
Lowongan Project Officer for Preparation of Forest Investment Program, Jakarta

Currently we have immediate vacancy for high caliber Indonesians with high integrity to fill the following position:

Project Officer for Preparation of Forest Investment Program (FIP)

Organizational Context
The Forest Management Unit (KPH) development program is directed towards establishing enabling conditions for sustainable forest management and improved social welfare. It is mandated by Section 17 of Law 41 and Government Regulation No. 44 Year 2004 and Government Regulation No. 6 Year 2007 amended by Government Regulation 3 Year 2008. The Ministry of Forestry’s National-Level Forestry Plan (RKTN) has targetted to establish 600 KPH units throughout Indonesia’s forest areas by 2020, and 120 KPH by the end of 2014. The development of the model KPHs requires the preparation of forest management preconditions including management areas, institution/organization, human resources, infrastructure and management plans.

This national-level development policy still needs to be extended to the site level to be fully successful. However, there remain a number of obstacles, including:
  •  the lack of policy synergy within the Ministry of Forestry;
  •  lack of understanding and knowledge of the KPH concept;
  •  poor local institutional capacity in forest management; and
  •  poor capacity and limited access of communities to forest resources.
To overcome these obstacles to KPH development, it is important to establish a program that involves all stakeholders: the national government, subnational governments, NGOs, KPH, private sector, civil society and national and international donors. The Forest Investment Program (FIP) has identified KPHs as a key entry point for the The three FIP projects which will be supported through the World Bank, Asian Development Bank, and International Finance Corporation (IFC). FIP has established three main themes for such forest investment plans:

1. Institutional development for sustainable forest and natural resources management
2. Investments in forest businesses and community-run forest management
3. Community capacity building and livelihood development.

Regarding the proposed World Bank component, the Directorate-General for Forestry Planning supported the development of a comprehensive proposal for KPH development and further a concept note on FIP’s project proposal entitled “Community-Based Sustainable Natural Resources Management and Institutional Development”. The objective of the project is: “to help Indonesia reduce institutional barriers to sustainable forest management and REDD+ implementation at the national and sub-national levels.” The proposed project contains three components:
a. Component 1: Institutional strengthening, financial, and technical capacity and policy support in the Ministry of Forestry (national)
b. Component 2: Strengthening and development and transfer of forest management knowledge for subnational KPH development (subnational)
c. Component 3: Assist a small number of pilot KPHs to become operational and engage with local communities and other stakeholders to improve livelihood and economic activities from sustainable forestr management.

In preparation for project implementation the World Bank has agreed to provide US$ 500,000 to support a series of agreed activities which will result in a detailed Project Document (PD), and a Project Operational Manual (POM) which will provide the basis for the final approvals by the FIP Sub-Committee and the World Bank management in order to disburse the project funds to the Government of Indonesia. In order to coordinate the preparation activities required to produce these final outputs, the World Bank and the Ministry of Forestry have decided to appoint Kemitraan (The Partnership for Governance Reform) as an independent service provider, working under guidance and inputs from the Ministry of Forestry and World Bank, as well as other stakeholders.

The objectives of the project preparation activities are to:

1. prepare the Project Documentation (with specific content outlined in Section D below) that will be submitted to the FIP Sub-Committee;

2. prepare the Project Operational Mannual (POM), which is required for World Bank management clearance; and

3. Undertake public consultation activities to ensure that the project is in line with the priorities and perceptions of multi-stakeholders. This process may require techniques such as Focus Group Discussions (FGDs), workshops and other processes such as public meetings and requests for comment.

Under the guidance and supervision of the Program Manager SEG, the Project Officer will responsible for maintaining relation and cooperation with The Ministry of Forestry especially
Directorate of WP3H in implementation of activities of FIP preparation project. The Program Officer will work closely with the other related Ministry’s units, Project Coordinator for FIP project, Program Manager SEG, Financial and Administration Officer SEG, Project Assistant, Project Officer for MoFor, Consultant for Government Relation and CSO Engagement, and another SEG Team. The Project Officer also works in close collaboration with the other projects and programs, and other related units within Kemitraan in ensuring successful project implementation.

Summary of key functions
Programmatic strategic direction and operation

1. Contribute in identify areas of activities, support and intervention according based on the project purpose and outputs

2. Keep regular communications with the Project Coordinator, Program Manager and Program Director to ensure strategic interventions and project implementation
Project design and sunchronozation

1. Develop monthly work plan on the project implementation based on the project outputs and implementation timeframe

2. Provide technical assistance for partners especially Directorate WP3H Ministry of Forestry in preparation and formulating project plan

3. Coordination with other program team to address any relevant issues through a synchronization of activities from the stage of project design, work plan, implementation, monitoring and evaluation.
Project management and implementation

1. Managing the day-to-day operations of the project through close coordination with the Project Coordinator and Directorate WP3H Ministry of Forestry, and reporting to the Program Manager

2. Ensuring the achievement of project outcome and outputs

3. Provide technical assistance to partners in project management and implementation, including monitoring and evaluation

4. Working closely with Kemitraan’s finance and administration team in preparing documents for consultant recruitment, including identify candidates, selection process, budget, and contract.

5. Maintaining close monitoring on the implementation of activities conducted by consultants

6. Provide regular report on the progress and achievement of project implementation.

Coordination, Technical Assistance, and Networking

1. Maintain communication and coordination with partners and executing
agencies, mainly Ministry of Forestry and other related government agencies.

2. Maintain strategic partnerships and networking with partners and executing agencies, mainly Ministry of Forestry and other related government agencies

Recruitment Qualifications
Education and Skill:
Bachelors (S1) Degree in Forestry, Social Science or other related fields, having good knowledge regarding the current forestry policies; forest management unit /Kesatuan Pengelolaan Hutan (KPH); clear commitment to governance reform; humble in character and patient in listening to stakeholders is a must; willing to develop a good teamwork with the Partnership staff ; having a good skill in report writing, and good skill on the use of ICT.

Minimum 8 years of relevant experience in program planning, implementation and monitoring; having good and wide relation with government agencies, good understanding in community based forest management issues, forest management unit (Kesatuan Pengelolan Hutan/KPH), Climate Change and REDD+, and have experience and skill in facilitating the development of multi-stakeholders processes.

Language Requirements:
Fluency in English and Bahasa Indonesia

Please visit our website http://www.kemitraan.or.id/main/publication_detail/21/44/1282  for more details of the position. Only application submitted through our website will be processed. All applications are appreciated and will be treated with confidential manner. Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted.

Application deadline : 30 January 2014.