Requested by ACTED (Agency for Technical Cooperation and Development)
Position :
for Need Based Technical Training
Duration : 03 March – 30 May 2014
Agency for Technical Cooperation and Development (ACTED) is
a French non-profit organization working in over 30 countries worldwide
to provide emergency response, early recovery, and development
assistance to communities in need. ACTED's interventions seek to cover
multiple aspects of humanitarian and development crises
through a multidisciplinary approach that is both global and local, and
adapted to each context. ACTED's vision is to establish emergency,
rehabilitation, and development. ACTED aims to guarantee the
sustainability of relief interventions carried out during
crises by remaining in the field after the emergency to engage in
long-term support to communities in food security, health, education,
economic assistance, microfinance, advocacy, and cultural promotion.
ACTED's actions are needs based and identified in a
participatory manner with communities in the areas where we are
has been active in Indonesia since April 2005, assisting
those affected by the tsunami and Nias earthquake and is now working to
support livelihoods, civil society capacity building and
community-based disaster risk reduction in North Sumatra and Nusa
Tenggara Timur (NTT).
Project background
ACTED will implement a project to strengthen the capacity of civil
society organizations in Medan, North Sumatera. The project is co-financed by EU (European Union) and includes working with
CSOs (Civil Society Organization) in North Sumatera Province to
development organizational management, finance management, leadership,
participation and group dynamic, project cycle management and external
Objectives of the consultancy
ACTED is seeking applications for Consultant for trainer of the
Need Based Technical Training on Project Development using
Logical Framework Approach. The trainer will be
responsible for producing the following training modules and then
providing the needs based technical training to all five CSOs over a three day period. The modules will cover:
- The concept of the result-based approach
- The concept of the log frame
- The approach in the analysis of problems and formulation of the problem
- Formulation of hierarchy results / impact
- Formulation of indicators
- Preparation of logframe
- The link between logframe and proposals
The Training will have the following key aims:
Increase participants' understanding of the ideas and strategic issues in the development of civil society organizations
Improve the ability of participants in
formulating the organization's strategic program ( includes program and
financial planning , implementation , monitoring / evaluation ,
fundraising )
Improve skill and knowledge of participants about
proposal writing based on logical framework;
The consultant must have significant experience in development
similar tools and materials of this nature in Indonesia. The
training is facilitated by an external professional.
Being an outsider ensures that the participants (management,
implementing staff and external stakeholders) can fully focus on the
contents of the training. The Consultant task is:
To guide the group through the logframe planning process
To ensure proper use of the logframe methodology and tools
To steer group dynamics (discussions, dilemmas, conflicts)
Build consensus
To manage time
Basic requirements for
methodology are:
Use of interactive teaching methods (i.e. use of media,
projector, etc);
Inclusive and cooperative approach;
Include practical exercises and presentations to be used
during the training;
expects the following outputs by the consultant upon completion of the consultancy:
Develop modules on the logical framework approach;
Lead three 1 day trainings to five CSOs using the training
modules (three days of training in total);
Consultancy timeframe
Making Training Module:
Project Development using Logical Framework Approach
Review and finalize training module and materials
Print Module : The concept of result-based approach &
The concept of log
First Training :
The approach in the analysis of problems
and formulation of the problem
Second Training :
Formulation of hierarchy results / impact
Third training :
Formulation of indicators,
Preparation of log frame,
The link between log frame and proposals
Professional Qualifications and Skills
Minimum of Bachelor Degree in Social Studies, Communications,
or other related field
Experience on developing
module especially
for Proposal writing based on Logical framework, Finance management and Networking
Good understanding of the Indonesia general culture.
Extensive experience in developing training modules and
materials, specifically trainings which have targeted Civil Society Organization.
Good communication skills and written/spoken fluency in
Bahasa Indonesia essential.
Good interpersonal skills, including patience, diplomacy,
willingness to listen as well as respect for beneficiaries required;
Coordination and collaboration
the implementation of these activities, the consultant
should have smooth collaboration with all stakeholders of the project,
such as local authorities, community members and ACTED staffs. He/she
will provide on a weekly to the ACTED Project Manager an update of the
ongoing activities to the ACTED Project Manager,
and will plan according to ACTED’s procedures with other key ACTED
staffs including programmes, finance and logistics.
Quotation Submission
Interested parties shall submit the quotations in following structure;
Cover letter;
References (minimum 3 relevant experiences);
List of similar modules/training materials provided by
the individual plus a sample of a training module;
Signed financial
proposition (bid): this should include all transportation to ACTED’s
Medan office for meetings and any other related costs for the duration
of the consultancy. The consultant has to include in the financial
proposition the taxes that will be paid by ACTED
(2% of the total amount if the consultant has tax registration number,
4% otherwise). The financial proposition will therefore be a gross
amount. All submissions without a bid will not be eligible.
ACTED will organise the location of the trainings and cover refreshment costs.
9. Deadline
for submitting the quotations:
Only short listed consultants will be contacted.
1 Address for submitting the quotations:
Medan (Logistics Department
Jl. Sei Serayu no. 97 –
Kec. Medan Baru.
+62 618211810