). The project supports sustainable economic growth by working with communities and local partners to increase family incomes by sustainably using renewable natural resources.

Formal policies do grant equal rights to women and men. However the reality is that those policies might only affect change on the ground – and promotes equitable rights for men and women – when appropriate programs and projects are planned and implemented and sufficient budget allocations are made.  To ensure this, community participation in the government’s planning and budgeting process is needed. And as women’s specific concerns are not always represented at the community level, their increased participation is vital. In order for community representatives to be able to effectively participate in government planning, budgeting, and decision making processes, they need to be organized and possess a confidence based on adequate knowledge of the issues and of the processes they will participate in.

For this purpose, the project has facilitated the formation of a community’s  group at the village level, supporting them with routine meeting which comprise various gender issues especially with related to community’s daily life. However, it’s noticed that we are lacking practical module which is applicable for  community.

Objective :
To develop module on advocacy for gender and livelihood trough routine meeting using applicable and interactive tools (games, simulation, study case or pictures) so that women and men could possess confidence and actively participate in decision making process i.e Musrenbang process both in District and Village level or in meeting with Dinas. In addition, workshop will be conducted to try out the module before widely distributed.

Expected Result :

  1. Module on  advocacy for gender and livelihood  covers some basic modules including, Organizational Development, Power analysis with gender perspective
  2. Module that has been tried out with consultants and partners will be printed afterward to be distributed widely
To apply, the candidate should submit a proposal as outlined below:
  • Experience: This section should highlight the best experience of the consultant in developing module in gender & livelihood. 
  • Work plan: The proposal should clearly mention details of each and every activity including a kind of preparatory work. The time line and person(s) responsible for each activity needs to be clearly mentioned.   
  • Team member: Provide the number of team members needed for the proposed activity.
  • Proposed the detail budget 
Email to : Makassar@oxfam.org.uk, with title in the subject line Developing Module in Gender & Livelihood and closing date March 8, 2014.